Storbritannia og Nord-Irlands geografi
Det forente kongeriket Storbritannia og Nord-Irland er et kongedømme i Vest-Europa. Hovedstad er London. Storbritannia ligger på De britiske øyer utenfor nordvestkysten av det europeiske fastland, og omfatter England, Wales og Skottland.
Hele artikkelen
Inneholder 2 kategorier:
- Bala Lake
- Bala Series
- Ballantrae
- Banbury
- Bangor (by i Storbritannia)
- Bannockburn
- Bardsey
- Barking and Dagenham
- Barnet
- Barnsley
- Barnstaple
- Barra
- Barrow-in-Furness
- Basildon
- Basingstoke
- Bass Rock
- Bath (by i Storbritannia)
- Battle
- Beachy Head
- Beaumaris
- Bebington
- Bedford (by i Storbritannia)
- Bedfordshire (fylke i England)
- Belgravia
- Bell Rock
- Ben Macdui
- Ben Nevis
- Berkshire (fylke i England)
- Berwick-upon-Tweed
- Bethnal Green
- Bexley
- Billingham
- Billingsgate
- Birkenhead
- Birmingham (by i Storbritannia)
- Bishop Auckland
- Bishop Rock
- Blackburn
- Black Country
- Blackpool
- Blaenau Gwent
- Bloomsbury
- Bognor Regis
- Bolton
- Boston (by i Storbritannia)
- Bosworth
- Bothwell
- Bournemouth
- Bracknell
- Bradford (by i Storbritannia)
- Braemar
- Brecon Beacons
- Brent – bydel i Stor-London
- Brentford and Chiswick
- Bridgewater Canal
- Brighton
- Bristol (by i Storbritannia)
- Bristolkanalen
- britiske nasjonalparker
- Brixham
- Bromley
- Buckinghamshire
- Bure (elv i Norfolk)
- Burnley
- Burston
- Burton-upon-Trent
- Bury
- Bury Saint Edmunds
- Bute
- Buxton
- Caerleon
- Caernarfon
- Cairngorm Mountains
- Cairngorms
- Cairngorms nasjonalpark
- Caithness (grevskap i Skottland)
- Caledoniakanalen
- Cambria
- Cambrian Mountains
- Cambridge (by i Storbritannia)
- Cambridgeshire (fylke i England)
- Camden
- Canna (øy i Storbritannia)
- Cannock
- Canterbury
- Canvey Island
- Cardiff
- Cardigan
- Cardigan Bay
- Car Dyke
- Carlisle
- Carmarthen
- Castleford
- Castle Island
- Castleton
- Cawdor (landsby)
- Cefn Bryn
- Central Clydeside
- Charing Cross
- Chatham
- Chelmsford
- Chelsea – område i London
- Cheltenham
- Cherwell
- Cheshire (fylke i England)
- Chester (by i Storbritannia)
- Chesterfield (by i Storbritannia)
- Cheviot Hills
- Chichester
- Chiltern Hills
- Chingford
- Chippenham
- Christchurch (by i Storbritannia)
- Churchill Barriers
- Cinque Ports
- Cirencester
- Cleveland (historisk grevskap i England)
- Cleveland Hills
- Clovelly
- Clwyd – bevart grevskap i Wales
- Clyde
- Clydebank
- Colchester
- Colonsay
- Coniston Water
- Conwy
- Corby
- Cornish Alps
- Cornwall (fylke i England)
- Cotswold Hills
- Covent Garden
- Coventry
- Cowes
- Crawley
- Crewe
- Cross Fell
- Croydon
- Cruden Bay
- Cuillin
- Cumberland (grevskap i England)
- Cumbernauld
- Cumbria (fylke i England)
- Cumbrian Mountains
- Cymru
- Dagenham Dock
- Dalradian
- Darlington
- Dartmoor
- Dartmouth (by i Storbritannia)
- Deal
- De britiske øyer
- De indre Hebridene
- Denbigh
- Deptford
- Derby (by i Storbritannia)
- Derbyshire
- Derryveagh
- Devon
- Dewsbury
- De ytre Hebridene
- Dingwall
- Doncaster
- Doon
- Dorchester
- Dorset
- Douglas (Man)
- Dover (by i Storbritannia)
- Downing Street
- Downs (ankerplass i Storbritannia)
- Downs (høydedrag i Storbritannia)
- Dudley (by i Storbritannia)
- Dulwich
- Dumbarton
- Dumfries
- Dumfries and Galloway
- Dunbar
- Duncansby Head
- Dundee
- Dunfermline
- Dungeness
- Dunmow
- Dunnet Head
- Dunsinane
- Durham (by i England)
- Durham (fylke i England)
- Ealing
- Earn (innsjø og elv i Skotland)
- Ease Gill Caverns
- Eastbourne
- East Ham
- East Kilbride
- Ebbw Vale
- Eden (elv i Nord-England)
- Eden (elv i Skottland)
