Papers by Mihaela Minulescu
ICERI2011 Proceedings, 2011

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Problem statement: In association with C. G. Jung constructive and synthetic approach of the psyc... more Problem statement: In association with C. G. Jung constructive and synthetic approach of the psychic dynamics in psychotherapy, there is the need to identify vivid symbols of actual transformation process. Research questions.: How, when and in which form such a symbol appears in the analytical process? Purpose of the study: Jung considers transcendent function the connecting principle of the psyche; we concentrate on the significance of The Bridge as a symbolic carrier of the mediation. We want to learn if the Bridge symbol, in the healing process, dream/drawing/sandplay images, appears in the transition periods announcing the healing. Jung considers transcendent function the connecting principle of the psyche; we concentrate on the significance of The Bridge as a symbolic carrier of the mediation. We want to learn if the Bridge symbol, gradually visible in the the healing process, by dream/drawing/sandplay images, appears in the transition periods announcing the healing Methods; The preliminary step: An inquiry on the appearance of The Bridge symbol and its actual meaning in the practice of 40 psychotherapists. The 4 case studies developed in the paper are focused on the gradual introduction and development of "The Bridges" in traumatized children and adults patients. These cases are interpreted in detail, regarding the announcement of the healing process. Findings and results: The Bridge conveys multifaceted meanings: Connectedness, orienting towards, crossings over, the danger of falling down, the possible assimilation of the trauma by recognition and tolerance of the opposites which may be followed by a transformation in the psyche. It acts as a potential for realizing a connection and a virtual integration. Sometimes, announces the impossibility to attain the integration. Conclusion: The value of using the bridge as a tool metaphor and the bridge role of the analytical psychotherapist psyche are the major conclusions discussed in the paper.
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Aug 15, 2019
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Revista de ştiinţe ale educaţiei, Dec 8, 2020
The present study evaluated children's prosocial behavior (M = 7.39, SD = 0.93) (i.e., specific a... more The present study evaluated children's prosocial behavior (M = 7.39, SD = 0.93) (i.e., specific altruism) under the influence of three types of cartoons (neutral, prosocial, or antisocial). Subjects (N = 140) were randomized and exposed to treatment with pre-and post-intervention measurements. The results didn't confirm the hypothesis that children who will watch prosocial cartoons will have increased altruism proving a higher volume of donations. The second hypothesis regarding the inhibitory effect of antisocial cartoons on altruism by decreasing the volume of donations was not confirmed either. No significant gender effects were recorded. No significant general age effect was found either, however, we found that donations tend to increase with age, a statistically significant effect being recorded for children age 8 years old compared to those of 6 years old. The implications of the statistical data are discussed together with the possibility of registering a "moral licensing" effect.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Feb 1, 2016
Problem statement: Trans-generational traumas are deep hidden enduring issues difficult to handle... more Problem statement: Trans-generational traumas are deep hidden enduring issues difficult to handle in current psychotherapy approaches using awareness techniques. Research questions: What approaches can separate personal experiences from epigenetic issues and how can be identified trans-generational trauma? Are symbol formation & transcendent function useful approaches in order to separate personal experiences from epigenetic issues? Purpose of the study: The study aims to explore the appearance during the analytical psychotherapy of symbolic materials pointing to consequences of psychological wounds of the grandparents upon next generations. Assisting the patient to find his/her own identity needs to find ways to work on separation and differentiation from ancestors' anxieties, and PTSD. Methods: Qualitative analysis was used to connect dreams and other symbolic expressions of patient psychic condition with family memories and legends of life events of previous generations to identify the root-source. We used analytical methods as active imagination and creative conjunctio as the carriers of transformation to enhance conscious separation and personal identity Findings and results: The traumatic life events of a grandparent can mould the psychic life approach of the following generations. The analytical can provide ways to intervene and help the person to find his true identity. Conclusions: The psyche can be the carrier of parental psychic heritage as the dramas in previous generations affect the mental health and the way the second and third generation react to life events. The offspring are carrying an epigenetic change as the same but more empowering anxiety is active in their lives. Psychotherapy can liberate the carriers, and redeem the ancestors.
Psihologia resurselor umane, Apr 15, 2006
... Bucureşti) Mihaela Minulescu, PhD (Universitatea Spiru Haret) Rezumat NPQ, Chestionarul Nonve... more ... Bucureşti) Mihaela Minulescu, PhD (Universitatea Spiru Haret) Rezumat NPQ, Chestionarul Nonverbal de ... de scorare în cei cinci supra-factori cunoscuţi generic sub numele de Big Five. Datele prezentate demonstrează că NPQ este un chestionar perfect adaptat pentru utilizare ...
Psihologia resurselor umane, Jan 29, 2020
The Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, FF-NPQ (Paunonen, Ashton & Johnston, 2001) i... more The Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, FF-NPQ (Paunonen, Ashton & Johnston, 2001) is an psychometric, structured, nonverbal measure of personality traits defined within the Big-Five model of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1992). The questionnaire has been experimented on Romanian population and the psychometric properties have been studied on a normative sample of 1800 subjects (Iliescu, Minulescu, Nedelcea, 2005).This study presents the results of an exploratory factorial analysis that was carried out in Romania on the items of the Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Inventory (FFNPQ). The article is focused on the emergence of a 6-factor factorial solution, in some points different from Costa and McCrae's (1992) model, which has been the fundament of FFNPQ construction.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, May 1, 2013
What is the specificity of supervision in analytical psychology, especially when working on deep ... more What is the specificity of supervision in analytical psychology, especially when working on deep levels of the psyche? A large variety of experiences are associated, experiences that are not common for the usual control of our thoughts and actions, but they are characteristically for a state of mind in which unconscious is activated with the free play of fantasy expressing the inside human nature. Using sandplay we succeed to touch profound aspects concerning counter-transference, the relation between therapist and patient, and the pre-verbal affective systems. For argumentation we are using the affective neurology and the analytical approach in psychotherapy.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, May 1, 2015
The paper probes the hypothesis that the students are able to develop attitudes and abilities per... more The paper probes the hypothesis that the students are able to develop attitudes and abilities pertaining to resilience during their academic studies. We consider if humor expresses a resilience positive protective factor. We explore the similarity between personality profiles of students and their preferred professors, in a fist in line exploratory study dedicated to resilience enhanced by relationship mentor-student.
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Aug 20, 2017

