Title I Am Sorry to Tell You
Fandoms Gilmore Girls,
LostCharacters/Pairings Rory/Jess, Ensemble
Rating PG-13/R-ish
Spoilers Through “LaFleur.”
Word Count 8,262
Summary Around her, people are screaming. Fires are burning. A man gets sucked into the engine, 30 feet away, and there’s an explosion, louder than anything else, and brighter. Rory Gilmore and Jess Mariano go down with Oceanic flight 815.
Notes I’ve never written
Lost fic before, but I’ve written a lot of
Gilmore Girls, so this is sort of something new. This is also the longest one-shot I’ve ever written (24 pages!). I hope it’s free of continuity errors, as I tried to keep it as loyal to what we’ve seen on the show as possible (I just finished rewatching the entire series in order, I had a friend–
ourfall–read over the first 10-ish pages a few weeks back, and I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a Lostpedia tab open in Firefox for fact checking purposes), but it’s entirely possible that things have slipped past me. Unfortunately, since I can’t even begin to guess what’s gonna happen next on this show, the ending could get shot to hell any time, now. Title comes from the Elvis Costello song “This is Hell.” Set after
Gilmore Girls season 4 (but Rory never slept with Dean).
( The first thing she remembers about waking up is the taste of the sand, packed into the crevices of her molars.Collapse )