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This article points out the concept of militarized security policies –i.e. the direct involvement of the military in homeland security tasks and the armed confrontation of the cartels- in contempo-rary Mexico. In this context, the... more
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      Militarization & PowerMexicoMéxicoMilitarism and militarization
L’article traite le sujet des « zones grises » en deux parties. Dans la premiere partie, se presente une analyse des similitudes de ce phenomene dans le cas du Mexique et de la Colombie et plus precisement dans l’Etat de Sinaloa et le... more
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    • Political Science
This article points out the concept of militarized security policies –i.e. the direct involvement of the military in homeland security tasks and the armed confrontation of the cartels- in contemporary Mexico. In this context, the... more
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      SovereigntyPolitical ScienceMilitarization & PowerMexico
The consecutive crises of the last decade have eroded public support for the EU, especially so among Southern European member states. A long-standing scholarly debate centers around whether it is economic or cultural considerations that... more
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    • Politics and Governance Studies
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