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This paper examines the interaction of the visual and verbal texts for picture books and illustrated chapter books published in Japan. Japanese picture books are produced in both left-to-right and right-to-left gross textual directions.... more
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      Translation StudiesChildren's and Young Adult Literature
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A discussion of the changes made to Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The changes were made in order to avoid possible racism in the presentation of the Oompa-Loompas as black African Pigmies. The changes actually made in the text... more
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    • Children's and Young Adult Literature
In The Fourth Horseman, Kate Thompson makes the very unusual choice of including Aikido as a named, non-generic martial art. Martial arts are common in children's literature, but usually as a simple mechanism for allowing children to... more
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    • Children's and Young Adult Literature
The written text of picturebooks is often deceptively simple. However, as Riita Oittinen (2003) shows in her analysis of Swedish, German and Finnish translations of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are (1963), picturebook text can... more
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      Translation StudiesChildren's and Young Adult Literature
In three of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories there are brief appearances of the Baker Street Irregulars, a group of ‘street Arabs’ who help Holmes with his investigations. These children have been re-imagined in modern... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureSherlock Holmes
This is another thing I wrote for our department journal. It arose out of a growing irritation with the use of Wall's (1991) classifications of implied readers in children's literature. It is, I think, an important topic, but it didn't... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureAudience and Reception StudiesNarrative Theory
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      Literary StylisticsChildren's and Young Adult Literature
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      Children's LiteratureLiterary Adaptation
This investigation examines a collection of historical fiction for children linked by setting (late Victorian London) and protagonists (Sherlock Holmes’ Baker Street Irregulars, the children who assisted Holmes with his investigations).... more
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      Children's LiteratureHistorical Fiction
This paper examines the common prevalence for parodic books for children (especially picture books) which have parodic references likely to be unknown to child readers. I reject the argument that such texts are simply double audience... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureAudience and Reception Studies
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    • Children's Literature
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      Translation StudiesChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureMinority LanguagesChildren's Rights
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage Acquisition
Bi-modal input, experiencing a text both visually and aurally, can be a great aid to comprehension and memory. Better understanding of texts leads to better memory for content and can result in greater enjoyment of texts. Bi-modal... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionReading Intervention
Extensive reading of children’s literature can be seen as one of the most powerful means to acquiring a large working vocabulary for both first language learners and second language learners. However, for foreign language learners,... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionChildren's LiteratureChildren's readingChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes are two of the most famous characters in popular British culture. In this paper I examine the links between the two in terms of their actors, their writers, and their personal attributes. The strongest... more
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureDoctor WhoSherlock Holmes
'The Amazing Maurice in Japanese and German: A Contrastive Study of Domestication Strategies and Ideology in Translation' English Language and Literature. Vol 53, 2017. pp 29-63. This abstract is added for this page and is not part of... more
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      Children's LiteratureLanguage and IdeologyTranlation Studies
Literary translators and translation, when noticed at all, have a poor public image inconsistent with the evidence of skill and effort shown in translators’ essays, postscripts and interviews, and with the respect shown to literary... more
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    • Translation Studies
In Julius Caesar Shakespeare reproduces one of the pivotal moments in European history. Brutus and Mark Antony, through the medium of their forum speeches, compete for the support of the people of Rome. In the play, as in history, Mark... more
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    • Rhetoric