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A critique of the security-development nexus as a conceptual framework for humanitarian intervention through an analysis of the foreign intervention in Mali 2012-2013.
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      Middle East StudiesRefugee StudiesMinority StudiesForeign Military Intervention
This paper discusses the problematic space that women's rights are positioned in with Malaysia's different legal systems that govern such rights.
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      Socio-legal studiesFederalism (Law)
This opinion piece discusses the malware targeted at Iran’s nuclear programme and some implications of cyber intelligence for contemporary politics.
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      Contemporary World PoliticsCyber Threat Intelligence
This opinion piece discusses South Africa's controversial Information Protection Act and the implications it poses to the democratic freedoms of citizens.
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      South African Politics and SocietyMedia and Democracy
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      International RelationsNuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
Analysing violence as a legitimate force toward durable social and political change.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceResistance (Social)Non Violent Resistance
Dané Smith, 25, is the vice-chair of the Conflict and Security Studies Student Research Committee of the International Association for Political Science Students. She is busy completing her MA in Global Diplomacy through the University of... more
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Her dissertation analyzed the social construction of US securitisation agendas across the twenty-first century. She is currently working in Muscat, Oman as an English Lecturer at the Oman Medical College. She has been accepted as a PhD... more
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The majority of existing institutional mechanisms center on geographical, basin-related and national political interests and needs. Few institutional mechanisms have emerged as model organizations that effectively advance resilient and... more
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With the events of the Arab Spring the language of revolution has suffused public and academic discourse. In light of this it seems timely to open discussion on how the concept of revolution functions in international law. This paper... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismInternational LawSocial movements and revolution
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      HistoryInternational RelationsMarxismInternational Law
A short educational introduction to Tim Mitchell's 'America's Egypt'  for the student of international law.
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      Development StudiesNeo-colonialism
A short introduction to Satre's 'Colonialism as a System' for the student of international law
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      MarxismResistance (Social)
There are various ways in which the law appears to hold the progressive promise of combating inequality and enabling the redistribution of wealth within a society. Human Rights discourse embodies these principles perhaps more than any... more
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      Political EconomyInternational LawHuman Rights
Objectives To examine the lifetime, 5-year and past-year prevalence of homelessness among European citizens in eight European nations. Design A nationally representative telephone survey using trained bilingual interviewers and... more
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    • Homelessness And Housing Exclusion
Background: Most European countries report rising numbers of people experiencing homelessness. For those with mental disorders, interventions are centered on achieving mental health and drug rehabilitation alongside housing readiness,... more
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The scale of homelessness in Europe throws a stark light on the right to housing that exists in many European states and in European and International Law. This disparity between legal right and the social reality of homelessness and... more
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      International Human Rights LawHomelessness And Housing Exclusion
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    • Gulf Cooperation Council
Final year dissertation on the exploration of cinematic styles, elements, and attributes within pop music and film soundtracks. This thesis also covers the changes in engineering and production throughout the four decades-1950s, 1960s,... more
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    • Music Technology