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The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill has great potential to negatively affect estuarine fish populations. In order to assess possible impacts of this event, a series of sublethal lab experiments were performed, using the economically and... more
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      Marine ConservationFisheries BiologyMarine and Fisheries Policy
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      Marine ConservationFisheries BiologyMarine and Fisheries PolicyPetroleum Pollution
Energy exploration in the Gulf of Mexico (hereafter, Gulf) has resulted in the addition of numerous oil and gas production platforms that create structurally complex habitat in an area otherwise dominated by barren mud/sand bottom. How... more
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Increased loadings of nitrogen (N) from fertilizers, top soil, sewage, and atmospheric deposition are important drivers of eutrophication in coastal waters globally. Monitoring seawater and macroalgae can reveal long-term changes in N and... more
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    • Marine Biology