the soton posse — LiveJournal
Jul. 11th, 2012
12:05 am - MISSING DOG
Small chihuahua gone missing from st francis animal welfare, fair oak. last seen at around 1:30pm, 5/7/12. He is 11 years old, male - neutered. only has one tooth and his tongue sticks out to one side. He is micro chipped but has no collar. HE HAS SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS AND NEEDS TO BE FOUND ASAP. if anyone knows anything or has seen him please phone st francis animal welfare on 02380693282. or contact the owner on 0782 584 1549

May. 6th, 2010
01:32 pm - Canute's Pavilion
Right, slightly obscure question for people who remember Canute's Pavilion at Ocean Village...
Before the area towards the back of Canute's Pavilion was turned into Way Out West, in the early-to-mid-nineties, there used to be a bar upstairs. In the front window there was an American police car with the blue and red lights flashing on top, and a dummy dressed up like an American policeman in the driver's seat.
Can anyone here remember the name of the bar? I can't remember much more about it, so Google's been no use. Photos of it would really help - no-one I've spoken to remembers the place! Anyone out there know what I'm talking about?
Other details to possibly jog your memories: it was past the area with the Slush Puppie machine, the Track & Field arcade game, and the (frankly terrifying) Laughing Sailor penny arcade machine.

Apr. 15th, 2010
07:36 pm - KISS tickets...
I am selling two KISS tickets (standing) for the Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle show for Sunday May 2nd at 19:00pm. The reason I'm posting here is because I am based in the New Forest (was going to use the long weekend as a trip there) but can no longer go. The tickets cost me £94 all together but I am willing to sell pair for £50. Can meet and exchange either in Portsmouth, Southampton, New Forest area/surrounding. If interested, please comment here or send me a message.
Mar. 24th, 2010
Jan. 5th, 2010
01:20 pm - FREE pole fitness taster class
FREE pole fitness taster Tuesday 12th January in Cosham - you need to phone Karen to book a space. It is so much fun - give it a try :)
Please feel free to let others know in case they're interested :)

Jul. 23rd, 2009
06:48 pm - Guilfest Reviews & Photos
Hey Guys,
Its been just under two weeks since Karn8 played the Rocksound Cave at Guilfest and we thought this would be a good time to look back on the performance and let you in on some of the feedback and photographs we have received after the performance.
Guilfest Reviews
These are a couple of the reviews we have had in so far:
"It’s been a slow start at Guilfest on Friday so we’re more than ready for some dirty rock and roll and fortunately Karn8 are on hand to deliver the goods. This Hampshire based three piece centre around drums and guitar (courtesy of Leigh and Bones respectively) with singer Kirst providing the vocals and occasional additional guitar duties. The music is upbeat rock and roll leaning distinctly towards the garage end of the genre populated by the likes of MC5, although to bring it up to date they remind me of Juliette & The Licks. Kirst has some well practiced moves straight from the Debby Harry book of stage craft and she makes a compelling figure.
They mix up styles nicely with songs like ‘Old No.7’ dipping into smoke filled blues bars, whilst ‘Where the Fires Play’ rips it up like the Stooges at their most intense. The set isn’t without it’s problems however, the horrendous drone that plagued this tent last year threatens to return and it’s just not loud enough. The problem with this is firstly that it prevents Kirst’s voice from carrying too well and secondly that what should be bold slabs of rock and roll fall a little flat. That aside though it’s an assured and confident performance and they even pull off a passable version of The Doors' ‘Wild Child’. All in all it’s good stuff but they really need to be seen in a club venue with the volume cranked to the max."
Andrew Latham @ Room Thirteen
"Hampshire based trio Karn8 play a blistering set on the Rocksound stage. Front woman Kirst has a sultry and seductive vocal which draws you in only to be blown away by the heavy growl which hits the back of the tent, this really gives the band a depth and quality that many bands would like to have. They take in many styles of music and mix them up to create their own unique sound, which has certainly earned them an army of fans, many of which seem to be here to see them today as the tent is packed."
Kate @
Guilfest Photos
Here are some of the photos taken by Dave Vokes of LMI Photography and as a band we think these are some of the best live shots we've had in a long time!
See more pics here
Limited Edition T-shirts
To mark the occassion, Guilfest also saw us start selling limited edition 'Of All The Strange Things' T-shirts which have the album artwork on them. If you want to grab yourself one head on over to the online shop before they are all gone!
Up and Coming Gigs
Click on the gigs to go to the event page for more info, see you at the front!
Friday 24th July - Jericho Tavern, Oxford
Friday 31st July - Quake, Woking
Saturday 1st August - The Red Lion, Northfleet
Saturday 8th August - The Underbelly, London
Friday 9th October - Babalou, London
Sunday 1st November - The Purple Turtle, London
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new people in the Karn8 family, we hope you enjoy what we have to offer!
Keep it filthy
Kirst, Bones & Leigh
Apr. 14th, 2009
11:37 pm - "pimping" of records / club nights etc
i know this is a very slow community, but i would like to start enforcing some restraint in the spamming of the community with clubbing / band adverts. i realise there are plenty of struggling bands out there but we don't need to know about every one of them, especially if it has no connection with southampton.
therefore from now on, if you are wanting to paste a pre-prepared flyer or poster image, please,,,,
1) start the entry with some text explaining the relevance to people living in southampton AND
2) to respect peoples' friends page layouts etc, please put the picture behind an lj-cut tag.
people not adhering to this, or continuing to post adverts of club nights in Reading etc, may find their posts deleted from the community from now on. you have been warned.
thanks for your cooperation. happy chatting.
Apr. 1st, 2009
09:44 pm - Nails?
Can anyone recommend a good nail salon / beautician in Southampton?
I feel a little silly asking this, especially cos I'm not what you could call a girly-girl, but over the past two or three weeks I've finally managed to stop biting my nails and think it may help me learn to maintain it if I can get a professional manicure...
Thanks :)
Nov. 16th, 2008
06:10 pm - Smoke Or Fire

Gonna be awesome...check it out if you're in the vicinity!
Buy Tickets
Sep. 22nd, 2008
12:25 pm - Location...
I'm not sure if any of you on here can help...
I'm trying to shoot a music video and need to find some run-down or destroyed locations in the area, dilapidated houses, old fallen down buildings, warehouses, abandoned hospitals etc...
Everything I've found thus far has been a bit of a non starter due mostly to security.
so the question is, any one on here know of anywhere that is accessible and fits the above criteria ?
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