Working Papers by Anne Scott Sørensen

Internettet danner i stigende grad afsaet for en rekonfiguration af tidligere medier, der bringes... more Internettet danner i stigende grad afsaet for en rekonfiguration af tidligere medier, der bringes til at virke sammen på nye måder. Et eksempel på dette er ungdomssiden "Skum", der udbydes af DR. I denne artikel bliver der sat fokus på en bestemt del af denne, nemlig rubrikken "spil og satire", og naermere bestemt to af de relativt simple spil under denne rubrik: "Mujaffa" og "Bitch". De virker på forskellig vis sammen med andre dele af "Skum"/DR/tv/internettet og repraesenterer en ny kombination af genrerne satire og computerspil. Samtidig indgår de to spil i en resignifikation af køn og etnicitet, forstået som kulturelle skemaer, der er udsat for en aktuel forhandling i såvel ungdomskulturen som den bredere kulturelle kontekst. Med henblik på at belyse, hvordan denne resignifikation foregår i og omkring spillene inddrages udvalgte teorier om parodi, performance og sproghandlinger.
Papers by Anne Scott Sørensen

Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 2021
ABSTRACT Western European cultural policies increasingly target marginalized and socially deprive... more ABSTRACT Western European cultural policies increasingly target marginalized and socially deprived communities. In Denmark, this happens in the political and discursive context of the so-called “ghetto act” (2018), a set of laws and amendments aimed at radically changing low-income public housing neighbourhoods with a high percentage of “non-Western” residents. Consequential, several Danish public housing neighbourhoods undergo drastic renovation and demolition. Simultaneously, cultural governing bodies and institutions approach the neighbourhoods with a variety of publicly funded projects in arts and culture. These are part of a general strategy to reach new audiences / user groups by supporting art manifestations outside the formal art institutions but also of a more specific betterment agenda based on the assumption that the deprived social housing areas can be “elevated” through art and cultural projects. Based on research in four Danish social housing areas in urban margins, the article introduces the social and cultural policies targeting the areas. We identify a triple exposure to social inequality, stigmatization and intervention, and ask how public art projects in the areas interact with and may resist this exposure. From the perspective of Chantal Mouffe’s notions of antagonistic politics and dissensual artistic practices, we explore a range of public art projects in four selected social housing areas, and identify four different types of art projects: 1) permanent physical interventions, 2) temporary (re)makings of the neighbourhood, 3) reinforcement of creative skills and agency, and 4) co-inhabitation. Presenting cases from each of these four types, we outline their challenges and potentials. Finally, we discuss how they fit into and/or negotiate the “betterment” agenda and the seemingly neutral vision of the mixed, balanced, or creative city.
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift, 2014

