Studiocart is a simple, powerful plugin that has everything you need to sell digital products, programs, events, or services from your own website –– exactly the way YOU want to sell them. Whether you’re a health coach or consultant, business newbie or seasoned entrepreneur, Studiocart gives you the tools to create on-brand checkout pages and sales flows for your digital products in minutes – No coding necessary.
Thank You Pages and Redirects:
Display a custom thank you page or redirect customers to another website after they complete their purchase. -
Embed an order form anywhere
Use the included shortcode to turn any page on your website into a checkout page so that you can create a fully on-brand shopping experience for your customers. -
Product Launch Automation:
If you have a limited amount of spots to sell, or your product is only on sale during a certain window of time, Studiocart will help you automate your launch. Schedule your cart open dates, or manually turn your checkout page on and off with one click. Shut down your checkout page after a certain amount of sales and redirect cart closed visitors to a waitlist page. No matter what your sales scenario is, you have full control. -
One-time payments, installment plans and subscriptions:
Easily set up multiple pay options for a product and increase conversions by letting customers choose the payment plan that works best for their budget. -
Automatically Add Buyers to a Mailing List:
Some shopping cart plugins make you add all buyers to the same list no matter what product they buy – if they even allow you to add buyers to a mailing list at all. Studiocart lets you choose what mailing list or tag to add a buyer to on a per product basis.
How to Use Studiocart
➡️ “If you need a funnel, this is the one! I was looking for a simple to use funnel program for WordPress and stumbled upon Studiocart. So impressed with this product – I envision big things.”
➡️ “Studiocart is really built with the eye of a marketer to sell your products, licenses, courses, etc. with great efficiency… SC gives you really all the tools/flexibility you need, without all the work and bugs that come with custom built solutions.”
➡️ “Wow, this is making it so easy for me to ditch WooCommerce finally. Do you think you ever need some kind of funnel builder? Get Studiocart now and you will have the easiest with really good support.”
➡️ “Tremendous value and features compared to other similar products out there.”
Want to know all the latest news and be part of the Studiocart community? Join our Facebook Studiocart Community group!
Create beautiful, on-brand, high-converting checkout pages. Embed an order form anywhere on your website. Schedule when your order page is accessible and select what visitors see when the cart is closed. Setup multiple pay options for a product including one-time payments, installment plans and ongoing subscriptions. Easily configure what happens after an order is placed with a few clicks.
واحد: هي پلگ ان 1 بلاڪ مهيا ڪري ٿو.
- Sc Products Shortcode Product Shortcode
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- Use the Settings->Studiocart->Settings screen to configure the plugin
What payment processors can I use with Studiocart?
Studiocart fully supports Stripe and PayPal. Upgrade to Pro to add-on Square, Mollie and Razorpay.
Does Studiocart work in my language?
Studiocart works in English, but can be translated into another language with a free translation plugin like Loco Translate.
What integrations are available?
Studiocart currently works with ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, ConvertKit, MemberVault and MailPoet – Upgrade to Pro for more integration options.
I have a question not listed here?
Email us at [email protected]
تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز
“eCommerce for coaches and creators – Studiocart” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.
تعاون ڪندڙواحد: “eCommerce for coaches and creators – Studiocart” 1 لوڪل ۾ ترجمو ڪيو ويو آهي. ترجمي ڪندڙن جي مهرباني سندن تعاون لاءِ.
ترجمو ڪريو “eCommerce for coaches and creators – Studiocart” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.
ڊولپمينٽ ۾ دلچسپي؟
ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.