- Edgware
- Edgware Road
- Edinburgh
- Edmonton (England)
- Eigg
- Eildon Hills
- Elgin (by i Storbritannia)
- Ellesmere Port
- Ely (by i Storbritannia)
- Enfield
- England
- England (lokale myndigheter)
- Englands geologi
- Epping Forest
- Epsom and Ewell
- Esher
- Essex (fylke i England)
- Eton
- Evesham
- Exe (elv i England)
- Exeter (by i Storbritannia)
- Exmoor
- Exmouth
- Fair Isle
- Falkirk
- Falmouth
- Fareham
- Farnborough
- Farne Islands
- Farnham
- Faversham
- Felixstowe
- Fife
- Finchley
- Fingalshulen (hule i Skottland)
- Firth of Clyde
- Firth of Forth
- Firth of Lorn
- Firth of Tay
- Fishguard
- Flamborough Head
- Flintshire (kommune i Wales)
- Folkestone
- Foreland Point
- Forest of Dean
- Forres
- Forth (elv i Storbritannia)
- Fort William (by i Storbritannia)
- Fossil Grove
- Fotheringhay
- Fulham
- Furness
- Gainsborough
- Galloway
- Galty Mountains
- Gateshead
- Gillingham
- Girvan
- Glamis
- Glamorgan
- Glasgow
- Glastonbury
- Glencoe
- Glen Mor
- Gloucester (by i Storbritannia)
- Gloucestershire (fylke i England)
- Gower
- Grampian
- Grampian Mountains
- Grand Union-kanalen
- Grangemouth
- Grantham
- Grasmere (innsjø i England)
- Grasmere (landsby i England)
- Gravesend
- Greater Manchester
- Great Glen-forkastningen
- Great Yarmouth
- Greenock
- Greenwich – bydel i England
- Gretna Green
- Grimsby
- Guernsey
- Guildford
- Hackney
- Haddington
- Halifax (by i Storbritannia)
- Hamilton (by i Storbritannia)
- Hammersmith and Fulham
- Hampshire (fylke i England)
- Hampstead
- Haringey
- Harlow
- Harris (i Skottland)
- Harrogate
- Harrow
- Hartlepool
- Harwich
- Hastings
- Hatfield
- Havant
- Haverfordwest
- Havering
- Hawick
- Hay-on-Wye
- Headstone
- Hebridene
- Hemel Hempstead
- Hendon
- Hereford
- Herefordshire
- Herstmonceux
- Hertford (by i Storbritannia)
- Hertfordshire (fylke i England)
- Higham Hill
- Highams Park
- Highgate
- Highland (kommune i Skottland)
- Highland-forkastningen
- High Wycombe
- Hillingdon
- Holderness
- Holland (område i Storbritannia)
- Holyhead
- Holyrood Park
- Hornchurch
- Hounslow
- Hove (by i Storbritannia)
- Hoy
- Hucknall
- Huddersfield
- Hull (by i Storbritannia)
- Humber (elv i Storbritannia)
- Humberside
- Huntingdon (by i Storbritannia)
- Hyde Park (park i Storbritannia)
- Hythe
- Lacock
- Lake District
- Lambeth
- Lancashire (fylke i England)
- Lancaster (by i Storbritannia)
- Land’s End
- Largs
- Lea (elv i Storbritannia)
- Leatherhead
- Leeds (by i Storbritannia)
- Leeds and Liverpool Canal
- Leicester (by i Storbritannia)
- Leicestershire (fylke i England)
- Lerwick
- Letchworth
- Leven
- Lewes
- Lewis and Harris
- Lewisham
- Leyton
- Leytonstone
- Lichfield (by i Storbritannia)
- Limehouse
- Lincolnshire (fylke i England)
- Lindisfarne
- Lindsey (landskap i Storbritannia)
- Linlithgow (by i Storbritannia)
- Liverpool
- Lizard Point
- Llandudno
- Llanelli
- Llanfair
- Loch Aline
- Loch Leven
- Loch Lomond
- Loch Ness
- Lombard Street
- London
- London Docklands
- Lough Derg (innsjø i elven Shannon)
- Lowestoft
- Lowlands
- Lundy
- Luton
- Lytham Saint Anne’s
- Macclesfield
- Macgillycuddy’s Reeks
- Maidstone
- Mainland (Orknøyene)
- Mainland (Shetland)
- Maldon
- Malvern
- Man
- Manchester
- Manchester Ship Canal
- Mansfield
- Margate
- Marston Moor
- Maumturks
- Mayfair
- Medway
- Menaistredet
- Mendip Hills
- Mersey
- Merseyside
- Merthyr Tydfil
- Merton
- Middlesbrough
- Middlesex
- Midlands
- Midlothian
- Milford Haven (by i Wales)
- Milton Keynes
- Monmouth
- Montgomeryshire (grevskap i Wales)
- Montrose (by i Skottland)
