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Papers by Jorge Suby
order to evaluate the impact of the industrialization (late 19th and early 20th centuries) on the increasing rates of this disease.
Materials: Historical, paleopathological, and current epidemiological data were reviewed.
Methods: Data were integrated under a paleopathological approach.
Results: Skeletal evidence suggests the existence of TB before colonization. This is followed by two different
periods of increasing TB rates: a probable but unconfirmed first stage, related to the contact between Europeans and natives during the 16th-18th centuries, and a second stage during the Industrial Revolution, from the 1880s to the 1950s, when it was finally controlled with the aid of chemotherapies.
Conclusions: TB rates increased during industrialization, coincident and probably related to immigration, the
disorganized growth of cities, and bad working conditions. Nowadays, TB is under control in the general population, but it remains an important health problem in areas with poor living conditions and in immunocompromised patients.
Significance: This is the first study that integrates archaeological, historical and epidemiological data to
acknowledge the pathway of TB in Argentina.
Limitations: No skeletal evidence of TB from 19th and 20th centuries and from medical archives from sanatoria
are available.
Suggestions for further research: Further research needs to be conducted from these
propose the potential parasitic infections produced by the consumption of marine molluscs, fishes, birds and sea mammals by human populations from Patagonia during the Holocene, considering the current parasitic species identified in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. We searched in journal articles and book chapters for references of archaeological remains of molluscs, fishes, seabirds and marine mammals recorded in archaeological sites from the Atlantic coast below the 42nd parallel South. Afterwards, we surveyed all the macroparasites of marine origin
identified by current parasitological research in the same species found in the archaeological record. We found that most of the marine species in the zooarchaeological record of Patagonia are currently hosts of many parasites. Some species of molluscs, fishes and pinnipeds are highly infected by larvae that are potentially hazardous for human health. Some of them are responsible for acute or chronic zoonotic diseases, with severe consequences depending on how
the food was cooked, the amount of consumed parasites and the immune response of the host, in this case, humans. Fishes are host of several parasites related to anisakidosis and corynosomiasis. Sea lions species were also a potential source of the same zoonosis but also diphyllobothriasis. Molluscs are hosts of several parasitic species, but with less severe consequences for human health. On the other hand, birds are infected by adult parasites, without direct zoonotic importance. These findings, although limited by temporal and environmental variability, can provide a speculative overview about the potential influence of marine diets in the health of past hunter-gatherers of Patagonia, particularly if fishes, molluscs or marine mammals were consumed inadequately cooked.
and proposes future directions for paleopathological research. It focuses on the disease patterns in hunter-gatherer societies
and the changes produced by contact and colonization. Studies of oral pathologies showa high frequency of dental attrition
and low frequency of caries and antemortem tooth loss. Individuals with terrestrial dietary patterns show evidence of higher
mechanical stress in the spine than those who participated in marine economies, based on the prevalence of Schmorl’s
nodes and vertebral osteophytosis. Porotic hyperostosis is more prevalent in individuals who had a marine diet and is probably
related to nutritional impairment and parasitic infections. A higher frequency of metabolic stress was identified in individuals
who lived in missions, perhaps because of declining quality in diet, hygiene, and living conditions. Paleoparasitological studies
identified several species of parasites associated with human skeletons and terrestrial fauna. Moreover, recent studies suggested
that treponematosis and tuberculosis were present in Patagonia since at least 1000 years BP. Future paleopathological research
should increase the size and quality of studied samples and apply new methods and interpretive criteria. Detailed research into
infections, degenerative joint diseases, and trauma (including violence episodes) has rarely been conducted.
Durante la última década el análisis de los cam-bios entésicos se ha incluido como parte de las investiga-ciones bioarqueológicas de diversas regiones de Argentina. En este trabajo se presenta una síntesis de los principales resultados alcanzados hasta el momento y se proponen al-gunos caminos para los futuros estudios. Los resultados más recientes desarrollados en Argentina tienen en cuenta, en general, los conocimientos más actuales. Se identifican, sin embargo, tres aspectos a ser considerados: 1) las distintas PALABRAS CLAVE marcadores de estrés musculoesqueletal; bioarqueología; actividad física metodologías de registro empleadas; 2) el reconocimiento y control de los múltiples factores biológicos involucrados en los cambios entésicos, incluyendo la masa corporal, la talla y la robustez diafisial, además del sexo y la edad; y 3) la interpretación multifactorial de sus resultados. Se discuten los alcances que han tenido estos estudios en escalas locales y se proponen nuevos avances considerando interrogantes teóricos y metodológicos.
