? ?
08 July 2011 @ 05:10 pm
A quick summary of the past month or so...
- Garden is still growing... lettuce is about to bloom, butterfly bush bloomed but had the wrong color flowers. I finally produced two cucumbers, but they're not ready yet.
- Didn't do much on the 4th this year since it was storming on and off. Just hung out with the guys at home.
- I got glasses again, two pairs, and though I love them, I think I'll get a third, more delicate pair.
- I've been serving a few shifts a week at work. Got my first bad customer a few days ago... she special ordered a dish, took one bite, and refused to pay. She was incredibly rude to me, but I just put on my best customer service face and dealt. Lili handled it and banned them from the restaurant.
- I decided not to go to the Panzer AG show on my birthday. I was just too tired from work and didn't feel like it.
- I turned 25. Yay, quarter century. Time to actually start doing something with my life. I've been researching online schools.
- I started Minecraft today and probably will be into that for a while. I love it so far, despite the hilariously cheesy late 90's feel.
10 June 2011 @ 03:41 pm
Not having the best day. Woke up from nightmares with a sore mouth... I must have been grinding my teeth worse than usual. Sometime on my way from dropping Jeff off at work, I hit a screw. It pierced my front passenger's side tire, but the tire stayed inflated. I know I shouldn't have, but I continued on to work in midtown and even back, and it still held. Thank you, Ronan.

And speaking of Ronan himself, I told him on Facebook that I named my first car after him and he actually replied! He seemed pretty amused by it. And it turns out there is another couple somewhere that did the same thing! There are two cars named after that man!

Work has been odd. A mix of happy and depressing and stressful. Happy because I like all the new people and I get to work with lotus0eater. Sad because Nick was verbally abused basically forced to quit in an awful way. And stressful because I've got my first serving shift tomorrow morning and I'm not feeling too confident. But I'll be surrounded by people who can help me, so I know I'm worrying more than I should.

My sister is going to have her baby soon. I feel guilty for not being around pretty much at all during this time, but at the same time, it sort of stresses me out just thinking about being there. That house is an enormous depression/anxiety trigger for me. Which is unfortunate, because my mom still lives there and I miss her. Sorry if I'm bringing people down with me in this post. I don't mean to, but I guess I still need this space to vent.

The garden is still going pretty well. I've made many a sandwich with homegrown lettuce since. The oregano, cucumbers, and catnip are all blooming. I'm having a little trouble with the cukes, though... some of the baby cucumbers have turned yellow and dried up. I don't think it's from lack of water, though. I'm pretty diligent about that. Everything else is doing fine, aside from that, and the raspberries. I was silly to think they could withstand Georgia heat. :/

Also, in dorkier news, I finally assembled my kitsune pack on the Pokemon site. Pretty foxes.
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: anxiousanxious
04 June 2011 @ 01:08 am
Been seriously considering abandoning my LiveJournal lately. Most of the people I used to follow have moved on or simply disappeared. And I find myself having less time to sit down and write out what I did, and the convenience of Twitter + Facebook is all too inviting. I'll leave it up, of course, but I think I'm going to stop shelling out $30 a year to hang out here ad-free with more userpics.

Anyway, I promised my mom I'd post the pictures from our latest fossil adventure, so here they are...

The rest are here...Collapse )
We're already planning our next one to Andalusia, Alabama for shark fossils in a river, and a certain creek that contains Cretaceous stuff. Very excited.
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: crazycrazy
Listening to: "Undisclosed Desires" - Muse
22 May 2011 @ 01:06 pm

Been a minute.
The creepy monks stand in the back of the pub where my kitties live, in a dark room lined with barbed wire. Thoughts of Weeping Angels come to my mind whenever I pass them. I got this shot through a broken part of the window. Before, I couldn't see much of anything inside.

Went to Alex's with Kat, Daniel, and Michael last night. Apparently others were on their way, but Michael was my ride and he got invited out by a lady, so we had to dip. The night before, we went to Leon's and came home with Ian, Clinton, Jeff, and Lizzie for Venture Brothers, but everyone was so drunk that we just talked over it.

We're leaving for our adventure the day after tomorrow. I can't wait. Work is going to go by so slowly tomorrow. Must remember sunscreen, ziplocks, tupperware, and my swimsuit.