- Moray (kommune i Skottland)
- Moray Firth
- Morecambe
- Morvern
- Mull
- Nairn
- Neath
- Ness Point
- Newark-on-Trent
- Newbury
- Newcastle-under-Lyme
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- Newham
- Newhaven
- Newmarket
- Newport (Isle of Wight)
- Newport (Wales)
- Norfolk (fylke i England)
- Northampton
- Northamptonshire (fylke i England)
- North Channel
- North East (region i England)
- Northolt
- Northumberland (fylke i England)
- Northwood (forstad i London)
- North Yorkshire (fylke i England)
- Norwich (by i Storbritannia)
- Nottingham (by i England)
- Nottinghamshire (fylke i England)
- Paddington
- Paisley
- Pall Mall
- Partry Mountains
- Peak District
- Peebles
- Pembroke (by)
- Pembrokeshire (kommune i Wales)
- Penninene
- Pentland Firth
- Penzance
- Perth (Storbritannia)
- Perth and Kinross
- Peterborough
- Peterhead
- Pevensey
- Piccadilly
- Pinner
- Plymouth (Storbritannia)
- Plynlimon
- Poole
- Portsmouth
- Port Sunlight
- Powerscourt
- Preston
- Prestwick
- Putney
- Rainham
- Ramsgate
- Ravenglass
- Reading (by i Storbritannia)
- Redbridge
- Renfrew
- Renfrewshire (kommune i Skottland)
- Rhondda Cynon Taff
- Richmond upon Thames
- River Avon (East Avon)
- River Avon (Lower Avon)
- River Avon (Upper Avon)
- River Dee (elv i Skottland)
- River Dee (elv i Wales)
- River Derwent (elv i Cumbria)
- River Derwent (elv i Derbyshire)
- River Derwent (elv i Northumberland)
- River Derwent (elv i Yorkshire)
- River Don (elv i England)
- River Don (elv i Skottland)
- River Ouse (elv i Sussex)
- River Spey
- River Witham
- Rochdale
- Rochester (by i Storbritannia)
- Rockall
- Rockallbassenget
- Roding
- Romford
- Romney Marsh
- Rosyth
- Rotherham
- Rothesay
- Rugby
- Rutland (fylke i England)
- Saint Albans
- Saint Andrews
- Saint Helier
- Saint Kilda
- Saint Peter Port
- Salford
- Salisbury (by i Storbritannia)
- Salisbury Crags
- Salisbury Plain
- Sandhurst
- Sandwich
- Sark
- Scafell Pike
- Scalloway
- Scapa Flow
- Scarborough
- Scillyøyene
- Seven Sisters (Sussex)
- Severn
- Shaftesbury
- Sheffield
- Sherwood Forest
- Shetland
- Shrewsbury (by i England)
- Shropshire (fylke i England)
- Skottland (konstitusjonelle forhold)
- Skottlands geologi
- Skye
- Snowdon (fjell)
- Snowdonia
- Sodor and Man
- Soho
- Solway Firth
- Somerset (fylke i England)
- Southampton
- Southend-on-Sea
- Southern Uplands
- Southgate
- Southwark
- Staffa
- Staffordshire (fylke i England)
- Stanmore
- St David’s
- Stirling
- St. Michaels Mount
- Stockton-on-Tees
- Stoke-on-Trent
- Stor-London – region i England
- Storbritannia
- Storbritannia (øy)
- Storbritannias geografi
- Stornoway
- Stratford
- Stratford-upon-Avon
- Suffolk (fylke i England)
- Sunderland (by i England)
- Surrey – grevskap i England
- Sussex (grevskap i England)
- Sutton
- Swansea (by i Wales)
- Swindon
- Wales
- Wales (konstitusjonelle forhold)
- Wales - geologi og landformer
- Wallsend
- Waltham Forest
- Walthamstow
- Walton-le-Dale
- Wandsworth
- Warwick (by i England)
- Warwickshire (fylke i England)
- Watford (by)
- Wealdstone
- Wear
- Wells
- Welwyn Garden City
- West Bromwich
- West End
- West Ham
- Westminster – bydel i London
- Westmorland (tidligere grevskap i England)
- Weston-super-Mare
- West Yorkshire (fylke i England)
- Weymouth
- Whitechapel
- Whitehorse Hill
- Wick
- Wigan
- Willesden
- Wiltshire (fylke i England)
- Wimbledon (byområde)
- Winchester (by)
- Windermere
- Windsor (Storbritannia)
- Woking
- Wolverhampton
- Woodford
- Worcester (Storbritannia)
- Worcestershire (fylke i England)
- Worthing
- Wye