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      Japanese ArtEarly Modern (Japanese History)Classical Chinese literatureJapanese Art History
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      17th-Century StudiesMing DynastyWorkshops
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      Chinese ArtMing Dynasty
A comparative look at some volumes from the Ming-dynasty encyclopaedia, Yongle dadian, alongside Xu Bing's celebrated Tianshu.
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      Chinese ArtChinese Language and CultureMing DynastyChinese Calligraphy
In Alexandra Green (ed.), Rethinking Visual Narratives from  Asia: intercultural and comparative perspectives (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2013).
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      Chinese ArtMing DynastyJapanese Art HistoryNarrative Art
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      Chinese ArtMing DynastyChinese Art - Calligraphy & Ink PaintingChinese art history
Bilingual catalogue of a large solo exhibition of paintings by the abstract artist Ding Yi 丁乙 (b. 1962, Shanghai) at the Long Museum (West Bund), Shanghai, from 7th June-26th July 2015, curated by Shane McCausland 馬嘯鴻.
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      Contemporary ArtAbstractionAbstract PaintingChinese contemporary art
An edited translation of Kohara Hironobu’s 2000 revision of his study, ‘Joshi shin zukan’ 〈女史箴図巻〉, about the painting attributed to Gu Kaizhi (c. 344-c. 406) in the British Museum, originally published Kokka 《国華》 nos 908 (Nov 1967), 17-31... more
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      Chinese ArtHistory of ArtChinese paintingChinese art history
The Sonia Lightfoot Paintings Lecture given by Shane McCausland to the OCS London on Wednesday 18th June 2014
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesMongolian StudiesChinese Art
The introduction to an edited volume of papers presented at a conference at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, in conjunction with the exhibition, 'Telling Images of China: Narrative and Figure Paintings, 15th-20th Century, from the... more
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      Art HistoryNarrativeChinese ArtHistory of Art
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      Chinese ArtHistory of Collecting
Citation for Dr Frances Wood on the occasion of her being presented an Honorary Doctorate by Dame Graça Machel, President of SOAS University of London, at the graduation ceremony on 22nd July 2015. Written and delivered by Shane... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Art
Catalogue of a retrospective exhibition of paintings by Hong Ling (b. 1955) at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS University of London, from 14 July to 24 September 2016. The exhibition follows the artist's retirement in 2015 from the faculty of... more
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      Contemporary ArtChinese ArtChinese contemporary artChinese Art - Calligraphy & Ink Painting
The uploaded file contains the final MS draft of the published essay.
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      Art HistoryChinese ArtChinese Language and CultureChinese painting
Published as part of the website for the exhibition Posing Questions: Being and Image in Europe and Asia, curated by Brian Durrans, held at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS, University of London, in cooperation with the British Museum, 21 January... more
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      Cultural StudiesIrish StudiesPopular MusicContemporary Art
Paper given at a conference, Bild. Erzählung. Kontext. Visuelle Narration in Kulturen und Gesellschaften der Alten Welt (Image. Narrative. Context. Visual Narration in Cultures and Societies of the Old World), held at Freiburg Institute... more
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      Recursion TheoryVisual NarrativeChinese ArtVisual Narratology
Blair, S. and McCausland, S. (2023) ‘Visual Sources’, in M. Biran and H. Kim (eds.) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1349–1398.
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      Art HistoryChinese ArtHistory of the Mongol EmpirePersian Art
Biography. ‘Wu Changshi 吳昌碩 (1844–1927)’. In Julia Lovell and Jessica Harrison-Hall, eds, Creators of Modern China: 100 Lives - From Empire to Republic, 1796-1912, pp 151-54. London: Thames & Hudson.
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      Chinese ArtModernism (Art History)Late Imperial-Modern ChinaChinese Art - Calligraphy & Ink Painting