Lauren Nadler
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Papers by Lauren Nadler
is, however, likely to be highly constrained by habitat heterogeneity, energetic constraints, resource availability, and diurnal patterns of activity, thereby limiting their capacity to move between reefs or habitats.
from shallow reefs surrounding Lizard Island in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The flow regime at each site was measured to ascertain differences in mean water flow speed and its temporal variability. Swimming and escape behaviour in fish schools were video-recorded in a laminar-flow swim tunnel. Though each school’s swimming behaviour (i.e. alignment and cohesion) was not associated with local flow conditions, traits linked with fast-start performance (particularly turning rate and the distance travelled with the response) were significantly greater in individuals from high-flow habitats. This stronger performance may occur due to a number of mechanisms, such as an in situ training effect or greater selection pressure for faster
performance phenotypes in areas with high flow speed.
Management of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish. More specifically, this review considers progress in addressing
41 specific research questions posed in a seminal review by P. Moran 30 years ago, as well as exploring new directions for CoTS research. Despite the plethora of research on CoTS (>1200 research articles), there are persistent knowledge gaps that constrain effective management of outbreaks. Although directly addressing some of these questions will be extremely difficult, there have been considerable advances in understanding the biology of CoTS, if not the proximate and ultimate cause(s) of outbreaks. Moving forward, researchers need to embrace new technologies and opportunities to
advance our understanding of CoTS biology and behavior, focusing on key questions that will improve effectiveness of management in reducing the frequency and likelihood of outbreaks, if not preventing them altogether
traits has been largely overlooked. Here, we discuss mechanisms by which physiological traits—particularly those related to metabolism and locomotor performance—may result in phenotypic assortment not only among but also within animal groups. At the among-group level, varying combinations of passive assortment, active assortment, phenotypic plasticity and selective mortality may generate phenotypic differences among groups.
Even within groups, however, individual variation in energy requirements, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, neurological lateralization and tolerance to environmental stressors are likely to produce differences in the spatial location of individuals or associations between group mates with specific physiological phenotypes. Owing to the greater availability of empirical research, we focus on groups of fishes (i.e. shoals and schools). Increased knowledge of physiological mechanisms influencing among- and within-group assortment will enhance our understanding of fundamental concepts regarding optimal group size, predator avoidance, group cohesion, information
transfer, life-history strategies and the evolutionary effects of group membership. In a broader perspective, predicting animal responses to environmental change will be impossible without a comprehensive understanding
of the physiological basis of the formation and functioning of animal social groups.
Euphasia superba, represents an economically valuable industry, as its extractable oil is sold as a human dietary supplement. The aim of this study was to determine the amount and composition of the oil contained in discarded Nephrops heads and to compare its composition to the oil extracted from krill. Differences due to Geographical variation and seasonal patterns in the amount and composition of lipid were also noted. Results indicated that Nephrops head waste samples collected from more
southern locations in Scotland (Clyde Sea area) contained higher levels of oil when compared to samples collected from northern locations in Iceland. Moreover, seasonal differences within the Clyde Sea area in Scotland were also observed, with oil extracted from Nephrops head waste peaking at
around 11.5% during the summer months when larger and more mature females were caught by trawl. At this time of the year, the valuable fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA) accounted for around 23% of the total fatty acid content in oil extracted from Nephrops head waste. A seasonal effect on EPA content was found, with higher levels obtained in the summer, while no trend was found in DHA percentages. Finally, oil from Nephrops head waste contained
a higher proportion of EPA and DHA than krill oil but these fatty acids were more abundantly linked to the neutral lipids rather to than polar lipids. The characterization of lipid that could be extracted from Nephrops head waste should be seen as a first step for the commercial use of a valuable resource currently wasted. This approach is extremely relevant given the current limited supply of EPA and DHA and changes in the Common Fisheries Policy
will affect the behaviour, sensory systems and physiology of a range of fish species. Although a number of past studies
have examined effects of CO2 in gregarious fishes, most have assessed individuals in social isolation, which can alter individual
behaviour and metabolism in social species. Within social groups, a learned familiarity can develop following a prolonged
period of interaction between individuals, with fishes preferentially associating with familiar conspecifics because
of benefits such as improved social learning and greater foraging opportunities. However, social recognition occurs
through detection of shoal-mate cues; hence, it may be disrupted by near-future CO2 conditions. In the present study, we
examined the influence of elevated CO2 on shoal familiarity and the metabolic benefits of group living in the gregarious
damselfish species the blue-green puller (Chromis viridis). Shoals were acclimated to one of three nominal CO2 treatments:
control (450 μatm), mid-CO2 (750 μatm) or high-CO2 (1000 μatm). After a 4–7 day acclimation period, familiarity was examined
using a choice test, in which individuals were given the choice to associate with familiar shoal-mates or unfamiliar
conspecifics. In control conditions, individuals preferentially associated with familiar shoal-mates. However, this association
was lost in both elevated-CO2 treatments. Elevated CO2 did not impact the calming effect of shoaling on metabolism, as
measured using an intermittent-flow respirometry methodology for social species following a 17–20 day acclimation period
to CO2 treatment. In all CO2 treatments, individuals exhibited a significantly lower metabolic rate when measured in a
shoal vs. alone, highlighting the complexity of shoal dynamics and the processes that influence the benefits of shoaling.
