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This work reports on the applicability of the Broadway recommendation computation ap-proach for implementing a query renement (QR) service in the context of a distributed infor-mation retrieval and gathering system. The Broadway... more
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      Case Base ReasoningMeta Search Engine
This work copes with the problem of link prediction in large-scale two-mode social networks. Two variations of the link prediction tasks are studied: predicting links in a bipartite graph and predicting links in a unimodal graph obtained... more
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      Supervised LearningPrediction ModelLink PredictionBipartite Graph
This paper describes the design choices and the prototype implementation of CoopScan, a generic framework for synchronous groupware development. We focus on architectural issues and on strategies for integration of existing single−user... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHuman FactorsErgonomics & Human FactorsApplication development
This paper describes the design of a peer-to-peer system for collaborative management of distributed bibliographical databases. The goal of this system is twofold: firstly, it aims at providing help for users to manage their local... more
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Replicated data consistency is a key issue in the design of distributed real time groupware applications. In this paper, we propose a new protocol to cope with this problem. The proposed algorithm guarantees an optimal response time while... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDistributed ComputingParallel Computing
In this paper we describe a multi-agent system, called COWING that aims at enabling an organised group of people to share their results of information searching on the World Wide Web. Users normally save relevant sites they found in their... more
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      Multi Agent SystemDistributed CollaborationInformation NeedIndexation
In this paper, we describe a cooperative P2P bibliographical data management and recommendation system (COBRAS). In CO-BRAS, each user is assisted by a personal software agent that helps her/him to manage bibliographical data and to... more
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      Data ManagementCase Based ReasoningRecommender SystemSoftware Agent
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      Recommender SystemExperimental StudySoftware AgentPeer to Peer
In this work we propose a new efficient algorithm for communities construction based on the idea that a community is animated by a set of leaders that are followed by a set of nodes. A node can follow different leaders animating different... more
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Bookmark systems are now recognised as a practical mean that allow users to land mark interesting sites in the huge information space that constitute the World Wide Web. In this paper we argue that, by building collaborative bookmark... more
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      Privacy ProtectionInformation SpaceWorld Wide WebManagement System
This paper presents a new approach in the management of mobile ad hoc networks. Our alternative, based on mobile agent technology, allows the design of mobile centralized server in ad hoc network, where it is not obvious to think about a... more
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      Distributed ComputingComparative StudyMobile Ad Hoc NetworkComputer Software
Après une introduction à la recherche d'informations sur le Web et une classification des assistants d'aide à la navigation sur le Web, cet article décrit une nouvelle approche pour l'aide à la navigation sur le Web centrée fouille de... more
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Bookmark systems are now recognised as a practical mean that allow users to land mark interesting sites in the huge information space that constitute the World Wide Web. In this paper we argue that, by building collaborative bookmark... more
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      Privacy ProtectionInformation SpaceWorld Wide WebManagement System
Groupware applications introduce new requirements in terms of access control that are not adequately handled by access control models devel- oped for non collaborative applications. The central presence of humans in the context of... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAccess ControlHCIData Protection
In this paper we present an original approach for community detection in complex networks. The approach belongs to the family of seed-centric algorithms. However, instead of expanding communities around selected seeds as most of existing... more
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Nous nous intéressons dans ce travail à la problématique du développement des applications pour le travail coopératif, dites aussi collecticiels. Un collecticiel est à la fois une application multi-utilisateurs, répartie et interactive.... more
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We define an adaptive Web site as a site that can automatically change itself in order to optimise its effectiveness viewed from one or more site's actor point of view. The aim of this paper is two folds: firstly we propose a new... more
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Groupware applications introduce new requirements in terms of access control that are not adequately handled by access control models developed for non collaborative applications. The central presence of humans in the context of... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAccess ControlHCIData Protection
This paper provides a state of art survey of works using social network analysis (SNA) techniques for improving performances of an on-line help desk. The processing of a client request Qc can be achieved following oe ofg the following... more
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      PedagogyClassical Reception StudiesAntiquityDidactique des langues