Analysis of entheseal changes was included during the last decade as part of bioarchaeological research from different regions of Argentina. This paper presents a synthesis of the main results achieved so far in the study of entheseal changes of archaeological human remains from Argentina. The most recent research takes into consideration the most current knowledge. However, three aspects have to be taken into account: 1) the different recording methodologies; 2) the recognition and control of the multiple biological factors involved in entheseal changes, including body mass, body size, and the diaphyseal robus-ticity, in addition to sex and age; and 3) the multifactorial interpretation of the results. Local progress is discussed and future prospects are proposed, considering theoretical and methodological issues.
La osteocondritis disecante (OCD) es una patología que afecta el cartílago articular y el hueso subcondral en las epífisis articulares de humanos y otros mamíferos. A pesar de que su etiología es multifactorial, la presencia de esta lesión ha sido frecuentemente atribuida a microtraumatismos reiterados por los efectos de la actividad física sobre las articulaciones afectadas. Este trabajo involucra un primer paso en el estudio de esta patología en restos humanos de Patagonia Austral, la cual no fue analizada en forma sistemática. El objetivo es analizar la variabilidad de la OCD en un conjunto de restos humanos de 26 individuos adultos pertenecientes a sociedades de cazadores-recolectores de esta región durante el Holoceno medio-tardío (ca. 5200-70 años AP) y su posible relación con la edad, el sexo, la dieta, la cronología y el geográfica de procedencia. Se discute si su expresión está vinculada con los patrones de actividad física desarrollados por los grupos, en función de las prácticas económicas llevadas a cabo. La prevalencia general observada en esta muestra (42,3%), mayor a la reportada para poblaciones actuales, sugiere que la actividad física habría desempeñado un rol importante en el desarrollo de la OCD en al menos parte de las personas afectadas.
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a pathology that affects the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone in the articular epiphyses of humans and other mammals. Although its etiology is multifactorial, its presence has been frequently attributed to repetitive microtrauma because of physical activity on the affected joints. This paper is a first step in the study of this pathology in human remains from Patagonia Austral, as it has not been systematically studied. The objective is to analyze the variability of the OCD in a sample of 26 hunter-gatherer adult individuals that lived in this region during the Middle-Late Holocene (ca. 5200-70 years BP) and its possible relationship with age, sex, diet, chronology and region of origin. The association between its expression and the patterns of physical activity developed in accordance with the economic practices, is discussed. The overall prevalence observed in this sample (42,3%), higher than that reported for current populations, suggests that physical activity would have played an important role in the development of OCD in at least part of the affected individuals.
ABSTRACT. This paper presents the main results and discussions carried out during the Third National Workshop on Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology, held at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of La Plata, on May 19-20, 2016. During the workshop, oral communications about the study of skeletal and dental remains were presented, focusing on the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of the implementation of complementary or alternative research methods and techniques. The oral presentations were organized in scientific sessions along different thematic lines. The first session focused on Dental anthropology; the second one, that included expositions about Paleopathology, paleoparasitology and taphonomy, included research that discussed about the use of the body, health and cultural alterations. In the third session, concerning Microscopic and densitometric analysis, the scope and difficulties of conducting these studies were considered. Finally, the last session focused on Sex determination methodologies; in this case, archaeological adult samples were analyzed, and proposals for immature sex determination were conducted. During the meeting, the need to define criteria that contribute to the institutions responsible for the care of the collections of skeletal remains to provide authorization for analysis with specific equipment was expressed. Also, the need to emphasize the divulgation of the results of bioarchaeological and paleopathological studies in academic and non-academic areas was strongly argued.
order to evaluate the impact of the industrialization (late 19th and early 20th centuries) on the increasing rates of this disease.
Materials: Historical, paleopathological, and current epidemiological data were reviewed.
Methods: Data were integrated under a paleopathological approach.
Results: Skeletal evidence suggests the existence of TB before colonization. This is followed by two different
periods of increasing TB rates: a probable but unconfirmed first stage, related to the contact between Europeans and natives during the 16th-18th centuries, and a second stage during the Industrial Revolution, from the 1880s to the 1950s, when it was finally controlled with the aid of chemotherapies.