Also, I'm just a little disappointed about the rapture not happening. I wanted to do some serious looting, you know?
Listening to: "Close" - Neuroticfish
16 May 2011 @ 04:42 pm

Have hardly had a moment with the computer lately. Anyway, I picked my first raspberries this morning! Balcony gardening for the win! They were very sweet, luckily. I was afraid they'd be sour. The plant itself seems kinda unhappy, though. I think it wants to live in the real ground. So once it's done blooming and producing, it's getting pruned hardcore and transplanted into my mom's yard. I'll circle it with creek stones and that will be that.

Anyway, not much else worth mentioning. Been going to a lot of parties and working. Not been getting enough sleep, either. I'm looking forward to a chill evening when I get home from work... Doctor Who and Game Of Thrones with the guys later... Counting the days until our bug/fossil adventure next week...
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: busybusy
Listening to: "Just Can't Get Enough" - Depeche Mode
09 May 2011 @ 09:15 pm

Been very busy lately, but right now I'm getting close to the end of a 4-day break from work. I spent yesterday at Indian Springs State Park with my mom. The place was in the beginning of the 13-year magicicada swarm, much to my not-so-normal delight. We explored the woods and got caught by park rangers with our metal detector. Apparently it's illegal to use them in state parks. We had no idea. They told us that if we had found any artifacts, that we'd have to give them up. But all we had managed to dig up was a smashed Coke can. My mom then decided that if we weren't allowed to keep any treasures, why bother digging? So we left. XD Anyway, I've been meaning to make a photo post, and all the pictures I took yesterday are included.
+ imagesCollapse )

Jeff and I were supposed to meet Daniel and Kat in Panama City Beach today, but early on we decided that a six to seven hour drive wasn't worth it if we had to do it again the next day. I'm a little disappointed, but it was sort of a bad idea. Plus, we're going on our fossil hunt/magicicada trip in less than 3 weeks anyway. Looking forward to that!

We made the [bad] decision at Kat's graduation party, which was hosted at Riley's place the night before last. It was a fun party, and drama-free this time, thankfully. Well, drama-free that I know of. We stayed until about 4 and hit Waffle House afterward. So yes, I ended up going adventuring with my mom on about 4 hours of sleep.

Before that, there was Adam's going-away party, which was also fun and silly. There was a bonfire and we played with his dog, Oliver, a lot. There was some serious drama at that one, but as usual, I was only a witness.

Also, I'm back on Facebook. If you'd like to add me, feel free, but let me know who you are if you think I won't recognize you.
01 May 2011 @ 09:43 pm
So, of course, the Aesthetic Perfection show was amazing. I remember leaving the club as Daniel Graves and his friends jumped onto the carnival ponies. Something hilarious about a grown man on one those things they used to have out in front of Wal-Mart. I didn't get any good pictures, as usual, as my camera cannot remotely handle club lighting and fog. But the set included "Spilling Blood", which was amazing because as much as I love AP, Necessary Response is my favorite of Mr. Graves's projects.

Anyway, today was my day off and I spent most of it cleaning and hanging out. The tea plant is still alive, but I've cut off some of the damaged, dead parts. Cucumbers are sprouting their spiked second leaves, and the wisteria is climbing up the wall. The berries are growing a little slowly, but it's still early. Basil is still crawling. The oregano has made a full recovery and is putting out new growth all over the place. As is the butterfly bush. I got a stand for the lettuce, and put my West Nile research crow in with the bush. Maybe pics tomorrow...
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: tiredtired
28 April 2011 @ 12:57 am
Heading to bed during an epic storm. I tried to get some lightning pictures, but the wind started blowing rain onto the balcony, which drove me away...

Going to this show tomorrow night after work... I was going with djzuruk, but plans sort of fell through due to my work schedule. I've seen AP before, and look forward to the second chance in such a tiny venue. I might try to get some pictures, but it depends on how my camera reacts to the lighting at The Shelter. And this time I'm definitely getting a shirt.
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: okayokay
27 April 2011 @ 07:22 pm

Progress shots of cucumbers and lettuceCollapse )

My tea came! I can finally make homegrown black tea. ♥ Well, once it's had some time to recover and grow. It had a bit of a rough time getting here, as you can see, but I think it will survive. I was really starting to stress after two failed deliveries (despite my message saying "Please leave with the front office, thank you!" WRITTEN ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BOX). I knew it had left the nursery on the 22nd, and knew it wouldn't have gotten any water since then. I don't expect a lot of the wilted new growth to make it, because of this. But it's potted with two kinds of fertilizer and plenty of water now. We'll see. Gotta think of a name...
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: relievedrelieved
Listening to: "Fresh Hex" (feat. Beck) - Tobacco
26 April 2011 @ 10:17 pm

Been back since Sunday night, just haven't gotten around to updating. The picture was taken on my way home from work today. I love Superjail. And I've been trying to take more pictures lately. My spot at the red light was not good for any kind of composition.