is, however, likely to be highly constrained by habitat heterogeneity, energetic constraints, resource availability, and diurnal patterns of activity, thereby limiting their capacity to move between reefs or habitats.
from shallow reefs surrounding Lizard Island in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The flow regime at each site was measured to ascertain differences in mean water flow speed and its temporal variability. Swimming and escape behaviour in fish schools were video-recorded in a laminar-flow swim tunnel. Though each school’s swimming behaviour (i.e. alignment and cohesion) was not associated with local flow conditions, traits linked with fast-start performance (particularly turning rate and the distance travelled with the response) were significantly greater in individuals from high-flow habitats. This stronger performance may occur due to a number of mechanisms, such as an in situ training effect or greater selection pressure for faster
performance phenotypes in areas with high flow speed.
Management of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish. More specifically, this review considers progress in addressing
41 specific research questions posed in a seminal review by P. Moran 30 years ago, as well as exploring new directions for CoTS research. Despite the plethora of research on CoTS (>1200 research articles), there are persistent knowledge gaps that constrain effective management of outbreaks. Although directly addressing some of these questions will be extremely difficult, there have been considerable advances in understanding the biology of CoTS, if not the proximate and ultimate cause(s) of outbreaks. Moving forward, researchers need to embrace new technologies and opportunities to
advance our understanding of CoTS biology and behavior, focusing on key questions that will improve effectiveness of management in reducing the frequency and likelihood of outbreaks, if not preventing them altogether
traits has been largely overlooked. Here, we discuss mechanisms by which physiological traits—particularly those related to metabolism and locomotor performance—may result in phenotypic assortment not only among but also within animal groups. At the among-group level, varying combinations of passive assortment, active assortment, phenotypic plasticity and selective mortality may generate phenotypic differences among groups.
Even within groups, however, individual variation in energy requirements, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, neurological lateralization and tolerance to environmental stressors are likely to produce differences in the spatial location of individuals or associations between group mates with specific physiological phenotypes. Owing to the greater availability of empirical research, we focus on groups of fishes (i.e. shoals and schools). Increased knowledge of physiological mechanisms influencing among- and within-group assortment will enhance our understanding of fundamental concepts regarding optimal group size, predator avoidance, group cohesion, information
transfer, life-history strategies and the evolutionary effects of group membership. In a broader perspective, predicting animal responses to environmental change will be impossible without a comprehensive understanding
of the physiological basis of the formation and functioning of animal social groups.
Euphasia superba, represents an economically valuable industry, as its extractable oil is sold as a human dietary supplement. The aim of this study was to determine the amount and composition of the oil contained in discarded Nephrops heads and to compare its composition to the oil extracted from krill. Differences due to Geographical variation and seasonal patterns in the amount and composition of lipid were also noted. Results indicated that Nephrops head waste samples collected from more
southern locations in Scotland (Clyde Sea area) contained higher levels of oil when compared to samples collected from northern locations in Iceland. Moreover, seasonal differences within the Clyde Sea area in Scotland were also observed, with oil extracted from Nephrops head waste peaking at
around 11.5% during the summer months when larger and more mature females were caught by trawl. At this time of the year, the valuable fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA) accounted for around 23% of the total fatty acid content in oil extracted from Nephrops head waste. A seasonal effect on EPA content was found, with higher levels obtained in the summer, while no trend was found in DHA percentages. Finally, oil from Nephrops head waste contained
a higher proportion of EPA and DHA than krill oil but these fatty acids were more abundantly linked to the neutral lipids rather to than polar lipids. The characterization of lipid that could be extracted from Nephrops head waste should be seen as a first step for the commercial use of a valuable resource currently wasted. This approach is extremely relevant given the current limited supply of EPA and DHA and changes in the Common Fisheries Policy
will affect the behaviour, sensory systems and physiology of a range of fish species. Although a number of past studies
have examined effects of CO2 in gregarious fishes, most have assessed individuals in social isolation, which can alter individual
behaviour and metabolism in social species. Within social groups, a learned familiarity can develop following a prolonged
period of interaction between individuals, with fishes preferentially associating with familiar conspecifics because
of benefits such as improved social learning and greater foraging opportunities. However, social recognition occurs
through detection of shoal-mate cues; hence, it may be disrupted by near-future CO2 conditions. In the present study, we
examined the influence of elevated CO2 on shoal familiarity and the metabolic benefits of group living in the gregarious
damselfish species the blue-green puller (Chromis viridis). Shoals were acclimated to one of three nominal CO2 treatments:
control (450 μatm), mid-CO2 (750 μatm) or high-CO2 (1000 μatm). After a 4–7 day acclimation period, familiarity was examined
using a choice test, in which individuals were given the choice to associate with familiar shoal-mates or unfamiliar
conspecifics. In control conditions, individuals preferentially associated with familiar shoal-mates. However, this association
was lost in both elevated-CO2 treatments. Elevated CO2 did not impact the calming effect of shoaling on metabolism, as
measured using an intermittent-flow respirometry methodology for social species following a 17–20 day acclimation period
to CO2 treatment. In all CO2 treatments, individuals exhibited a significantly lower metabolic rate when measured in a
shoal vs. alone, highlighting the complexity of shoal dynamics and the processes that influence the benefits of shoaling.