لاگ تبدیل ڪريو
- Update: Updated to latest Freemius SDK
- Fix: Shipping (international) not working
- Fix: Refund integration cancelled main order while in Upsell
- Fix: Price formatting wrong in some cases
- Fix: Stripe currency formatting wrong when Express payment enabled
- New: Support for Studiocart Affiliates addon
- New: Stripe customer portal integration
- New: Studiocart added to Tutor LMS’s monetization settings
- New: function sc_get_products
- Fix: Coupons with spaces not working with Stripe
- Update: Added empty option to the country dropdown field on the edit order screen
- Update: “ConvertKit” integration renamed to “Kit”
- New: Support for Stripe Express Payments, including Google Pay and Apple Pay
- New: Support for custom fields in Kit (formerly ConvertKit) integration
- New: Payment Plan IDs added on the product edit page
- Fix: Subscription information visibility in customer dashboard restricted to the respective customer only
- New: Added new filters sc_invoice_date_documentation_url and sc_stripe_subscriptions_documentation_url for white-label customization
- New: Implemented functionality to resend order confirmation emails
- New: Introduced low stock notification alerts
- New: Download links for order receipts
- New: Added new filter sc_plan_text_loading_processing
- New: Added support for listening to Stripe’s charge.refunded webhook event
- Update: Replaced the plan_id parameter with url_slug in the sc_plan shortcode
- Fix: Corrected decimal number formatting errors
- Fix: Resolved incorrect cancellation date displayed on the account page
- Fix: Fixed required fields popup issue during user integration updates
- Fix: Corrected amount discrepancies on invoices
- Fix: Unable to select private courses in Tutor integration
- Fix: Error in Tutor Integration when WooCommerce monetization is turned on
- Fix: Stripe error at checkout when coupon code contains a space
- Fix: MemberPress Welcome Email not being sent
- Fix: Warning errors
- New: Upgrade/downgrade paths, automated plan switching and proration handling
- New: Sales dashboard widget
- New: More search filters for orders and subscriptions
- New: MasterStudy and Academy LMS integration
- Fix: Limited time subscription coupons not working with trials
- Fix: Trial amounts double taxed in Stripe
- Update: Add personalization field for quantity
- Fix: Required custom checkbox fields not validating correctly
- Fix: Error in customer subscription report
- Fix: 2nd downsell missing from order summary
- Fix: Logged in user country defaults to “Afghanistan” on checkout page
- Fix: Default to v3 Google recaptcha
- Fix: Error warnings
- Fix: Show bump product’s name in order summary
- New: sc_update_stripe_invoice_during_checkout filter
- New: sc_order_summary_item_name filter
- New: Stripe setting for processing first subscription invoice within checkout flow
- Fix: Header background image field missing from product settings
- Fix: admin CSS conflict with WP Fusion
- Fix: Change stripe statement_descriptor_suffix parameter
- Fix: 500 error caused by free orders in MemberPress
- Fix: Unable to change Stripe card
- Fix: Checkout page error in Drip integration
- New: sc_order_summary_item_name filter
- Update: Stripe webhook payload update
- Update: default webhook URL structure
- Fix: Stripe first subscription payment integrations running twice
- Fix: notifications in product settings not sending
- Fix: Error when MailChimp group or tag dropdowns are empty
- Fix: MemberPress integration error when checking out with PayPal
- Fix: wrong MemberPress transaction amount for subscription order bumps
- Update: Added debug log info when creating order items
- Fix: Payment plan not selected when using ‘plan’ URL parameter
- Fix: Bump integrations don’t run when order items are missing
- Fix: Bump background color setting not working
- Fix: Static value in field map doesn’t work when only one character long
- Fix: Stripe webhook not updating order status on payment reattempts
- Fix: Cart discounts not working on Stripe subscriptions
- Fix: Checkout page gets stuck with PayPal one-time charges and MemberPress
- Fix: Unexpected results when converting 4 digit or more prices to cents
- Fix: ConvertKit and MailChimp integration dropdown fields not saving
- Fix: Error in Encharge integration
- Fix: Intermittent “Unauthorized” error when viewing invoices
- New: Product collections
- New: Fixed rate shipping costs
- New: Product quantities
- New: Product archive shortcode
- New: Secure download links
- New: Order complete email
- New: Attach PDF invoice to order emails
- New: Reminder emails for subscription renewals and ending trials
- New: Subscription cancel integration
- New: Order refund integration
- New: Store report email