Conclusions: TB rates increased during industrialization, coincident and probably related to immigration, the
disorganized growth of cities, and bad working conditions. Nowadays, TB is under control in the general population, but it remains an important health problem in areas with poor living conditions and in immunocompromised patients.
Significance: This is the first study that integrates archaeological, historical and epidemiological data to
acknowledge the pathway of TB in Argentina.
Limitations: No skeletal evidence of TB from 19th and 20th centuries and from medical archives from sanatoria
are available.
Suggestions for further research: Further research needs to be conducted from these
propose the potential parasitic infections produced by the consumption of marine molluscs, fishes, birds and sea mammals by human populations from Patagonia during the Holocene, considering the current parasitic species identified in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. We searched in journal articles and book chapters for references of archaeological remains of molluscs, fishes, seabirds and marine mammals recorded in archaeological sites from the Atlantic coast below the 42nd parallel South. Afterwards, we surveyed all the macroparasites of marine origin
identified by current parasitological research in the same species found in the archaeological record. We found that most of the marine species in the zooarchaeological record of Patagonia are currently hosts of many parasites. Some species of molluscs, fishes and pinnipeds are highly infected by larvae that are potentially hazardous for human health. Some of them are responsible for acute or chronic zoonotic diseases, with severe consequences depending on how
the food was cooked, the amount of consumed parasites and the immune response of the host, in this case, humans. Fishes are host of several parasites related to anisakidosis and corynosomiasis. Sea lions species were also a potential source of the same zoonosis but also diphyllobothriasis. Molluscs are hosts of several parasitic species, but with less severe consequences for human health. On the other hand, birds are infected by adult parasites, without direct zoonotic importance. These findings, although limited by temporal and environmental variability, can provide a speculative overview about the potential influence of marine diets in the health of past hunter-gatherers of Patagonia, particularly if fishes, molluscs or marine mammals were consumed inadequately cooked.
and proposes future directions for paleopathological research. It focuses on the disease patterns in hunter-gatherer societies
and the changes produced by contact and colonization. Studies of oral pathologies showa high frequency of dental attrition
and low frequency of caries and antemortem tooth loss. Individuals with terrestrial dietary patterns show evidence of higher
mechanical stress in the spine than those who participated in marine economies, based on the prevalence of Schmorl’s
nodes and vertebral osteophytosis. Porotic hyperostosis is more prevalent in individuals who had a marine diet and is probably
related to nutritional impairment and parasitic infections. A higher frequency of metabolic stress was identified in individuals
who lived in missions, perhaps because of declining quality in diet, hygiene, and living conditions. Paleoparasitological studies
identified several species of parasites associated with human skeletons and terrestrial fauna. Moreover, recent studies suggested
that treponematosis and tuberculosis were present in Patagonia since at least 1000 years BP. Future paleopathological research
should increase the size and quality of studied samples and apply new methods and interpretive criteria. Detailed research into
infections, degenerative joint diseases, and trauma (including violence episodes) has rarely been conducted.
Durante la última década el análisis de los cam-bios entésicos se ha incluido como parte de las investiga-ciones bioarqueológicas de diversas regiones de Argentina. En este trabajo se presenta una síntesis de los principales resultados alcanzados hasta el momento y se proponen al-gunos caminos para los futuros estudios. Los resultados más recientes desarrollados en Argentina tienen en cuenta, en general, los conocimientos más actuales. Se identifican, sin embargo, tres aspectos a ser considerados: 1) las distintas PALABRAS CLAVE marcadores de estrés musculoesqueletal; bioarqueología; actividad física metodologías de registro empleadas; 2) el reconocimiento y control de los múltiples factores biológicos involucrados en los cambios entésicos, incluyendo la masa corporal, la talla y la robustez diafisial, además del sexo y la edad; y 3) la interpretación multifactorial de sus resultados. Se discuten los alcances que han tenido estos estudios en escalas locales y se proponen nuevos avances considerando interrogantes teóricos y metodológicos.
Analysis of entheseal changes was included during the last decade as part of bioarchaeological research from different regions of Argentina. This paper presents a synthesis of the main results achieved so far in the study of entheseal changes of archaeological human remains from Argentina. The most recent research takes into consideration the most current knowledge. However, three aspects have to be taken into account: 1) the different recording methodologies; 2) the recognition and control of the multiple biological factors involved in entheseal changes, including body mass, body size, and the diaphyseal robus-ticity, in addition to sex and age; and 3) the multifactorial interpretation of the results. Local progress is discussed and future prospects are proposed, considering theoretical and methodological issues.
