Papers by Y. Thierry-mieg
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
ready People M. Colange (LIP6) Crocodile: symbolic/symbolic analysis of SNB MeFoSyLoMa 23 mars 20... more ready People M. Colange (LIP6) Crocodile: symbolic/symbolic analysis of SNB MeFoSyLoMa 23 mars 2012 4 / 15 SDD Set DD : set assignments edges labels = sets Hierarchical : edges labels = SDD M. Colange (LIP6) Crocodile: symbolic/symbolic analysis of SNB MeFoSyLoMa 23 mars 2012 7 / 15 M. Colange (LIP6) Crocodile: symbolic/symbolic analysis of SNB MeFoSyLoMa 23 mars 2012 8 / 15 M. Colange (LIP6) Crocodile: symbolic/symbolic analysis of SNB MeFoSyLoMa 23 mars 2012 8 / 15

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
We encountered some limits when using the GreatSPN model checker on life-size models, both in tim... more We encountered some limits when using the GreatSPN model checker on life-size models, both in time and space complexity. Even when the exponential blow-up of state space size is adequately handled by the tool thanks to the use of a canonization function that allows to exploit system symmetries, time complexity becomes critical. Indeed the canonization procedure is computationally expensive, and verification time for a single property may exceed 2 days (without exhausting memory). Using the GreatSPN model-checking core, we have built a distributed modelchecker, dmcG, to benefit from the aggregated resources of a cluster. We built this distributed version using a flexible software architecture dedicated to parallel and distributed model-checking, thus allowing full reuse of GreatSPN source code at a low development cost. We report performances on several specifications that show we reach the theoretical linear speedup w.r.t. the number of nodes. Furthermore, through intensive use of multi-threading, performances on multiprocessors architectures reach a speedup linear to the number of processors.

Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs - FTfJP '13, 2013
ABSTRACT Controller synthesis consists in automatically generating a controller to restrict a har... more ABSTRACT Controller synthesis consists in automatically generating a controller to restrict a hardware or software system so that it respects given requirements, for instance safety properties. Existing synthesis tools for discrete event systems mainly solve the problem for systems described in low-level formalisms. Controller synthesis, however, is not used in most industrial engineering processes. Barriers to wider adoption are the complexity of formally expressing the system and its requirements, the state explosion induced by large systems, and the limited confidence in the result, due to the difficulty in understanding the generated code. We propose an iterative, incremental, and semi-automatic approach to controller design, supporting the engineering process and mitigating state space explosion during synthesis. To provide a high-level environment, our approach is implemented in VeriJ, a Java-like language, and illustrated on a significant example taken from automated transport systems.
This paper presents algorithms and data structures that exploit a compositional and hierarchical ... more This paper presents algorithms and data structures that exploit a compositional and hierarchical specification to enable more efficient symbolic modelchecking. We encode the state space and transition relation using hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams (SDD) . In SDD, arcs of the structure are labeled with sets, themselves stored as SDD.
This tutorial is proposed by representatives of the MeFoSyLoMa group. MeFoSyLoMa is an informal g... more This tutorial is proposed by representatives of the MeFoSyLoMa group. MeFoSyLoMa is an informal group gathering several teams from various universities in the Paris area:Université Paris-Dauphine (LAMSADE laboratory),Université P. & M. Curie (LIP6 ...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2013
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), made of distributed autonomous nodes, is designed to monitor phy... more A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), made of distributed autonomous nodes, is designed to monitor physical or environmental conditions. WSNs have many application domains such as environment or health monitoring. Their design must consider energy constraints, concurrency issues, node heterogeneity, while still meeting the quality requirements of life-critical applications. Formal verification helps to obtain WSN reliability, but usually requires a high expertise, which limits its adoption in industry. This paper presents VeriSensor, a domain specific modeling language (DSML) for WSNs offering support for formal verification. VeriSensor is designed to be used by WSN experts. It can be automatically translated into a formal specification for model checking. We present the language, its translation, show how they work on a simple case study, and illustrate how several metrics and properties relevant to the domain can be evaluated.
Papers by Y. Thierry-mieg