southern dudes
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Love Of The South [21 Mar 2009|12:44am]

Please take five minutes to help out a southern girl wanting to pursue her dream!

Polls close April 3rd! If you all would vote and get as many friends to vote/comment as possible I would love you forever!!!! I need 200 more votes! Steal my bandwidth. I don't care!! I love you even if I have no idea who you are!

- Jessica
[ holler]

Howdy y'all! [11 May 2008|11:50am]

Just figured I would introduce myself to the group :) Atlanta, GA here!

I am Bobby

[ holler]

Condo in Orlando CHEAP no strings [12 Feb 2007|01:08pm]

IF this isn't allowed please don't report me, just delete or let me know and I will asap
Thank you

Auction for charity:
[ holler]

[09 Feb 2007|07:20pm]

2 adult 4 day hopper passes, $420.00! (at gate it would be $526!)
this is for a worthy cause
[ holler]

URGENT please read all the way down [05 Dec 2006|09:28pm]

Please don't report this as Spam

I have two kittens
so sweet and playful
In need of a adoptive Home
or Foster home

There is a black male with a heart shapped tuft of white fur under his chest,
And a seal point? siamese female with blue eyes

They are still skittish of people
but warming up everyday
they were born outside,
and trapped after a few weeks

They are about 5 months old now, and small

THEY CAN NOT GO OUTSIDE, because they will run away

They need shots/fixing (spay/neuter which can be at a discount)

I can not keep them anymore (they are not my kittens, they were abandoned)
and I can not find a rescue for them, =(

my husband is saying he's going to release them into the wild
(I do not want this to happen)

If someone can please help let me know
In Irondale/Birmingham/Hoover
[ holler]

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