- New: Developer API
- New: Order bump template
- New: Design custom order bump templates in Elementor
- New: Support for multiple checkout forms on a single page
- Update: Update script to standardize currency formatting in database
- Fix: Inconsistent currency formatting for non-US formats
- Fix: Next bill date not updated when Stripe subscription is resumed
- Fix: Warning errors
- Update: Add phone and address to order exports
- Update: Show sub_amount in webhook payload
- Fix: Evergreen coupon not working for free products
- Fix: Update Elementor functions and hooks register_widget_type, widgets_registered
- Fix: Stuck checkout page with Google recaptcha and Stripe 3DS secure payment
- Fix: Warning errors
- Fix: Show sub_amount in webhook payload
- Fix: Apply email template to new user welcome emails
- Update: Headers field for webhook integration
- Update: Coupon code integration tag
- Fix: Receipt tax format
- Update: Freemius SDK v2.5.10
- Update: add wpfc_exclude_current_page function for WP Fastest Cache
- New: Upcoach integration
- New: Filter sc_subtotal_label
- New: Filter sc_company_name_field_id
- Update: Reset product view and conversion stats
- Update: Option to sync products to Drip
- Update: Send public product names to Drip
- Update: Freemius SDK 2.5.6
- Update: Add custom field with ID of “company” to invoice
- Fix: Handle errors in Kajabi webhook integration
- Fix: Incorrect number formatting when using custom decimal separator
- Fix: Relocate Elementor files
- Fix: Discounted subscriptions show the full discount amount instead of the recurring discount amount
- Fix: Warning errors
- Fix: Optional address fields show as required when editing products
- Fix: Allow selection of on sale options when creating manual orders
- Fix: New role field in update user integration missing on load
- New: User capabilities and “Cart Manager”, “Cart Admin” user roles
- Update: Personalization tag for invoice links
- Update: Dompdf 2.0
- Update: Track shopper activity in Drip
- Update: Add checkout page URL to order data for site admin orders
- New: Shortcodes sc_customer_bought_product and sc_customer_has_subscription
- Update: Dynamic template for PDF invoice
- Fix: Google universal tag transation ID
- Fix: Strings not translating in customer account area
- Fix: Manually editing upsell order removes product details
- Update: Invite option for Heartbeat integration
- Update: Load Studiocart files on Studiocart pages only
- Fix: Warning errors
- Fix: Trigger renewal failed integrations for “Uncollectible” status
- Fix: signup_consent field missing from webhook payload if not checked
- Fix: Duplicate order post in case of failed Stripe payments
- Fix: Error when using bulk updater
- Fix: Incorrect VAT amount shown in webhook body
- New: bulk update
- New: sc_product shortcode
- Fix: Custom invoice number bug
- Fix: Unable to add customer to Heartbeat group
- New: filter sc_stripe_api_version
- New: filter sc_webhook_url_type
- New: filter sc_email_template_customer_info
- New: Heartbeat chat integration
- New: Add change address fields to account and edit user profile pages
- Update: Show manage subscription button for more subscription statuses
- Update: Pay latest unpaid invoice when customer updates their card
- Update: Hash Google Captcha secret key field
- Update: Edit subscriber information in admin dashboard
- Fix: Completed orders not counted when a product has a customer purchase limit
- Fix: Separate sign up fee on invoice, confirmation
- Fix: Coupon discount amount in email is always 0
- Fix: Edit order address fields not working
- Fix: Create User integration doesn’t link the original subscription to the new user account
- Fix: Make Phone and Address Line 2 fields optional by default
- Fix: Order status not updating when Stripe subscription is recovered
- Fix: Name missing when adding customers to ConvertKit with no form selected
- New: filter sc_current_user_orders_meta_query_args
- New: Thousands and decimal separator currency settings
- New: Filter: sc_admin_notification_email
- Fix: Customer purchase limit not working with Stripe orders
- Fix: Checkout form not submitting some Stripe orders
- New: Order received email for COD orders
- Update: “tab: shortcode attribute to display my account tabs separately
- Update: Hide subscriptions cancellation setting when creating installment plans
- Fix: Incorrect order amount formatting in CSV export when using 0 decimal places
- New: filters sc_valid_sub_statuses_for_pause_restart and sc_is_sub_type_valid_for_pause_restart
- Update: Invoice links that can be viewed without logging in
- Fix: Warning errors
- New: Purchase notes field in product settings
- New: Order details view in customer account page
