This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

MKD Air Quality


The Air Quality data is provided by the Ministry of environment and physical planning of R. Macedonia and will only work for the country.

The data is measured by physical stations across the country and is provided via RESTful service. More information can be found on the AIR Quality portal:

The data is cached for 30 minutes by the plugin and it’s refreshed hourly.

Friendly Note: The plugin is country specific and will not work with any other countries.


Just a few examples out of a lot combinations 🙂

Line Chart

Defaults: (stations_selector=1, station=Centar, timemode=Week, date=today, unit=PM10, xlabels=0)

  • PM10 data for today, show the time labels on the X axis. Default station is Centar.
    [mkdaiq_chart timemode=’Day’ xlabels=1]
  • PM10 data for the last 7 days, hide the time labels on the X axis. Default station is Rektorat
    [mkdaiq_chart station=’Rektorat’ unit=’PM10′ timemode=’Week’]
  • Show Carbon monoxide levels from Kicevo for the past 7 days. Hide the other stations dropdown
    [mkdaiq_chart station=’Kicevo’ stations_selector=0 unit=’CO’ timemode=’Week’]
  • PM10 from Bitola1 on the 2020 New Year’s day. show the time labels on the X axis.
    [mkdaiq_chart station=’Bitola1′ unit=’PM10′ timemode=’Day’ date=’2020-01-01′ xlabels=1]


Defaults: (date=today, unit=PM10, zoom=8, units_selector=1)

  • Draw PM10 map for today, hide the units selector.
    [mkdaiq_map date=’today’ units_selector=0 unit=’PM10′]
  • Draw PM10 map with zoom 8 for 2020 New Year’s day and show units field.
    [mkdaiq_map date=’2020-01-01′ zoom=8]


Defaults: (date=today, unit=PM10, type=last, order=1)

  • Draw PM10 rank table for today based on the last known result ordered by most polluted
    [mkdaiq_rank date=’today’ timemode=’Day’ type=’last’ order=’1′]
  • Draw PM10 rank table for the last 7 days based on the average result ordered by most polluted
    [mkdaiq_rank date=’today’ timemode=’Week’ type=’average’ order=’1′]


Icons by flaticon


  • Line Chart (Multiple)
  • Line Chart (Single)
  • Map (OSM)
  • Rank Table
  • Settings


  1. Upload wp-mkd-air-quality to the /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


How to contribute?

To contribute please submit pull request or issue on the Github repository.


Ma jiraan wax dibu-eegis ah oo ku saabsan kaabahan.

Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

“MKD Air Quality” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.


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  • Updated readme
  • Fix compatibility with PHP8
  • Fix Javascript errors in admin UI


  • Fix loading chart when the map shortcode is above the chart.


  • Initial Version