Noodle? (stoner_gurl420) wrote in so_cali_style,

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This is me, whoring myself....

Hey Guys.
listen, i wouldn't be posting this if it weren't a dyre emeergency...
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I've been workin this club thing for a couple of weeks now, and barely anyone shows up.
so if you could, please stop by with a couple of friends this upcoming wednesday so we can stay in business.
i really like working there.
Only problem with this is that tit's 21+
Now, i can possibly convince the permoter to bring downt he age limit, but in order to do that, i have to convince him that people will actually show up.
so please, if you don't mind, stop by.
it won't hurt you pocket.
only 10 bux at the door.
Thanx, much ♥

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