Book Chapters by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
Art and its Worlds , 2021
This papers questions the way that "Exhibition Studies" has developed as a discipline.
An account of the diverging understandings of the curator and its institutional set of relations ... more An account of the diverging understandings of the curator and its institutional set of relations that can be said to be inaugurated by Documenta 5 and the ICOM Roundtable in Santiago de Chile in 1972.
Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, 2019
Published version of the paper offered during the William Bullock Museography conference at MUAC,... more Published version of the paper offered during the William Bullock Museography conference at MUAC, Mexico, 2018.
¡Autonomización! ¡Autonomía!, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, TEA, 2019, 2019
A constituent education. In: The Constituent Museum. Valiz, Amsterdam, pp. 128-131. ISBN 9789492095428 , 2018
El arte de la institución. In: Cohabitar Entre - Emergencias institucionales. Prácticas artísticas. Procesos colectivos. ICUB-Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-9156-045-6, 2017
Memorias y Ovidos del Archivo, 2010
Paisajes del Placer, Paisajes de la Crisis, 2004
Books by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
Liburu hau "Aktak" -Montehermoso Kulturuneko programazio barnean egindako mintegi eta ikastaro de... more Liburu hau "Aktak" -Montehermoso Kulturuneko programazio barnean egindako mintegi eta ikastaro desberdinak jasotzen diztuzten argitalpenak-proiektuaren partea da. 2010eko abenduaren 3 eta 4an burututako Inter/ Multi/Cross/Trans. Artearen teoriaren eremu ezezaguna kapitalismo akademikoaren garaian izeneko ikastaroan egin ziren txosten desberdinen bilduma hain zuzen ere.
Talks by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
A podcast with Ràdio Web Macba
This paper critically analyses what it calls a "methodological cosmopolitanism" of the ... more This paper critically analyses what it calls a "methodological cosmopolitanism" of the "global" art world. Examining the narratives with which the process of globalisation in art has been described since the early 1990s, the paper suggests that despite shifting critical terms the institutional structure of the artworld remains tied to an unreconstructedly Kantian model of cosmopolitanism, for which Europe continues to function as the model of the universal.
The rise of Curatorial Studies as an academic discipline since the late 1980s saw a gradual side-... more The rise of Curatorial Studies as an academic discipline since the late 1980s saw a gradual side-lining of Museum Studies, which were often posited as too technically minded and institutionally bound to contain the most speculative and experimental aspects of curatorial practice. However, this took place just as the more politicised New Museology, which had been given fuel by liberationist movements in Latin America a decade earlier, began to make its mark into the English-speaking world. This paper will retrace that history and ask what potential might still be found in those earlier attempts to rethink the European model of the museum in which the curator, far from emerging as a new author, was to serve as a vanishing mediator.
Talk at Goldsmiths College, 26 November 2018
Paper presentado en “Ens Toca! Recuperem l’espai Públic a través de la Cultura” organizadas por l... more Paper presentado en “Ens Toca! Recuperem l’espai Públic a través de la Cultura” organizadas por la asociación Amics de l’Ateneu Santboià en colaboración con la red Trans Europe Halles del 13 al 15 de junio de 2013.
Intervencio a carrec del Sra. Yaiza Hernandez, cap de Programes Publics del MACBA, en el marc del... more Intervencio a carrec del Sra. Yaiza Hernandez, cap de Programes Publics del MACBA, en el marc del Primer Seminari Internacional 'Politiques d'arxiu: la nocio d'arxiu i les practiques artistiques contemporanies', celebrat a la Universitat de Girona els dies 19 a 21 de desembre de 2011
Book Reviews by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
Radical Philosophy, 2013
Review of Christoph Menke's Force
Book Chapters by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
Books by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
Talks by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
Book Reviews by Yaiza Hernández Velázquez