Anyway, the trip was brief. I got there near bedtime and had lunch in Hendersonville with the family the next day. By five, I was on the road again. Rutherfordton is a very pretty town in the spring. Flowers in every yard.

Work was a little slow today. Once I got out, I went to the post office, visited the pub cats and took a few pictures, and afterward I watered the garden, then joined Jeff and Ian at the Decatur Diner. After that, Ian and I went to Last Chance and I think I found a good table for the balcony area. I wanted to wait until maybe tomorrow to get it, though. Now I'm watching Venture Bros with the guys and getting ready to go to a "mandatory" Noodle gathering at Lizzie's.
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: sleepysleepy
23 April 2011 @ 01:37 pm
Leaving for a short adventure to North Carolina this afternoon... I see myself getting stuck in Mall of Georgia traffic, but eh. I'll make myself a good long playlist and just deal with it, I guess. But yes, I am basically driving four hours to go to sleep, wake up and have a meal with my family over a holiday I don't celebrate, then it's another four hours back to Atlanta. Honestly, I find the drive sort of soothing, but it's lonely.

The cucumbers sprouted today, three days early, and I have so many seeds left over. I heard that growing cucumbers from their own seeds is a bad idea, so hopefully some of the Ferry Morse seeds I have will still be good next spring. Maybe I should give some away so they have a chance.
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: energeticenergetic
20 April 2011 @ 04:27 pm
Busy day so far... it's only half-way over, but it will probably slow down once it starts raining again later. Meh.

Not much has been going on lately. My plants are all still growing beautifully (except for the basil, which is progressing at a snail's pace). The raspberry is covered in open blossoms, so I've got high hopes for that. I also planted cucumbers the day before yesterday, so we'll see how that goes. They're not supposed to sprout for another six or seven days...

Jeff and I decided to try to cut through the woods to the farmer's market on Sunday, which was a bit of an adventure. It was briers and bees the entire way. There's no trail, but it can be done. And I got some raspberry tea out of it in the end. I think I'll just stick to the sidewalks from now on... plus, that will give me an excuse to poke around in the vintage shop, Kudzu, on the way back.

I also found out that my brother in North Carolina, Brannon, lost his grandmother this morning. She was a heavy smoker and that eventually lead to her end. She watched me during the summers sometimes when Dad couldn't afford childcare, but I wasn't close to her. Sadly, I can't even picture her face. I think it's been at least 15 years since I'd been to their house... Anyway, it's very sad for him, as she was one of Brannon's main caregivers after his mother died.
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: cynicalgrrr
17 April 2011 @ 01:39 pm

Yes, I am posting a picture of a sandwich to my LJ. Dorking it up big time to show off the first time I could top a sandwich with greens I grew myself. One of many this summer, I predict. And no, I didn't grow the avocado. I'm in the wrong growing zone for that, but if I could, I would.
15 April 2011 @ 04:51 pm
Bracing ourselves for another bad storm. Apparently the one that's on its way has already killed eight people. So... there's that. Anyway, I'm on my break and just wanted to make a short update. I'm betting that the bad weather is going to make for a slow night. We have seven people on tonight, so this is going to probably be a night for walking in circles and talking to everyone at the server's station.

I also wanted to mention that I went to The Shelter with djzuruk Tuesday night and saw Iris, Mesh, and De/Vision on their Legends of Synthpop tour. It felt like a very long night, but we only stayed til a little after midnight. I had a great time, though. I have been listening to De/Vision on and off since the summer of 2003, so it was pretty amazing to finally get to hear them live. Also, and I may be imagining things, it seems like The Shelter has better sound equipment than The Masquerade, where traditionally these sort of events have been held. I'm looking forward to going again when Aesthetic Perfection comes back through at the end of the month.

Anyway, back to midtown...
Current Location: 30030
Current Mood: complacentcomplacent
Listening to: "Drugs" - Ratatat