Giles: Into each generation, a Slayer is born. One girl, in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the... Buffy: ...the strength and skill to hunt the vampires, to stop the spread of evil, blah blah, I've heard it, okay?
This is a community made especially for the hardcore Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series fans. If you are a hardcore fan, join up. No wankers allowed! Any and all types of discussion related to BtVS and AtS are welcome here!
We're not dictators here, but we do have a few requests that we ask of our members.
1. Use the lj-cut tag!! It MUST be used on all spoilers, super long ass posts, and big pictures. (Don't know how to lj-cut? Go here to find out how.)
[Spoilers] are considered anything not yet aired on the West Coast (as they're the last to see Angel on Wednesday nights). Previews for the following week's episode are NOT considered spoilers because they were aired for all to see. If you'd like to talk about the plot of an episode and wish to cut it for those that might not have seen it, that's fine, but not required.
2. No flaming, and no feeding the trolls. The mods/maintainers will deal with those people accordingly.
3. Feel free to post any BtVS/AtS icons you've made. We're all about sharing. :) Though, when posting icons, we'd appreciate it if you left one teaser and put the rest behind an LJ-cut. Doing this will be appreciated by all of our members on dial-up.
[Icon Rules] These should be posted by the icon maker with the batch of icons. I am not going to play judge in a war over icon theft/no credit. If you post your icons, you will be the one to deal with these issues should they arise. The icon nazis at i_theft will be more than glad to help you, as the above issues are what they exist to eliminate.
4. I'd appreciate that if you "just have to" post quiz results such as "which member of the scooby gang are you?" in this community, post it in ONE entry. All replies with results should go in a comment on that entry. :) Actually, it might be best if you didn't post results (they clog up the journal and look kinda tacky) but I'm not going to be anal about it.
5. Ads. Advertising for other communities... (rpgs, fanfics, icon journals/communities, other btvs communities) is fine by us, but please put them behind a cut. Some people don't like seeing the community clogged up with ads, and some don't care to see ads at all. Think of the cut as a compromise.
And finally,
6. Don't be a bitca and we'll all get along just fine!
That's about it for the request/rule-type things. Have fun and keep it real!
willowtara <-- Love Willow & Tara and their relationship? This community feeds that need! willotaraicons <-- Great place to snag icons of our favorite Wiccan couple! buffy_icons <-- Want BtVS/AtS iconage? Hit this community. amberbenson <-- Fan of the Wonderful Ms. Benson? This is the place to be! btvsfans <-- A place for all fans to reunite... icon contests, theme weeks, etc... it's all there!
Own a BtVS/AtS related community? Or just absolutely love one? Think it should be added to the list of bitchin' communities? Tell naughty_tangled and it'll be added in!!