This plugin is under development, and we apologize for the lack of updates. The development is ongoing, and we are planning to release it in May 2025! 🚀 Stay tuned!
WP Posts Carousel allows to view the list of selected post types in a carousel. The plugin offers rich parameters of carousel display and post information, and provides better support for mobile devices. The plugin is equipped with a code generator (allows to insert the carousel into content) and a dedicated widget.
This plugin uses OWL Carousel in new version 2.0.0-beta.2.4.
This plugin may require some others plugins or libraries:
- Font Awesome – this library is included but you can disable it on the plugin’s settings page
- WordPress Popular Posts – this plugin is required only if you want to display popular posts in the carousel
Now available in the following Languages
- English (en_EN)
- Polish (pl_PL)
If you need other translation or you would like to create some, please visit project page.
For more information, check out PLUGIN HOMEPAGE.
I will be grateful for opinions and reviews.
- English – by Marcin Gierada
- Polish – by Marcin Gierada
- Upload plugin either via the your’s WordPress installation, or by uploading to the /wp-content/plugins/ by FTP client
- Install the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Activate “WP Posts Carousel” in the “Plugins” using the “Activate” link.
- Go to the plugin settings page in the “Settings” menu.
If you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
I made a update from a previous version. What now?
- If you’re using on your website shortcode from this plugin, the best way is to delete old code and generate it again.
- If you’re using widget, you must update its options.
- Go to the plugin settings page and see if there are any notifications
How can I add custom theme?
- Now, you can add your custom stylesheet in your’s theme directory.
- If you don’t have “css” folder in your WordPress theme, you must create it.
- Then, in this folder create another – named “wp-posts-carousel” and now you can move custom stylesheets in there 🙂
Folders path should looks like this:
/themes/my_wordpress_theme/css/wp-posts-carousel/custom.css -
How can I use custom actions or filters?
From 1.1.1 version you can use your own actions and filters to overwrite values or html code.
Lists of actions:
- wpc_before_item_content (1 parameter – $params)
- wpc_after_item_content (1 parameter – $params)
Lists of filters:
new filters for developers
- wpc_get_shows (1 parameter – $value)
- wpc_get_orderings (1 parameter – $value)
- get_descriptions (1 parameter – $value)
- get_sources (1 parameter – $value)
standard filters
- wpc_query (2 parameters – $value, $params)
- wpc_item_featured_image_placeholder (1 parameter – $value)
- wpc_item_featured_image (2 parameters – $value, $params)
- wpc_item_title (2 parameters – $value, $params)
- wpc_item_created_date (2 parameters – $value, $params)
- wpc_item_categories (2 parameters – $value, $params)
- wpc_item_description (2 parameters – $value, $params)
- wpc_item_tags (2 parameters – $value, $params)
- wpc_item_buttons (2 parameters – $value, $params)
Variable $params includes all plugin’s values and other variables that are required to display.
To overwrite html of the title, you can create function in your functions.php file:
See “Overwrite title by filters from WP Posts Carousel”For more info visit WordPress Function Reference/add filter
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
“WP Posts Carousel” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.
Ka-qaybgalayaashaKu tarjun “WP Posts Carousel” luqaddaada.
Ma xiisaynaysaa horumarinta?
Baadh koodka, fiiri bakhaarka SVN, ama iska qor diiwaanka horumarinta adigoo adeegsanaya RSS.
- fixed security issues, thanks to Wordfence and Krzysztof Z.
- fixed problems with newest version of PHP and WordPress (thanks to John Holt and Steckinsights)
- fixed problem with query
- added params value to the “wpc_query” filter
- added new filters for custom modifications
- added option to set the relation method between categories and tags
- fixed bug with params in “wpc_item_categories” filter
- fixed small bug on generating js for the carousel (thanks to tehpopulator from
- fixed small bug on the plugin settings page (thanks to studiokb from
- added skipped “Show created date” option to the widget (thanks to Luca Franchini)
- check if some of the new variables is exists (thanks to Weronika Rudnicka)
- fixed filters: wpc_item_categories and wpc_item_tags
- fixed HTML5 validation
- added option to exclude posts from display
- added option to select where it should include plugin’s scripts (head or footer section)
- added option to display many post types in one carousel
- added option to create custom breakpoints for better responsiveness
- fixed the problem with non existing variables
- added the “wpc_query” filter to overwrite query parameters
- fixed the code structure
- fixed conditions to display categories and tags
- again, fixed the problem with custom taxonomies on WordPress 4.4
- fixed the problem with custom taxonomies on WordPress 4.4
- fixed custom taxonomy queries
- added inputs validation
- added donate link
- fixed carousel loading – hide before load
- fixed custom stylesheet loading (thanks to CotswoldPhoto)
- fixed auto height display
- improved WordPress 4.3 capatible
- fixed query for custom post types
- added option to setup visible items on mobile, tablets and desktop devices
- translation update
- added new filter “wpc_item_featured_image_placeholder” for the featured image placeholder
- fixed problem with lazy loading images
- fixed display one item carousel
- added option to disable auto height
- added autoplay speed option
- improved lazy load for large images
- updated Polish language translation
- fixed problem with jQuery UI Effects library
- fixed problem with duplicate posts
- fixed problem with animation variable in shortcode generator
- replaced display the excerpt from directly field’s value to automatically gererate excerpt by get_the_excerpt() function
- added actions and filters to overwrite html and values
- added option to select posts or custom post types by IDs
Remember to rebuild your shortcodes and update widgets options.
- fixed problem with WordPress queries
- added option to allow shortcodes in post content
- fixed problem with loading owl.carousel script
- fixed problem with carousel height in Safari browser
- fixed problem with carousel height in Safari browser
- changed way to enter tags, from ids to names
- new option to sort – by post views (required external plugin – WordPress Popular Posts)
- new option to sort – by id
- new option to sort – by title
- new option to sort – by date
- new option to order – random lists
- fixed FontAwesome include method
- new way to display posts – by full content
Important Before update read FAQ. - new option to set margin between items
- new option to display posts or other taxonomies with selected tags
- changed custom stylesheet directory
- new option to display post tags
- new way to include FontAwesome – from official Bootstrap CDN
Initial release