Sumada Kaabaha: developer
WP Config Constants
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Shows you the values of constants defined in your wp-config.php file
LH Log sql queries to file
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Log all queries to a text file for development and debugging purposes
CGA Plugin Helper
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)This plugin will assist you in the installation of plugins. Choose from a curated list, manually search for plugins and export all active plugins.
Just Post Preview Widget
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Widget to easy add any post content preview blocks with different layouts, specified in the theme.
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Everything a developer or designer needs to pull in a Twitter feed. All in a slim package that won't get in the way of your creativity.
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Adds a template function — rs_shots() — that returns an array of the 15 latest Dribbble shots by a player.
Gearside Developer Dashboard
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Add metaboxes on your WordPress Admin Dashboard for developer info and TODO Manager
WXY Searchmark
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)An admin panel bookmarking tool that allows you to search your entire WordPress database and all of its data with advanced search then create, organiz …
WP Page Load Stats
(9 wadarta qiimeynta)Display memory, page load time, average load time and query count in the footer of your site.
SM Debug Bar
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)EASY TO USE! Dropdown console for wordperss enthusiasts to print and watch the value of PHP variables.
Developer Toolbar
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Adds easy to access data for developers, including a fixed toolbar to the bottom of pages that shows query data and memory usage among other data.
Developer project portfolio
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Displays a project portfolio for visitors. Set customer, image, description, languages and platform for each project.
Update Logger
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Log WordPress updates, so you can exclude 3rd party plugins from your repo.
Show developer profile
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)A plugin to fetch and exhibit profile information and list repositories of a given github user.
Dapre Custom Fields Tools
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)This plugin is the 'swiss army knife' of custom fields. It allows you to manipulate them from the dashboard to make it easy testing and debu …