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The Funk

The Funk

Naqshaddan lama cusboonaysiin in ka badan 2 sano. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaan la sii hagaajin ama la taageerin lagana yaabo inay leedahay dhibaatooyin aan la jaanqaadi karin marka loo adeegsado meerisyadii ugu dambeeyay ee WordPress.

  • Meeris 2.3
  • Last updated 31 Diseembar, 2015
  • Active installations 70+

The Funk is a responsive theme which allows you to customize theme layout and colors easily from the Theme Customizer. The Funk theme contains three layout and one footer settings with options to customize theme to your own personal styling. It’s an elegant design with a lot of flexibility.

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Rakibaadda Firfircoon: 70+


5 out of 5 stars.


Ma heysaa waxaad dhahdo? Caawimaad ma u baahan tahay?

Eeg madasha taageerada

Ka warbixin

Naqshaddani ma leedahay dhibaato waaweyn?

Ka warbixi naqshaddan


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