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Wed, Jul. 15th, 2020, 02:07 pm
Wed, Dec. 28th, 2016, 08:26 pm
I need another prompt chart, just like my first one, but this time I want twenty five prompts and five blank spots for me to put in my own prompts. Remember, I shuffle prompts around to suit the story best, but I do use the prompts, just not in ways that you imagine or expect usually. So, anyone want to make me a thirty count prompt chart? Twenty five you write, five you leave to me. Please comment or e-mail that you want to volunteer, you'll get first dibs on chapters as they're written instead of as they're posted, and you'll get continued contact with the author about how the story is going. As for when this sequel will be situated, I don't know, the prompts will tell me, and the prompts may spread over centuries, so who knows, right? So please, please please, help help help. [email protected] Mon, Dec. 12th, 2016, 12:06 am
Pairings: Spander Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... hard R (Yes, I wrote a little snippet, I wonder if anyone is interested?) Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: After the boys have bonded, there's still a need that must be met, can they do it, together? (Yes you need to have been immersed in the rest of the Truth Denied universe for this to make sense, yes, this is Spander) Word Count: 1262 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. He was blind. All parts found in tags and my memories Thu, Sep. 29th, 2016, 10:22 pm
Pairings: Spander Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... NC-17 (wrapping it up!) Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it. Word Count: 1529 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. Find a NSFW Truth Denied Banner beneath the cut! Xander bit down on a sweet potato French fry and laughed at something Edgar said. Previous Chapter The End All parts found in tags and my memories Mon, Sep. 26th, 2016, 03:36 pm
Pairings: Spander Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... PG-13 (Dealing with some things… hrm) Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it. Word Count: 2678 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. Find a NSFW Truth Denied Banner beneath the cut! Spike and Xander were listening to music on the sound system Spike had in his apartment, Previous Chapter Epilogue - Not Yet Posted All parts found in tags and my memories Wed, Sep. 21st, 2016, 07:50 pm
Pairings: Spander (*POINTS POINTS POINTS* SMUT!!!! MORE SMUT!!!) Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... NC-17 (You know why, if you don’t, then you really shouldn’t be reading this book at all) Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it. Word Count: 1854 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. Find a NSFW Truth Denied Banner beneath the cut! The center of the room was delineated by hangings of diaphanous blue silk Previous Chapter Next Chapter - Not Yet Posted All parts found in tags and my memories Sun, Sep. 18th, 2016, 12:12 am
Pairings: Spander (*POINTS POINTS POINTS* SMUT!!!!) Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... NC-17 (You know why, if you don’t, then you really shouldn’t be reading this book at all) Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it. Word Count: 2150 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. Find a NSFW Truth Denied Banner beneath the cut! Xander woke up in a new bed, in a new bedroom, with Spike holding him behind him. Previous Chapter Next Chapter - Not Yet Posted All parts found in tags and my memories Sat, Sep. 10th, 2016, 03:04 pm
Pairings: Spander (!!!!) Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... NC-17 (Due to... Well, if you can't figure it out, you really shouldn't be reading this chapter) Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it. Word Count: 2590 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. Find a NSFW Truth Denied Banner beneath the cut! Xander was in the safe room, wearing a smart, modern tuxedo with a bow tie. Previous Chapter Next Chapter - Not Yet Posted All parts found in tags and my memories Mon, Sep. 5th, 2016, 07:45 pm
Pairings: Spander (eventually) Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... PG13 (Due to other talk)? Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it. Word Count: 4157 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. Find a NSFW Truth Denied Banner beneath the cut! After Xander woke up they spent intense days rewiring Xander's memory. Previous Chapter Next Chapter - Not Yet Posted All parts found in tags and my memories Thu, Sep. 1st, 2016, 06:40 pm
Pairings: Spander (eventually) Appropriate Ratings: NC17 overall but this chapter... PG13 (Due to romance talk)? Disclaimers: Not my characters. I make no money off this, I'm just playing. I promise to give them a bath and thorough cleaning when I'm done! Joss Whedon is my lord and Master. All hail Joss Whedon. Short Summary: About five years post NFA, Xander needs a job, like, NOW! And runs into someone he knows where he'd least expect it. Word Count: 1409 (As per Microsoft Office 2013 Word Count) Beta: Comments keep my muse well fed. Find a NSFW Truth Denied Banner beneath the cut! Xander woke up the next day to sunlight falling through the window and onto his face. Previous Chapter Next Chapter - Not Yet Posted All parts found in tags and my memories |
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