Papers by Alexander Terekhov

Experimental brain research, Jan 26, 2016
We address the nature of unintentional changes in performance in two papers. This first paper tes... more We address the nature of unintentional changes in performance in two papers. This first paper tested a hypothesis that unintentional changes in performance variables during continuous tasks without visual feedback are due to two processes. First, there is a drift of the referent coordinate for the salient performance variable toward the actual coordinate of the effector. Second, there is a drift toward minimum of a cost function. We tested this hypothesis in four-finger isometric pressing tasks that required the accurate production of a combination of total moment and total force with natural and modified finger involvement. Subjects performed accurate force-moment production tasks under visual feedback, and then visual feedback was removed for some or all of the salient variables. Analytical inverse optimization was used to compute a cost function. Without visual feedback, both force and moment drifted slowly toward lower absolute magnitudes. Over 15 s, the force drop could reach 2...

Journal of Motor Behavior, 2016
The authors explored application of analytical inverse optimization (ANIO) method to the normal f... more The authors explored application of analytical inverse optimization (ANIO) method to the normal finger forces in unimanual and bimanual prehensile tasks with discrete and continuously changing constraints. The subjects held an instrumented handle vertically with one or two hands. The external torque and grip force changed across trials or within a trial continuously. Principal component analysis showed similar percentages of variance accounted for by the first two principal components across tasks and conditions. Compared to unimanual tasks, bimanual tasks showed significantly more frequent inability to find a cost function leading to a stable solution. In cases of stable solutions, similar second-order polynomials were computed as cost functions across tasks and condition. The bimanual tasks, however, showed significantly worse goodness-of-fit index values. The authors show that ANIO can be used in tasks with slowly changing constraints making it an attractive tool to study optimality of performance in special populations. They also show that ANIO can fail in multifinger tasks, likely due to irreproducible behavior across trials, more likely to happen in bimanual tasks compared to unimanual tasks.

Neuron, 2014
Our tactile perception of external objects depends on skin-object interactions. The mechanics of ... more Our tactile perception of external objects depends on skin-object interactions. The mechanics of contact dictates the existence of fundamental spatiotemporal input features-contact initiation and cessation, slip, and rolling contact-that originate from the fact that solid objects do not interpenetrate. However, it is unknown whether these features are represented within the brain. We used a novel haptic interface to deliver such inputs to the glabrous skin of finger/digit pads and recorded from neurons of the cuneate nucleus (the brain's first level of tactile processing) in the cat. Surprisingly, despite having similar receptive fields and response properties, each cuneate neuron responded to a unique combination of these inputs. Hence, distinct haptic input features are encoded already at subcortical processing stages. This organization maps skin-object interactions into rich representations provided to higher cortical levels and may call for a re-evaluation of our current understanding of the brain's somatosensory systems.

Current biology : CB, Jan 5, 2016
Humans, many animals, and certain robotic hands have deformable fingertip pads [1, 2]. Deformable... more Humans, many animals, and certain robotic hands have deformable fingertip pads [1, 2]. Deformable pads have the advantage of conforming to the objects that are being touched, ensuring a stable grasp for a large range of forces and shapes. Pad deformations change with finger displacements during touch. Pushing a finger against an external surface typically provokes an increase of the gross contact area [3], potentially providing a relative motion cue, a situation comparable to looming in vision [4]. The rate of increase of the area of contact also depends on the compliance of the object [5]. Because objects normally do not suddenly change compliance, participants may interpret an artificially induced variation in compliance, which coincides with a change in the gross contact area, as a change in finger displacement, and consequently they may misestimate their finger's position relative to the touched object. To test this, we asked participants to compare the perceived displacemen...