Introduction Acknowledgments 1. Three Waves of Feminism: From Suffragettes to Grrls The First Fem... more Introduction Acknowledgments 1. Three Waves of Feminism: From Suffragettes to Grrls The First Feminist Wave: Votes for Women The Second Feminist Wave: "The Personal Is Political" The Third Feminist Wave: Transversal Politics Our Own Situatedness: Transversity 2. Feminist Communication Theories Structuralism and Feminist Communication Theories Poststructuralism and Feminist Communication Theories Conclusion 3. Feminist Communication Methodology Structuralism and Methodology Poststructuralism and Methodology Conclusion 4. Sexist Discourse, Deficit and Dominance From Deficit to Dominance Situated Dominances Case Study: Feminist Conversation Analysis (FCA) 5. Discourses of Difference and Identity Gender, Discourse, and Articulation Settings of Difference Case Study: Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis (FCDA) 6. Gender and Performance Gender, Performance, and Communication Situated Performances Case Study: Feminist Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA) Conclusion From Si...
This paper discusses performed appearance and negotiated norms of appropriate behavior on the soc... more This paper discusses performed appearance and negotiated norms of appropriate behavior on the social network site Facebook. Whereas former studies tended to highlight how communicating on Facebook adapts to neoliberal discourses on networking as means of self-promotion and intensified connectivity, we are going to argue that Facebook is rather about an ambiguous performativity of everyday life by which politicized discourses are filtered through social interaction and personal embodiment. Accordingly, we are going to demonstrate, how legitimate discourse on Facebook takes the form of “publicized modes” of appearance and an ongoing negotiation of “(in)appropriate” behavior, shared content and other forms of contribution.
With the improvement of people's living standards, the food safety issue occurs frequently. How t... more With the improvement of people's living standards, the food safety issue occurs frequently. How to identify all kinds of risks, evaluate these risks scientifically and manage the risk control effectively are the challenge for each sully chain manager and the relevant researchers. In order to reduce the occurrence of the food safety issues and ensure the quality of the people's life, it is necessary to evaluate the food safety. Based on the food supply chain safety evaluation model, this paper uses AHP fuzzy integrated evaluation method with a new scale to evaluate food supply chain safety risk. The paper provides reference to ensure the safety of the food supply chain.
In this article, we address how norms of appearance and participation on the social network site ... more In this article, we address how norms of appearance and participation on the social network site Facebook are negotiated through the personal profiles and interactions of a sample of Danish Facebook users. The study is based on a survey followed by focus group interviews and observation of participants’ profiles. We argue that communication on Facebook is characterized by an ambiguous performativity by which politicized discourses on public appearance are socially filtered and negotiated as social norm-building. Accordingly, we demonstrate how the personal profiles of Facebook take the form of ‘publicized modes’ of appearance and how a negotiation of ‘appropriate’ vs ‘inappropriate’ participation is taking place.
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift, 2016
She is also the director of CULT -a research project on cultural policies and communication, supp... more She is also the director of CULT -a research project on cultural policies and communication, supported by the Velux Foundation (2014-2017), and of the research programme Cultural Transformation at IKV. Hjørdis Brandrup Kortbek and Mette Thobo-Carlsen are post-doc researchers at CULT and currently on maternity leave.
K&K - Kultur og Klasse, 1996

Nordisk Museologi, 1970
This article presents a case study of the assembled events of The PartisanCafé and The Museum of ... more This article presents a case study of the assembled events of The PartisanCafé and The Museum of Burning Questions, curated by the transnational groupfreethought as part of their contribution to the Bergen Assembly 2016. It is arguedthat the assemblage forms an experiment to materialize present theories of radicaldemocracy and the radical art institution, respectively, and take the form of apara-institutional artivism. On this ground, and drawing on the concept of theassemblage, it is discussed what the outcome and learning of the experiment mightbe. The events played simultaneously in the city and on social platforms such asFacebook, mixlr and vimeo and together with released material on the internetfrom freethought these resources provide the empirical base of the case study. Theauthors participated in the opening week of September 2016 and the analyses aresupported by on site observation.
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling, 2017
ANMELDELSE: Formidlingsstrategier. En grundbog om kulturinstitutionernes formidling, af Casper Hv... more ANMELDELSE: Formidlingsstrategier. En grundbog om kulturinstitutionernes formidling, af Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Samfundslitteratur, 223 sider.

MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research, 2009
Weblogging (or blogging) is one the social media, characteristic of the web 2.0 generation. In th... more Weblogging (or blogging) is one the social media, characteristic of the web 2.0 generation. In this article, I will present a research on the Danish blogosphere, the focus of which has been on individual and personal blogging. Inspired by media geography, I pursue the idea that personal blogging can be understood as an embodied, collaborative and distributed practice which constitutes a digital realm to be inhabited by its users. Within media geography, the concept of “textures”, taken form Henri Lefevbre and the sociology of everyday life, designates how the self, the everyday and the mundane are spun together and mark out different cultural-material routes in and between space and place, real and virtual and in so doing create different reticular patterns of the commonplace (Falkheimer & Jansson, 2006; Jansson, 2002, 2008). By means of the concepts of textures, routes and patterns, I identify four different genres in personal blogging to be illustrated by four examples from the Da...
Working Papers by Anne Scott Sørensen
Papers by Anne Scott Sørensen