This plug in allow you to add or subscribe users to Klaviyo’s list memberships and subscriptions using Elementor pro form.
Klaviyo offical website:
To achieve this, the pluin using Klaviyo list’s API (you can read more here:
To use this plugin, you will need an API key provide by Klaviyo when using their services. That mean when using this pluign you are agree with Klaviyo’s Legal, Terms, & Policies here:
Known Issues:
Fatal Error Call to a member function get_modules() on null:- Temporary deactivate the plugin
- update Elementor/Elementor Pro or run Elementor Database Updater
- Reactivate my plugin again
Best is to install directly from WordPress. If manual installation is required, please make sure that the plugin files are in a folder named “include-elementor-klaviyo” (not two nested folders) in the WordPress plugins folder, usually “wp-content/plugins”.
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Detail guide to setup the plugin here:
Known Issues:
Fatal Error Call to a member function get_modules() on null:- Temporary deactivate the plugin
- update Elementor/Elementor Pro or run Elementor Database Updater
- Reactivate my plugin again
How to get your Klaviyo API key?
follow the guide here:
How to get Klaviyo list’s ID?
follow the guide here:
How to setup the pluin?
follow the guide here:
Known Issues
- Fatal Error Call to a member function get_modules() on null:
- Temporary deactivate the plugin
- update Elementor/Elementor Pro or run Elementor Database Updater
- Reactivate my plugin again
- Fatal Error Call to a member function get_modules() on null:
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
“Include Klaviyo for Elementor pro” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.
Ka-qaybgalayaashaKu tarjun “Include Klaviyo for Elementor pro” luqaddaada.
Ma xiisaynaysaa horumarinta?
Baadh koodka, fiiri bakhaarka SVN, ama iska qor diiwaanka horumarinta adigoo adeegsanaya RSS.
=Version 1.0.0=
1. Adding “Source Name” setting
2. Adding First name, Last name settings to automatically merge to Klaviyo list
=Version 1.0.1=
1. Updating guides
2. Add remove space from api key and list ID functions
=Version 1.1.0=
1. Add filter for custom action
=Version 1.1.1=
1. Add filter for phone field enable
=Version 1.1.2=
1. Add option for consent enable
=Version 1.1.3=
1. Add nation code setting
=Version 2.0=
1. Add option for API endpoint
=Version 2.1=
1. Add Debug function for better support
=Version 3.0=
1. Update to working with Klaviyo new API version
2. Fix Fatal Error when run Elementor update
=Version 3.1=
1. Fix Date added bug
=Version 3.2=
1. Add form’s fields as custom properties to Klaviyo profile
=Version 3.3=
1. Add function allow user to dismiss the notices
=Version 4.0=
1. Allow to update already exists profiles
=Version 4.1=
1. Allow add/subscribe a profile to multi list
=Version 5.0=
1. Adding location info to automatically merge to Klaviyo list
2. Inprove Debug function