In disability studies, discussing the process of becoming disabled is often discouraged. It is not ok to ask "what happened" because it positions disability as an accident and otherwise undesirable. Instead, the field has focused on the... more
would be lost without their encouragement, feedback, and faith in my project. I'm also forever grateful to my family whose lives are the inspiration for this project, particularly my Nana, Yvonne Smith, may she rest in power and my... more
I ary Martin McLaughlin, eminent medieval historian, didn't come to Kalamazoo during the 2006 International Conference of Medieval Studies for the "Medieval Foremothers" symposium we held in her honor because she was afraid she might... more
Winchester MS, circa 1469 ; Caxton's printing, 1485) is a late medieval English Arthuriad that persistently defers to the authenticity and authority of its French ancestors. In fact, Malory revels in such deference : no fewer than... more
Morte Darthur (Winchester MS, circa 1469 ; Caxton's printing, 1485) is a late medieval English Arthuriad that persistently defers to the authenticity and authority of its French ancestors. In fact, Malory revels in such deference : no... more
W ith a visitation of God's mercy, we have received the favor of a visit from your excellency. We rejoice, most gracious father, and we glory in the fact that your greatness should have descended to our smallness. For a visit from you is... more
The prudent Heloise, our abbess, lies in this tomb. Founder of the Paraclete, she rests with the Paraclete. High above the poles, she shares the joys of the saints, And lifts us from the depths by her merits and prayers. M. M. McLaughlin... more
The Socrates of the Gauls, the greatest Plato of the West, our Aristotle, Peer or superior to all other logicians, whoever they may be, Acknowledged prince of worldly studies, subtle, sharp, and diverse in the range of his talents, Best... more
As the academic year winds down, I think the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship can boast of several major accomplishments. First of all, we have a new institutional home: Minot State University in North Dakota, under the... more
As the academic year winds down, I think the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship can boast of several major accomplishments. First of all, we have a new institutional home: Minot State University in North Dakota, under the... more
Background: A last remembrance of the founders at the Paraclete was the epitaph attributed to the last abbess, at their nal reburial there, before the dissolution of the abbey during the upheavals of the Revolution. Here, under the same... more
between the authority of her "shewings," or visions, which showed her that sin is "nought" (i.e., has no real being), and that of the Church, which teaches the reality of sin and the damnation of sinners. In this chapter, Turner is... more