Social Research Reports, 2019
Recent surveys reinforce the fact that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is on the rise. In these ca... more Recent surveys reinforce the fact that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is on the rise. In these cases, the family faces a chronic condition which etiology and means of treatment are still debated. The impact of the new reality is well known in the literature as a considerable increase in marital distress. Hence, until recently all the concern was around the therapy of the child. The comprehension of the psychological impact faced by the couple lead to a new approach addressing an integrative treatment plan in the case of ASD. In the new light, couple therapy is considered valuable in order to higher the family quality of life. The present literature review off ers an overview of research exploring the eff ectiveness of one couple intervention known as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples that deal with the challenge of ASD. A number of 182 studies were identifi ed as exploring the subject, out of which only four were eligible for further analysis. Two of the studies question the eff ectiveness of EFT in the case of chronically ill children and the other two question the eff ectiveness in the case of ASD. The reported results show a decrease of the marital distress following EFT intervention. The review highlights the further need of studies exploring EFT for parents rising ASD children and mentions practical implications of the current analysis.
The Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, FF-NPQ (Paunonen, Ashton & Johnston, 2001) i... more The Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, FF-NPQ (Paunonen, Ashton & Johnston, 2001) is an psychometric, structured, nonverbal measure of personality traits defined within the Big-Five model of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1992). The questionnaire has been experimented on Romanian population and the psychometric properties have been studied on a normative sample of 1800 subjects (Iliescu, Minulescu, Nedelcea, 2005).This study presents the results of an exploratory factorial analysis that was carried out in Romania on the items of the Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Inventory (FFNPQ). The article is focused on the emergence of a 6-factor factorial solution, in some points different from Costa and McCrae’s (1992) model, which has been the fundament of FFNPQ construction.

