Papers by Hans-Georg Wallentinus
ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center Datasets
Detta arbete har utförts på uppdrag av Bollnäs Kraft AB. Inventeringen skall bilda underlag för e... more Detta arbete har utförts på uppdrag av Bollnäs Kraft AB. Inventeringen skall bilda underlag för en bedömning av områdets naturvärden i samband med behandlingen av den ansökan om utbyggnad av Hylströmmen som skall inges till vattendomstolen. Vegetation och djurliv har studerats i Hylsjöns dämningsområde i Voxnan. Vegetationen är mycket ensartat och fattig, med undantag av själva älvstränderna. Av de arter och växtsamhällen som påträffats, faller få inom gruppen sällsynta eller hotade. Vegetationen redovisas i form av en heltäckande vegetationskarta och som en beskrivning i ord av vegetaionstyper och typlokaler. Dessutom ges en fullständig artlista. För större däggdjur och fåglar ges endast en lista gällande hela inventeringsområdet.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p

Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborgs län, 1982
Bollnäs Kraft AB fick genom en vattendom tillstånd att anlägga Lenninge kraftverk i Voxnan, Bolln... more Bollnäs Kraft AB fick genom en vattendom tillstånd att anlägga Lenninge kraftverk i Voxnan, Bollnäs kommun. Kraftverket skulle tillgodogöra sig fallhöjden mellan befintligt kraftverk i Sunnerstaholm och sjön Varpen. Höjningen av vattenståndet innebär, att mycket små markområden tas i anspråk,eftersom största delen av fallhöjden finns i Lenningströmmen. Idag är vattenförsörjningen mycket oregelbunden, genom att man i Sunnerstaholms kraftverk har tillstånd till nolltappning, vilket innebär att stora delar av älven kan torrläggas periodvis, vilket ger besvär för kringboende i form av lukt från de blottlagda organiske sedimenten. I domen ålades kraftbolaget att bekosta bl a en dokumentation av djur- och växtliv samt en beskrivning av landskapsbilden. Den utfördes av CONEC - konsulterande ekologer. Fältarbetet genomfördes under våren och sommaren 1981 , då dock arbetet redan påbörjats i älven. Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborgs län hade som önskemål att en inventering av det område som direkt skulle påverkas av vattenståndshöjningen gjordes. Området innefattar såväl åker som ren skogsmark, älvstrand och bebyggelse.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p
När installerades anläggningen? ... 5.3 Vem äger anläggningen och till vad används den?.
Sankningar av Angarnssjon skedde ett par ganger under 1800-talets andra del. Under 1960-talet inl... more Sankningar av Angarnssjon skedde ett par ganger under 1800-talets andra del. Under 1960-talet inleddes en diskussion om att avsatta den sjoang, som var den sista resten av sjon, som naturreservat. ...
Ecological studies of Baltic sea-shores : methods for botanical investigations of sea-shore meado... more Ecological studies of Baltic sea-shores : methods for botanical investigations of sea-shore meadows and reed-beds

The purpose of this study is to determine if ecological and social ecotourism principles are bein... more The purpose of this study is to determine if ecological and social ecotourism principles are being applied in the cases studied in Nicaragua. They were the Nature Reserves Mombacho Volcano (NRMV) and Datanlí–El Diablo (NRDE). Changes in plant cover, plant species, and medium and large-size mammals were studied along walking trails to determine if tourists had impacted richness, abundance and diversity of these parameters. Data relating to vegetation cover and composition were collected in a two-year period. For the large and medium-sized mammals a total of 48 censuses were carried out. Two methods were used: fixed wide transects and the camera trap technique. A method for determination of the recreational carrying capacity (RCC) of hiking trails in protected areas was tested. To collect the social information individual structured and semi-structured interviews and focus groups were used. The results indicate that there is a significant reduction of vegetation cover along the trails...

