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Welcome! (There's more here than meets the eye.)

Welcome to som_i_serem, a new LJ community for all of us who bleed blaugrana! The founding members met each other through a wonderful, hilarious, but sadly no longer maintained LJ community called _fcbarcelona_. We decided that the best way to ensure an active comm in honor of our favorite football team was to create and maintain one ourselves, so here we are. Som i serem is Catalan for "We are and we will be."

Most of our content is restricted to members only. However, anyone can become a member, and any member is welcome to post material of interest to the community (if you have not posted before, just PM a mod for permission).

We hope that you will join us in making this a fun and welcoming place to share our thoughts and feelings about our team. ¡Visca el Barça!