The question of the nature of space around us has occupied thinkers since the dawn of humanity, w... more The question of the nature of space around us has occupied thinkers since the dawn of humanity, with scientists and philosophers today implicitly assuming that space is something that exists objectively. Here we show that this does not have to be the case: the notion of space could emerge when biological organisms seek an economic representation of their sensorimotor flow. The emergence of spatial notions does not necessitate the existence of real physical space, but only requires the presence of sensorimotor invariants called `compensable' sensory changes. We show mathematically and then in simulations that na\"ive agents making no assumptions about the existence of space are able to learn these invariants and to build the abstract notion that physicists call rigid displacement, which is independent of what is being displaced. Rigid displacements may underly perception of space as an unchanging medium within which objects are described by their relative positions. Our findings suggest that the question of the nature of space, currently exclusive to philosophy and physics, should also be addressed from the standpoint of neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2015
ABSTRACT The design of robotic systems is largely dictated by our purely human intuition about ho... more ABSTRACT The design of robotic systems is largely dictated by our purely human intuition about how we perceive the world. This intuition has been proven incorrect with regard to a number of critical issues, such as visual change blindness. In order to develop truly autonomous robots, we must step away from this intuition and let robotic agents develop their own way of perceiving. The robot should start from scratch and gradually develop perceptual notions, under no prior assumptions, exclusively by looking into its sensorimotor experience and identifying repetitive patterns and invariants. One of the most fundamental perceptual notions, space, cannot be an exception to this requirement. In this paper we look into the prerequisites for the emergence of simplified spatial notions on the basis of a robot’s sensorimotor flow. We show that the notion of space as environment-independent cannot be deduced solely from exteroceptive information, which is highly variable and is mainly determined by the contents of the environment. The environment-independent definition of space can be approached by looking into the functions that link the motor commands to changes in exteroceptive inputs. In a sufficiently rich environment, the kernels of these functions correspond uniquely to the spatial configuration of the agent’s exteroceptors. We simulate a redundant robotic arm with a retina installed at its end-point and show how this agent can learn the configuration space of its retina. The resulting manifold has the topology of the Cartesian product of a plane and a circle, and corresponds to the planar position and orientation of the retina.

Neuron, 2014
Our tactile perception of external objects depends on skin-object interactions. The mechanics of ... more Our tactile perception of external objects depends on skin-object interactions. The mechanics of contact dictates the existence of fundamental spatiotemporal input features-contact initiation and cessation, slip, and rolling contact-that originate from the fact that solid objects do not interpenetrate. However, it is unknown whether these features are represented within the brain. We used a novel haptic interface to deliver such inputs to the glabrous skin of finger/digit pads and recorded from neurons of the cuneate nucleus (the brain's first level of tactile processing) in the cat. Surprisingly, despite having similar receptive fields and response properties, each cuneate neuron responded to a unique combination of these inputs. Hence, distinct haptic input features are encoded already at subcortical processing stages. This organization maps skin-object interactions into rich representations provided to higher cortical levels and may call for a re-evaluation of our current understanding of the brain's somatosensory systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

Journal of Motor Behavior, 2013
The neural control of movement has been described using different sets of elemental variables. Tw... more The neural control of movement has been described using different sets of elemental variables. Two possible sets of elemental variables have been suggested for finger pressing tasks: the forces of individual fingers and the finger commands (also called "finger modes", or "central commands"). In this study we analyze which of the two sets of the elemental variables is more likely used in the optimization of the finger force sharing and which set is used for the stabilization of performance. We used two recently developed techniques -the analytical inverse optimization (ANIO) and the uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis -to evaluate each set of elemental variables with respect to both aspects of performance. The results of the UCM analysis favored the finger commands as the elemental variables used for performance stabilization, while ANIO worked equally well on both sets of the elemental variables. A simple scheme is suggested as to how the CNS could optimize a cost function dependent on the finger forces, but for the sake of facilitation of the feed-forward control it substitutes the original cost function by a cost function, which is convenient to optimize in the space of finger commands.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010 - Conference Proceedings, 2010
In this study we develop a feedback controller for a four wheeled autonomous mobile robot. The pu... more In this study we develop a feedback controller for a four wheeled autonomous mobile robot. The purpose of the controller is to guarantee robust performance of an aggressive maneuver (90 degrees turn) at high velocity (about 10 m/s) on a loose surface (dirty road). To tackle this highly nonlinear control problem, we employ multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to explore and optimize the parameters of a neural network-based controller. The obtained controller is shown to be robust with respect to uncertainties of the robot parameters, speed of the maneuver and properties of the ground. The controller is tested using two mathematical models of significantly different complexity and accuracy.
7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (2010), 2010
In this work we regard the problem of trajectory planning for aggressive maneuver of a wheeled mo... more In this work we regard the problem of trajectory planning for aggressive maneuver of a wheeled mobile robot on loose surface. Our approach is inspired by previously reported analysis of professional rally racers actions during sharp turn. Using numerical simulations we obtain a set of solutions representing all possible compromises between speed and accuracy of maneuver. We choose a particular solution and extend it by producing a continuous mapping from desired trajectory turn angles to parameters of the control inputs.

