Unos Publisher

هي چائلڊ ٿهيم آهي Unos جي.
Blogging and Magazine style child theme with minimal white design. Unos Publisher is translation and multi-lingual ready with SEO optimized code which works with all popular plugins. Theme support is available at You can also check out the theme instructions at and demo at for a closer look.
Block editor styles, بلاگ, Custom background, Custom colors, Custom header, Custom logo, Custom menu, E-commerce, Featured images, Footer widgets, Full width template, Grid layout, Left sidebar, Microformats, خبرون, One column, Right sidebar, Sticky post, Theme options, Threaded comments, Three columns, Translation ready, Two columns, Wide blocks
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فعال تنصيب: 400+
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US).