This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

EDD Promo


Send personalized email messages to your customers within Easy Digital Downloads. When you release an updated version of a product, promoting a new product, specials and discounts, use this extension to send an email with a message exclusively to the your Easy Digital Download’s customers.

Customizable Email Message – Craft a content rich HTML message with full color graphics and vivid text – whether that’s a new edition of your software or a beta test for a new product.

Complete Unsubscribe System – The added {unsubscribe} email link customers can click on to be removed from future promotions.

Email Preview Confirmation – See a preview of your email, with templates and tags processed, after saving changes before sending the live email to all customers.

Send Test Emails – If you’d rather preview your email message inside different email clients, you can easily send test emails to as many email addresses as you like – with tags interpreted and displayed just as your customers will see them.

EDD Promo

EDD Promo is a fully functional but limited version of our full EDD Promo plugin.

Our full version includes many more features:

  • Complete Promotions Management Log – View a history of all your promotions. Easily see your send and open records to know just how well your promotions are working.

  • Resend Promotions – This feature allows you to resend a great promotion stored in your history log at any time in the future.

Upgrade to the full version now .


EDD Promo is currently available in :

  • English

I’m looking for translators to extend to other languages. If you have translated the plugin in your language or want to,
please let me know : edd_promo [ at ]


EDD Promo is also available on cbfreeman.


  • The default settings page provided with EDD Promo. Tested on many email clients like Gmail, Yahoo!, Live/Hotmail, etc.
  • Sample email is provided with EDD Promo.
  • Sample Dashboard section is provided with EDD Promo.


  1. Extract and upload the edd-promo folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in the WordPress admin panel
  3. Set your site title and email address in ‘Dashboard >Settings > General’ for use in email.
  4. Navigate to ‘Dashboard > Settings > EDD Promo’ to create emails.
  5. Add this shortcode [EDDPROMO] to any page so site user’s can unsubscribe.
  6. Every promotional email you send from your Easy Digital Downloads (promotions, newsletters, etc.) looks better now !


  1. Can a buy a custom version that sends email to individual users?
    Yes. Send an email to the developer edd_promo [ at ]


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  • EDD Promo first release