Landscape and Urban Planning, 2000
The aim of this work was to investigate if the forest remnants of the city and the system of gree... more The aim of this work was to investigate if the forest remnants of the city and the system of green space corridors could support target species for conservation, in the form of red-listed forest bird species, to show through the presence of the target species what habitat qualities are still possible near cities, and to reveal those features and properties of the landscape structure that were important in this sense. The ®ndings could be used for developing guidelines for design of urban green space corridors. A spatial analysis was performed, covering the landscape in the study area and 67 sample sites with natural vegetation, within and outside of the green space corridors. Breeding forest birds were recorded and breeding of target species in the sample sites as functions of landscape descriptors was tested using logistic regression. Seven red-listed forest bird species were found breeding in the sample sites. Considering them as indicators of habitat qualities, the results would imply that the qualities of the urban and suburban forests were due to a vast range of deciduous forest, especially broad-leaved, and possibly also to a lower intensity of forestry than in rural areas, resulting in a suf®cient number of mature and decaying trees. The logistic regression models showed that important properties of remnants of natural vegetation were large areas of forest on rich soils, together with connectivity in the form of amounts of this habitat in the landscape. These properties were associated with the green space corridors. Implications for the design of urban green space corridors would be to treat mature and decaying trees and patches of moist deciduous forest as a resource for vulnerable species, and to conserve large areas of natural vegetation together with a network of important habitats in the whole landscape, in this case forest on rich soils, also in built-up areas.
Det här kapitlet börjar så långt tillbaka som vid bergartsbildningen och går via landhöjning, sjö... more Det här kapitlet börjar så långt tillbaka som vid bergartsbildningen och går via landhöjning, sjösänkningar m.m. fram till restaureringarna av sjöängen under 1900-talets sista två decennier, och de resultat av dem som kan ses i början av det 21:a århundradet. För att förstå varför just Angarnssjöängen blivit en så viktig fågellokal och förstå de problem som Naturvårdsverket, Länsstyrelsen, etc. försöker lösa genom en restaurering, måste läsaren ha den bakgrund som kapitlet inleds med.

In the summer of 1991, the Swedish Government assigned the work of constructing a tunnel through ... more In the summer of 1991, the Swedish Government assigned the work of constructing a tunnel through the Hallandsås ridge in South-western Sweden to the National Rail Administration (NRA). This project is part of the west-coast rail link between Gothenburg and Malmö, and comprises 14.5 km of new track, of which 8.6 km is tunnelled (double tunnel, with one track in each direction, 25 metres apart). The decision to build a tunnel was preceded by a series of discussions, studies and investigations begun as early as 1975, by Swedish State Railways. In the mid – 1980’s, this process was intensified when a group of senior executives of major European companies, the so called “Round table group” presented a report on “Missing links”, describing a number of specific projects to eliminate bottlenecks in the European transportation system. In addition to discussing a fixed link between the UK and the Continent, the report also examined the relevance of a “Scandinavian Link” to improve transportat...
ABSTRACT Svensk botanisk tidskrift, vol. 67, 81-96
Rapport / Byggforskningsrådet ; 104 Pages: 58 p.
Oikos, 1973
The above-ground net primary production of a Juncetum gerardi was analysed by repeated clippings ... more The above-ground net primary production of a Juncetum gerardi was analysed by repeated clippings during the vegetation period. The rate of disappearance of dead material was also determined. The annual above-ground primary pro-duction was calculated according to ...
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2004

The purpose of this study is to determine if ecological and social ecotourism principles are bein... more The purpose of this study is to determine if ecological and social ecotourism principles are being applied in the cases studied in Nicaragua. They were the Nature Reserves Mombacho Volcano (NRMV) and Datanlí–El Diablo (NRDE). Changes in plant cover, plant species, and medium and large-size mammals were studied along walking trails to determine if tourists had impacted richness, abundance and diversity of these parameters. Data relating to vegetation cover and composition were collected in a two-year period. For the large and medium-sized mammals a total of 48 censuses were carried out. Two methods were used: fixed wide transects and the camera trap technique. A method for determination of the recreational carrying capacity (RCC) of hiking trails in protected areas was tested. To collect the social information individual structured and semi-structured interviews and focus groups were used. The results indicate that there is a significant reduction of vegetation cover along the trails...

Landscape and Urban Planning, 2000
The aim of this work was to investigate if the forest remnants of the city and the system of gree... more The aim of this work was to investigate if the forest remnants of the city and the system of green space corridors could support target species for conservation, in the form of red-listed forest bird species, to show through the presence of the target species what habitat qualities are still possible near cities, and to reveal those features and properties of the landscape structure that were important in this sense. The findings could be used for developing guidelines for design of urban green space corridors. A spatial analysis was performed, covering the landscape in the study area and 67 sample sites with natural vegetation, within and outside of the green space corridors. Breeding forest birds were recorded and breeding of target species in the sample sites as functions of landscape descriptors was tested using logistic regression. Seven red-listed forest bird species were found breeding in the sample sites. Considering them as indicators of habitat qualities, the results would imply that the qualities of the urban and suburban forests were due to a vast range of deciduous forest, especially broad-leaved, and possibly also to a lower intensity of forestry than in rural areas, resulting in a sufficient number of mature and decaying trees. The logistic regression models showed that important properties of remnants of natural vegetation were large areas of forest on rich soils, together with connectivity in the form of amounts of this habitat in the landscape. These properties were associated with the green space corridors. Implications for the design of urban green space corridors would be to treat mature and decaying trees and patches of moist deciduous forest as a resource for vulnerable species, and to conserve large areas of natural vegetation together with a network of important habitats in the whole landscape, in this case forest on rich soils, also in built-up areas.
Papers by Hans-Georg Wallentinus