Emerging Trends in Mobile Robotics - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 2010
In this paper we present a mobile robotic platform designed for experimental analysis of the robo... more In this paper we present a mobile robotic platform designed for experimental analysis of the robot control during sliding at high velocity. We use the developed platform for experimental analysis of the mobile robot performing aggressive 90 degrees steering maneuver at high speed (about 8 m/s) on the highly slippery surface (Coulomb friction coefficient about 0.4). The maneuver is performed in feedforward manner by the controller, which was previously developed using methods of stochastic multiobjective optimization applied to the simplified mathematical model of the robot. The theoretical trajectory of the maneuver assumes significant oversteering associated with large slippage angle (more then 30 degrees), which is kinematically incompatible with noslipping condition and thus is significantly dependent on actual properties of the wheel-terrain interaction. The experimentally observed trajectory of the robot was qualitatively similar to the one obtained in the model, though the actual angle of turn was less then the desired (about 75 degrees instead of 90 degrees).

Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2010
We consider the problem of what is being optimized in human actions with respect to various aspec... more We consider the problem of what is being optimized in human actions with respect to various aspects of human movements and different motor tasks. From the mathematical point of view this problem consists of finding an unknown objective function given the values at which it reaches its minimum. This problem is called the inverse optimization problem. Until now the main approach to this problems has been the cut-and-try method, which consists of introducing an objective function and checking how it reflects the experimental data. Using this approach, different objective functions have been proposed for the same motor action. In the current paper we focus on inverse optimization problems with additive objective functions and linear constraints. Such problems are typical in human movement science. The problem of muscle (or finger) force sharing is an example. For such problems we obtain sufficient conditions for uniqueness and propose a method for determining the objective functions. To illustrate our method we analyze the problem of force sharing among the fingers in a grasping task. We estimate the objective function from the experimental data and show that it can predict the force-sharing pattern for a vast range of external forces and torques applied to the grasped object. The resulting objective function is quadratic with essentially non-zero linear terms.
It is generally assumed that motor actions are performed in an optimal manner based on minimizati... more It is generally assumed that motor actions are performed in an optimal manner based on minimization of some cost function. At the same time movements display a certain amount of variability across repetitions. Recently, two experimental approaches of been developed to analyze these features of motor performance.
Abstract We studied the coordination of arm movements in standing persons who performed an out-of... more Abstract We studied the coordination of arm movements in standing persons who performed an out-of-phase arm-swinging task while stepping in place or while standing. The subjects were instructed to stop one of the arms in response to an auditory signal while trying to keep the rest of the movement pattern unchanged. A significant increase was observed in the amplitude of the arm that continued swinging under both the stepping and standing conditions. This increase was similar between the right and left arms.
During multi-finger pressing and prehension tasks fingers are not independent of one another. The... more During multi-finger pressing and prehension tasks fingers are not independent of one another. The behaviors of enslaving [1] and force deficit [2, 3] limit finger independence. Enslaving is the name that has been given to the behavior of fingers producing force unintentionally when other fingers are instructed by the performer to intentionally produce force. Force deficit is the behavior of individual fingers producing less force in a multifinger maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) task than in a single-finger MVC task.
Abstract: In this work we regard the problem of trajectory planning for aggressive maneuver of a ... more Abstract: In this work we regard the problem of trajectory planning for aggressive maneuver of a wheeled mobile robot on loose surface. Our approach is inspired by previously reported analysis of professional rally racers actions during sharp turn. Using numerical simulations we obtain a set of solutions representing all possible compromises between speed and accuracy of maneuver.
Abstract This is an exploratory study of the accurate endpoint force vector production by the hum... more Abstract This is an exploratory study of the accurate endpoint force vector production by the human arm in isometric conditions. We formulated three common-sense hypotheses and falsified them in the experiment. The subjects (n= 10) exerted static forces on the handle in eight directions in a horizontal plane for 25 s. The forces were of 4 magnitude levels (10, 20, 30 and 40% of individual maximal voluntary contractions). The torsion moment on the handle (grasp moment) was not specified in the instruction.
Papers by Alexander Terekhov