- Update: Add revoke user action to Gurucan integration
- Update: Disable confirmation email when adding existing Mailpoet subscribers to a new list
- Update: Add getting started video course to Resources
- Update: Show free orders in customer account page
- Update: submit button styles
- Fix: Error when adding one-time order bump to Stripe subscription
- Update: Prevent submission errors when multiple checkout forms present
- Update: Select Google Analytics version for purchase event tracking
- Update: Some integration fields not visible
- Fix: Upsell page error with PayPal
- Update: Autologin and opt-in/consent product settings moved to Integrations tab
- Update: Show coupon product setting moved to Coupons tab
- Update: Pass country locale to PayPal
- Update: HTML changes for tax description
- Fix: Payment plan dropdowns in product settings are blank if no label is filled in
- Fix: Product ID not passed when creating Stripe payment intent
- Fix: Admin UI fixes and tweaks
- New: Custom Invoice numbering
- New: “Edit Profile” tab in customer account area
- Update: templating and API functions
- Update: ActiveCampaign SDK update
- New: Order refund email notification
- Update: Search order bump product IDs in latest orders API call
- Fix: Update default payment method for Stripe if missing
- Fix: Phone field not showing
- Fix: Warning error on order confirmation
- New: Filter sc_use_default_authentication_logic
- Update: Add order date and datetime fields to API data
- Update: Add “user” key for storing user info in order data
- Fix: Tracking scripts missing order ID
- Fix: Warning error on new products
- New: Import custom tax rates via CSV
- New: Google Analytics purchase tracking
- Fix: Prevent redirect to Studiocart login page from other plugin login pages
- Fix: PayPal subscription pause not working
- Fix: PayPal thank you page redirect
- Fix: Labels visible on hidden custom fields
- Fix: Warning error on new orders
- Fix: Subscription renewal order amount not showing tax
- Fix: Default field info not saved after rearranging field order
- New: Filter sc_select_page_post_types
- Update: Add email template file
- Update: Show notification dropdown in WishList Member cancel integration
- Fix: PayPal error when checking out order bump with a payment plan
- Fix: Manual orders have a 0 amount
- Fix: Incorrect post ID in function sc_maybe_rebuild_custom_post_data
- Fix: Handle “Stripe customer ID missing” error on customer account page
- Fix: Update credit card not working
- Update: Add invoice download link to admin order page
- Update: hide_login attribute added to my_account shortcode
- Update: show VAT number on invoices
- Update: Add icon and subtext to step 1 button on 2-step order form
- Fix: Stripe webhook not created when keys are changed
- Fix: Clicking on 2-step form tab doesn’t trigger validation
- Fix: New order email confirmations sent for subscription renewals
- Fix: Remove duplicate update user integration field
- Fix: login url personalization tag returning page ID instead of URL
- Fix: 2-step form button not working correctly
- New: Multiple upsells
- New: Conditional confirmations
- New: Limit the number of times a customer can buy a product
- Update: Submit button subtext and icon
- Update: Update credit card form for Stripe payment method
- Update: Email previews and test sends
- Update: Add password reset to login form
- Update: Setting to allow Resources page to remain visible with white label on
- Update: Insert personalization tag helper for email body fields
- Update: Turn on/off terms and privacy checkboxes at product level
- Update: Turn off notifications at product level
- Update: Add order table to renewal email
- Update: Show VAT Reverse charge when tax is inclusive
- Update: Expose all available fields in Fluent CRM integration field map
- Update: Allow personalization of product notification “to” field
- Update: Validate UK VAT numbers
- Update: Separate create and update wordpress user integrations
- Fix: Stripe error when refunding charges with a payment intent ID
- Fix: Default confirmation doesn’t work when using custom single product template
- Fix: Show manual orders in My Account
- Fix: Send order confirmation emails for manual orders
- Fix: Subscription order information not sent to Zapier when filtering by plan ID
- Fix: Stripe tax error after switching from test to live
- Fix: Gurucan integration error when adding to offers
- Fix: PayPal error when purchasing a installment plan with an order bump
- Fix: Coupon code not showing on exported reports
- Fix: VAT number formatting before validation
- Update: Allow any format for VAT validation
- Fix: Stripe webhook creation
- Fix: Coupon code not showing in order email
