Bogdan Iancu
Address: Povernei 6-8, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration of Bucharest (Department of Sociology)
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Papers by Bogdan Iancu
Textelor de analiză li se adaugă interviul cu unul dintre cei mai fini - şi mai participativi- observatori locali, canotorul Ivan Patzaichin, seturi de reţete locale şi fragmente din scrierile celui mai minuţios cercetător al regiunii, biologul Grigore Antipa şi din jurnalul de călătorie al lui Radu Anton Roman în perioada în care a fost ghidul echipei de cercetători conduse de Jacques–Yves Cousteau în documentarea Deltei Dunării, la începutul anilor ‘90.
polystyrene and painted compulsively in bright colours, while most of the industrial platforms have made room for malls and sumptuous office buildings. The hip-hop bands have vanished or, at any rate, have become irrelevant, and along with them, the neighbourhood itself has been evicted from the imaginary
of the musical texts carrying social messages. This toponimic "extinction" is relevant, to me, for the actual metamorphosis of the social universe discussed herein.
The volume brings together a selection of the papers present during the SASC 8th annual conference.