La osteocondritis disecante (OCD) es una patología que afecta el cartílago articular y el hueso subcondral en las epífisis articulares de humanos y otros mamíferos. A pesar de que su etiología es multifactorial, la presencia de esta lesión ha sido frecuentemente atribuida a microtraumatismos reiterados por los efectos de la actividad física sobre las articulaciones afectadas. Este trabajo involucra un primer paso en el estudio de esta patología en restos humanos de Patagonia Austral, la cual no fue analizada en forma sistemática. El objetivo es analizar la variabilidad de la OCD en un conjunto de restos humanos de 26 individuos adultos pertenecientes a sociedades de cazadores-recolectores de esta región durante el Holoceno medio-tardío (ca. 5200-70 años AP) y su posible relación con la edad, el sexo, la dieta, la cronología y el geográfica de procedencia. Se discute si su expresión está vinculada con los patrones de actividad física desarrollados por los grupos, en función de las prácticas económicas llevadas a cabo. La prevalencia general observada en esta muestra (42,3%), mayor a la reportada para poblaciones actuales, sugiere que la actividad física habría desempeñado un rol importante en el desarrollo de la OCD en al menos parte de las personas afectadas.
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a pathology that affects the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone in the articular epiphyses of humans and other mammals. Although its etiology is multifactorial, its presence has been frequently attributed to repetitive microtrauma because of physical activity on the affected joints. This paper is a first step in the study of this pathology in human remains from Patagonia Austral, as it has not been systematically studied. The objective is to analyze the variability of the OCD in a sample of 26 hunter-gatherer adult individuals that lived in this region during the Middle-Late Holocene (ca. 5200-70 years BP) and its possible relationship with age, sex, diet, chronology and region of origin. The association between its expression and the patterns of physical activity developed in accordance with the economic practices, is discussed. The overall prevalence observed in this sample (42,3%), higher than that reported for current populations, suggests that physical activity would have played an important role in the development of OCD in at least part of the affected individuals.
ABSTRACT. This paper presents the main results and discussions carried out during the Third National Workshop on Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology, held at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of La Plata, on May 19-20, 2016. During the workshop, oral communications about the study of skeletal and dental remains were presented, focusing on the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility of the implementation of complementary or alternative research methods and techniques. The oral presentations were organized in scientific sessions along different thematic lines. The first session focused on Dental anthropology; the second one, that included expositions about Paleopathology, paleoparasitology and taphonomy, included research that discussed about the use of the body, health and cultural alterations. In the third session, concerning Microscopic and densitometric analysis, the scope and difficulties of conducting these studies were considered. Finally, the last session focused on Sex determination methodologies; in this case, archaeological adult samples were analyzed, and proposals for immature sex determination were conducted. During the meeting, the need to define criteria that contribute to the institutions responsible for the care of the collections of skeletal remains to provide authorization for analysis with specific equipment was expressed. Also, the need to emphasize the divulgation of the results of bioarchaeological and paleopathological studies in academic and non-academic areas was strongly argued.
paleopatologia, disciplina orientada para as
investigações acerca da saúde humana a partir do
estudo dos vestígios que persistem após a morte.
Os ossos e dentes perduram ao longo do tempo,
revelando evidências de pretéritas doenças e da
variabilidade no percurso da história da humanidade.
Nesta disciplina os vestígios esqueléticos foram
sempre estudados com recurso às mais recentes
técnicas. Nunca como hoje houve tantos vestígios
disponíveis para análise mas, em contraste, nunca
corremos tão grande risco de os perder. Num
notável exercício de síntese, articula a abordagem
biocultural da paleopatologia de modo original
e interdisciplinar, não descurando as questões
éticas a que estamos compelidos pela natureza
da Antropologia. A forma clara, e até lúdica, da
escrita torna-a atrativa tanto para quem detém
conhecimentos de paleopatologia como para
estreantes, sendo também um livro pedagógico e,
por conseguinte, recomendável para o ensino.
La génesis del libro que usted tiene en sus manos surgió de la búsqueda de reunir un conjunto de contribuciones que mostraran la gran variedad de enfoques bioarqueológicos que actualmente se abordan en nuestro continente. El objetivo es, entonces, ofrecer un panorama general del estado de la disciplina en Latinoamérica. Los capítulos comprenden desde estudios de casos específicos hasta síntesis regionales resultado de proyectos de trabajo de largo aliento.