- Fix: Product name truncated on Stripe one time charges
- Fix: Duplicate orders in Studiocart created by a Stripe one time charge
- Fix: Disable proration on Stripe subscriptions
- Fix: Stripe completed payment plans marked as past due
- Fix: Coupon javascript optimization
- Update: Create user integration now updates existing user roles
- Update: Invoice notes and footers
- Update: Render line breaks in order bump descriptions
- Update: WYSIWYG editor for order form footer fields and order emails
- Update: Separate line item for sign up fee on order confirmation email
- Fix: WooCommerce integration not running for free orders
- Fix: User ID not added to subscriptions when creating new users
- Fix: “Already redeemed” error when applying single use coupons
- Fix: Cancel button still visible after canceling subscription
- Fix: Coupon form toggle not working in older versions of Safari
- Fix: Restrict Content Pro integration not linking new users to orders
- Fix: Default checkout page order form styling when payment plans are hidden
- Fix: “Invalid subscription ID” error when cancelling subscription from customer account page
- New: Filter studiocart_product
- New: Filter sc_valid_sub_statuses_for_cancel
- New: Filter sc_is_sub_type_valid_for_cancel
- New: Upload image field for whitelabel dashboard icon
- Fix: Admin color picker field plugin conflict
- Fix: “Unauthorized” message when viewing invoices for renewal orders
- Fix: Coupon form not visible when payment plan section hidden
- Fix: Cart coupons not added to free plans
- Fix: Cart coupon discount not showing on invoices
- Fix: URL coupons not applying with Divi
- Fix: Order summary still visible with opt-in form skin
- Update: 2-Step form tab styling in Elementor widget
- Fix: Validation not working for state dropdown
- Fix: Make 2-Step form tabs clickable in Elementor editor
- New: studiocart_order_created and studiocart_order_updated actions
- Update: Move product “Tax Status” setting to General tab
- Update: Minor admin UI updates
- Update: Show all registered user roles in Tutor integration
- Fix: Critical errors with Elementor 3.6.0
- Fix: Mailpoet integration missing customer data with lead captured trigger
- Fix: Webhook POST method integration missing default payload information
- Fix: Error when using upload image field
- Fix: Price shows “NaN” when selecting order bump
- Fix: Stripe Tax IDs not updating
- Fix: Unable to select one time payment plans in coupon “Allowed Plans” field
- Fix: Webhook keys not sending data when used in a webhook ingtegration fieldmap
- Fix: Enhanced State and Country dropdowns not working with shortcode
- New: Function sc_maybe_format_date()
- Update: Added all order information to sc_get_orders()
- Update: Auto remove spaces in payment plan IDs
- Update: Replace RPC_Levels::get_levels in Restrict Content Pro integration
- Fix: Support for multiple Pay What You Want fields
- Fix: Pay What You Want only charging minimum amount
- Fix: My Account Order table not scrolling on mobile
- Fix: Page hangs when purchasing upsell with COD gateway
- Fix: Warning errors in debug mode
- Fix: Plan coupons not working for Stripe subscriptions
- Fix: Quantity fields not displaying correctly in checkout form
- Fix: Quantity field prices not added to Stripe subscriptions
- Fix: PayPal PDT settings missing
- Fix: WishList Member sending email notification when setting is turned off
- Fix: Unable to make address fields optional
- Fix: Valid VAT number failing validation
- New: Integration for WP Domain Checker
- Update: Rename product stats to “Analytics”
- Update: Add dynamic option to Divi and Gutenberg modules
- Update: Option to make consent checkbox required
- Update: Webhook URL update
- Update: Freemius SDK version 2.4.3
- Update: RTL CSS for order form
- Update: plan parameter for order form shortcode
- Fix: Checkout error with taxes after changing Stripe mode
- Fix: Woocommerce showing incorrect amount for bumps
- New: Cart discount and single use coupons
- New: Tax and VAT Support
- New: Default field management
- New: Multiple order bumps
- New: sc_plan shortcode for showing payment plan name and price
- New: Built-in Mailerlite integration
- New: sc_after_validate_meta action
- New: Exportable reports and customer contact info
- New: Global Order and Subscription emails
- New: studiocart_account shortocde for customer account
- New: Customer reports and exportable customer list
- New: Opt-in Form skin
- New: Name your price payment plan
- Update: Removed Memberpress integration action “End Parent Order Subscription”
- Update: Cancel subscriptions at end of current billing period
- Update: Add custom field data to woocommerce order info
- Update: Add sc_before_create_main_order action to subscriptions