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The Malnutrition-Inflammation Score (MIS), an inexpensive and easy-to-assess score of 0 to 30 to examine protein-energy wasting (PEW) and inflammation, includes 7 components of the Subjective Global Assessment, body mass index, and serum... more
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Previous studies showed an association between the presence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and mortality in patients on dialysis therapy. An association between RLS and cardiovascular risk also was reported in the general population.... more
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      Kidney diseasesKidney transplantationProspective studiesAmerican
Macula densa (MD) cells express the Na + /H + exchanger (NHE) isoform NHE2 at the apical membrane, which may play an important role in tubular salt sensing through the regulation of cell volume and intracellular pH. These studies aimed to... more
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      PhysiologyWestern blottingKidneyMice
Although anemia is a known risk factor of mortality in several patient populations, no prospective study to date has demonstrated association between anemia and mortality in kidney-transplanted patients. In our prospective cohort study... more
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      Kidney transplantationSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeProspective studies
Complement activation by polymeric gene and drug delivery systems has been overlooked in the past. As more reports appear in the literature concerning immunogenicity of polymers and their impact on gene expression patterns, it is... more
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      BiomaterialsComplement activationDrug Delivery SystemMultidisciplinary
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      BritishImmunohistochemistryEnzyme InhibitorsLipopolysaccharides
Background and objectives: Obesity is associated with increased parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the general population and in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). A direct effect of adipose tissue on bone turnover through leptin... more
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      Kidney transplantationVitamin DLeptinPeptides
Background and objectives: We assessed the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and its clinical correlates in a large sample of patients who received a kidney transplant (Tx). We also compared the prevalence of the disorder... more
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      Kidney transplantationSleep ApneaObstructive sleep apneaAbdominal Circumference
To characterise the relationship between diurnal blood pressure and the subsequent increase of urinary albumin excretion (UAE) in normotensive normoalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patients, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was... more
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      DiabetesMultivariate AnalysisBlood PressureCircadian Rhythm
Immunosafety analysis of pharmaceutical surfactants is an important step in understanding the complex mechanisms by which they induce side effects in susceptible patients. This paper provides experimental evidences that polyethoxylated... more
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      Complement activationPaclitaxelEuropeanGlycerol
A Danubian Biobank Konzorcium hálózatba szervezi és kiterjeszti az Ulm és Budapest közötti Duna-menti egyetemek biobanking tevékenységét. A konzorciumban három nagy egye-tem (Regensburgi Egyetem, Semmelweis Egyetem, Budapest és a Bécsi... more
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      European UnionNetworkingTissue BanksBiobanking
Introduction Impaired kidney function is common in kidney-transplanted patients and complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD), such as mineral and bone disorders (MBD) are also prevalent in this population. Similarly to other stages... more
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      IT ManagementChronic kidney diseaseKidney transplantationVitamin D
Introduction To date, only a few, at times conflicting, reports suggested that renal function and mortality are associated in kidney-transplanted patients. In our prevalence cohort study, we tested the hypothesis that renal function is... more
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      Kidney diseasesChronic kidney diseaseKidney transplantationSurvival Analysis
Introduction Dialysis treatment prior to transplantation may contribute to premature mortality and graft loss in kidney-transplanted patients. In this prevalent cohort study (TransQol-HU Study), we analyzed the association between... more
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      Kidney transplantationTreatment OutcomeAdolescentMedical History
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Background. Past studies identified an association between kidney stone disease (KSD) and hypertension. We recently reported a high occurrence of hypertension in families of patients with hyperuricosuric KSD. As hypercalciura frequently... more
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      GeneticsCalciumFamily historyPhosphorus
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      DentistryOral MucosaRatsMouth mucosa
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      DentistryImmunohistochemistryConnective tissueCapsaicin
Background: Chronic renal failure (CRF) is frequently accompanied by systemic vascular alterations which further increase the morbidity and mortality of these patients. However, the nature and the underlying mechanisms of vascular... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyHistamineAdenosineNitric oxide
Multi-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy is a state-of-the-art confocal imaging technique ideal for deep optical sectioning of living tissues. It is capable of performing ultra-sensitive, quantitative imaging of organ functions in... more
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      Multiphoton MicroscopyFluorescence MicroscopyTemporal ResolutionKidney