The present study evaluated children's prosocial behavior (M = 7.39, SD = 0.93) (i.e., specific a... more The present study evaluated children's prosocial behavior (M = 7.39, SD = 0.93) (i.e., specific altruism) under the influence of three types of cartoons (neutral, prosocial, or antisocial). Subjects (N = 140) were randomized and exposed to treatment with pre-and post-intervention measurements. The results didn't confirm the hypothesis that children who will watch prosocial cartoons will have increased altruism proving a higher volume of donations. The second hypothesis regarding the inhibitory effect of antisocial cartoons on altruism by decreasing the volume of donations was not confirmed either. No significant gender effects were recorded. No significant general age effect was found either, however, we found that donations tend to increase with age, a statistically significant effect being recorded for children age 8 years old compared to those of 6 years old. The implications of the statistical data are discussed together with the possibility of registering a "moral licensing" effect.

NPQ, Chestionarul Nonverbal de Personalitate, este probabil cel mai celebru inventar nonverbal st... more NPQ, Chestionarul Nonverbal de Personalitate, este probabil cel mai celebru inventar nonverbal structurat de evaluare a personalităţii umane. Adaptarea lui pentru uzul psihologilor din România vine târziu după ce el este folosit pe scară largă intr-un mare număr de culturi. Articolul prezent tratează natura si caracteristicile probei, concentrându-se in mod deosebit asupra evaluării psihometrice făcute pentru un esantion normativ românesc de 1800 de subiecţi. Datele normative, fidelitatea si validitatea inventarului indreptăţesc utilizarea sa in arealul nostru cultural. Desi creat iniţial pentru evaluarea unui număr de 17 scale structurale desprinse din teoria trebuinţelor propusă de Henry Murray, structura factorială similară cu aceea a SUA conduce la adoptarea unui sistem suplimentar de scorare in cei cinci supra-factori cunoscuţi generic sub numele de Big Five. Datele prezentate demonstrează că NPQ este un chestionar perfect adaptat pentru utilizare multi-culturală. Este un instr...

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most widespread child psychopathologies. The impact ... more Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most widespread child psychopathologies. The impact of the diagnosis is well known in the literature as a considerable increase in marital distress. Hence, we understand very little about the exact impact of ASD upon the family dynamics, especially parents’ marital relationship. In this context and considering that couple conflict is considered one robust indicator of marital quality, we aim to approach the themes of conflict parents of ASD children face. We aim to explore some answers referring to the child-related challenges and the risks of conflicts and consider whether these conflicts are real or just the peak of the iceberg. A number of 20 studies were identified as exploring the subject, out of which only six were eligible for further analysis. The reported results revealed some of the topics of conflict and their impact on the family. The review highlights the further need of studies exploring these conflicts in ASD families and m...

Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 2014
IntroductionOne can easily identify two extreme versions of public discourse on globalization.On ... more IntroductionOne can easily identify two extreme versions of public discourse on globalization.On one hand, globalization is described as a positive response to the issues of contemporary world, by integrating regional economies, societies, and cultures through communication, transportation, and trade. It includes as a relevant component the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation ( Globalization).On the other hand, the opposite extreme vision on globalization describes it as a means to step up exploitation of individuals and nations by weakening national control on multinational companies (Conversi, 2009, Smith, 2006).In any of the two extreme or other intermediate visions, individuals should possess qualities needed to either participate effectively in the process or put up a fight to resist it.The Greater Picture: Evolving Visions on General Human QualitiesFrom the distant antiquity up to 1800's the p...

Romanian Medical Journal, 2016
The purpose of this review is to examine if the psychic stress can operate as a co-factor in the ... more The purpose of this review is to examine if the psychic stress can operate as a co-factor in the pathogenesis of the infection with C virus hepatitis. C virus hepatitis agents represent a common environmental stressor and the human body reaction to the stressor can be regarded as a stress too. Patients have experienced and reported various emotional reactions after being diagnosed with chronic HCV. The intensity of emotional reaction varies from one patient to another, and has been differently experienced and reported. The vast majority of patients experience a decreased health related quality of life (HRQOL). The most common psychological reactions are fatigue, depression, fear, anxiety, anger, negative self esteem, stigma and sadness. Depression appears to be present in those with HCV infection in a higher percentage than it is in the general population. On many instances, the emotional reactions appear to be influenced by the level of education, geographical area, cultural backgr...
Papers by Mihaela Minulescu