Papers by Sanjeev K Yadav

International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2019
The purpose of the present study is to analyse the impact of human samskaras, that of one"s previ... more The purpose of the present study is to analyse the impact of human samskaras, that of one"s previous life and the ancestral samskaras which together serve as the basis of human behaviour for one"s present life and accounts for their physical, mental, social, ethical, emotional and spiritual well-being. We expect a familial, educational and social setting where the citizens of our nation would become a valuable asset for our family, society, the nation and the planet at large. In this study the researcher have made an attempt to explain the psychic process involved for an action, personal and ancestral thought ambiance along with cultural environment that serve as the collective ideophere for directing human behaviour and a model of human psychic process guided by the states of consciousness for ethical or unethical actions under the influence of samskaras and ideosphere. Samskaras, according to the Hindu philosophies, refer to the impressions (of present and past lives) in the mind and habitual tendencies that guide the present actions. In Hindu psychology manav samskara correlates with manav dharma: kartavya (duties and responsibilities), charitra (character), chintan (pondering logically and with discriminative wisdom), and vyavahara (behaviour). Duties and responsibilities towards self, family, society, nation and the planet should be prime objective of any human being. One who accomplishes his duties and responsibilities by caring about all and motivates others for the same is an enlightened being (Rigveda 6/21/12). Samskaras are the quality of consciousness that drives one"s thoughts and emotions (embedded with intentions) for a particular karma while being guided by one"s intelligence and discriminative wisdom (viveka). They can be both positive and negative. Positive samskaras helps in ascension of consciousness and an ascended consciousness could lead to the creation of good samskaras through virtuous deeds. Similarly negative samskaras degrades the quality of consciousness. The actions performed by a degraded consciousness further leads to formation of negative karma seeds in the mind stuff of the doer developing potential for bad deeds in the near future (Reichenbach, 1988).

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) (ISSN: 2455-3662), 2019
The purpose of the study was to compare the level of sattva, rajas and tamas between the subjects... more The purpose of the study was to compare the level of sattva, rajas and tamas between the subjects living in spiritual and non-spiritual ambience. The level of rajas between both the groups was very close enough which was in contrary to the conventional supposition. The findings address the positive impulse of rajas and its association with dominating sattva. There are activities in our life which are ethical and a basic process to our survival and are not necessarily driven by tamas. Being a noble or spiritual person while serving the society and the nation would also involve activity and execution of various plans which accounts for involvement of rajas to a great extent. Dominance of sattva alone would detach one from material orientation harming one's professional performances where we ought to achieve targets within a defined time framework. In this study a weak positive correlation between rajas and tamas within both the groups was also found. Thus, it can be noted that the negative impulse of rajas is brought forth into action by the dominating tamas and hence one would require an external stimulus or ambience in order to fade away the negative impulses of rajas and tamas respectively.

ISBN: 978-93-81212-22-6
The present investigation has been designed to explore the role of bio-physical energy as a spiri... more The present investigation has been designed to explore the role of bio-physical energy as a spiritual tool in fostering advanced interpersonal communication and relations for healthy ambience at the workplace and also with people not present physically around us. Mere verbal communication and non-verbal cues cannot account for healthy relationships with people in our life. The bio-magnetic field of every individual also account for exchange of thoughts, feelings, intentions and emotions. Exchange of energies in the form of information is taking place between the respective chakras of people gathering together. Definite flow of energy among each other’s chakras together govern thoughts, feelings and emotions of each other. Presence of high energy level individual with balanced activated chakras have a positive impact on other people’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and hence behavior. All could be possible only with sincere spiritual practices and abundance of biophysical energy in one’s body. Every human being has a definite magnetic field due to the grand magnet present in one’s body. Enhancement of biophysical energy would lead to serve as miracles in fostering improved advance form of interpersonal communication leading to healthy ambience at our workplace or with each and every individual on the planet. Hence the present paper focuses on exploring new dimensions of chakra communication for improved interpersonal coherence along with the scientific techniques provided by our ancient saints and sages contributing for global positive ambience.

ISBN: 978-81-923019-0-7
The present investigation has been designed to understand the Vedic IT tool named human bioelectr... more The present investigation has been designed to understand the Vedic IT tool named human bioelectricity for thought transformation . Ancient saints and sages of Vedic era enriched extra sensory perception by increasing bioelectric field in themselves and were able to disclose many secrets and facts without physically coming in contact with the person, place or object. An individual having a greater charge in the bioelectric field can influence the mind of those having weaker field and make the later think or act as desired. The wave fronts of thoughts being propelled from the mind in the outer space like radio waves can possibly be transmitted and received by telepathy/psycho kinesis which can be modified for thought transformation and at present can be used as tool for the establishment of the universal peace and harmony. When a thought arises, it’s frequency in the mind of the thinker interacts with those of the masses of similar thoughts (collective ideospheres in the space). The individual thought enters the field of the large mass of ideospheres. In this way by means of extrasensory perception commonly understood as intuition one comes to know many new aspects of the subject being thought upon. The thought waves in the space thus act as the thought library that automatically detects the mind thinking upon a particular subject and provides intuition thereafter. Hence those striving for thought transformation can make human bioelectricity an effective Vedic IT tool in bringing about a change in the thoughts of the people finally contributing in thought transformation.
Drafts by Sanjeev K Yadav

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26987.95523
The present study is an investigation to eliminate the barriers of understanding the matrix of hu... more The present study is an investigation to eliminate the barriers of understanding the matrix of human body, mind and consciousness. The human being is operated by the integration of the physical body made up of atoms, the mind containing the conscious thought processes, the subconscious, the unconscious and the consciousness whose different stages has a direct influence over the operation of the human mind due to the interplay of the trigunas over the patterns of consciousness (chitta vrittis). In today's era it is very difficult for a common man to evolve one's consciousness as per one's will. Many times the focus relies on the practice of asana, pranayama and meditation for sustaining physical health and obtaining mental calmness on daily basis. But a lot more could be achieved if one could with the help of the conscious mind make optimum use of the power of the aklishta chitta vrittis and finally let the consciousness to evolve where the higher level of consciousness could serve as the advanced form of conscious mind helpful in obtaining total transformation and experiencing the ultimate bliss not only while sitting and meditating also while experiencing different life situations. Thus understanding the matrix of body, mind and consciousness in a transparent way, would only serve as a nectar for our wider vision about happy, peaceful and blissful life. Introduction: Human body is a complex composition. Scientists have been trying to find the operating force of consciousness inside the human brain. But consciousness exists all over the body and mind at once pervading entire cosmos and us. It is experienced by us even when we're asleep. Our awareness on our physical body ceases while we're asleep but certain systems of digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, urination are undergoing continuously. Not only that the human being even have the memory of the kind of sleep one experiences. For example if one had a dreamless sleep or a disturbed sleep, he/she's aware about it in the morning. How could there be memory without
Papers by Sanjeev K Yadav
Drafts by Sanjeev K Yadav