Cascade use or "cascading" of woody biomass is increasingly being discussed as a key pr... more Cascade use or "cascading" of woody biomass is increasingly being discussed as a key principle upon which to base efficient utilization of wood, especially in the European Union (EU). Cascading does not have one universal definition, although a common theme is that "material use of wood should be prioritized over energy use of wood", which forms the basis for our analysis herein. This working paper aims to inform the debate on cascading through an analysis of the terminology around cascading, and a review of how the concept is framed and implemented in policies of the EU and selected member states. We also discuss potential implications on international bioenergy markets from implementation of the cascading principle. In recent years, the cascading concept has been emphasized in EU Bioeconomy Strategy, the EU Circular Economy Package and the EU Forest Strategy. As of September 2015, the cascading principle is also part of EU legislation as part of the so-called &...
possible only a few years ago, and may in the future in some Task 40 countries surpass domestic b... more possible only a few years ago, and may in the future in some Task 40 countries surpass domestic biomass use, especially for specific applications (e.g. transport fuels).
The development of sustainable biomass supply chains for international biomass trade are a prereq... more The development of sustainable biomass supply chains for international biomass trade are a prerequisite to foster the growth of bioenergy applications worldwide. Setting up these supply chains is offering a broad array of interesting investment opportunities that could offer stable, long term and high returns. However, investment in the bioenergy supply chains is perceived by the finance sector to be risky and uncertain and therefore many projects do not materialize. At present, insufficient financing is an obvious obstacle for the development of efficient supply chains. In the chapter attempts are made to analyse and elucidate the causes for that perception in the finance sector and to suggest remedies. This chapter also highlights the different areas of investment that exist, the most important stakeholders along the investment process, the challenges that exist along certain bioenergy value chains and the need for far sighted and sound policy making to support and secure long term sustainable business models.
ÐIn this paper a method is presented for comparison of the cost eectiveness of mitigation of net ... more ÐIn this paper a method is presented for comparison of the cost eectiveness of mitigation of net emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO 2), by measures carried out in dierent parts of the carbon cycle. The method is applied on forest production and wood fuels. Two roles are distinguished for forests in the carbon cycle: the role of biomass build-up, e.g. the process to ®x carbon into biomass from CO 2 in the atmosphere, and the role of a carbon store in wood and other biomass to be used as a sink or as a source for wood fuels. The two roles are interdependent and are related to the age of trees and other conditions of the forest stands, and can be in¯uenced by forestry activities. The costs of reducing CO 2 emissions by using wood fuels substituting fossil fuels are analysed and presented for a situation represented by the Swedish district heating system. It was found that the costs of replacing fossil fuels by biofuels generally are considerably lower than the corresponding level of the Swedish taxes on fossil fuels. In some cases wood fuels were found to be cheaper than fossil fuels irrespective of taxes. Comparisons between the costs of mitigation measures to reduce CO 2 net emissions by wood fuel combustion and those aiming at increased storage of carbon in the forests strongly indicate that combustion measures are more cost eective, especially in a long perspective.
Planning takes place at dierent levels in society and for many reasons. Some planning models focu... more Planning takes place at dierent levels in society and for many reasons. Some planning models focus on values, e.g. resource planning models, others on costs which is especially relevant in project planning, and still others, e.g. models for business management planning work with money as the basis for the planning. Thus, the three concepts value, costs and money are fundamentally dierent in spite of the fact that they are expressed in the same units ($, £, SEK, etc.) In this paper arguments are given that these concepts should be kept separate in planning models and, more generally, that dierent planning conditions call for dierent and often speci®c planning models. The particular characteristics of the ®eld of bioenergy make these points even more relevant when applied to bioenergy activities rather than to more general planning.
Energy Density (GJ/m3) 2-3 9.6-12.2 12.4-17.3 18.4-23.8 Ash (% by wt) 0.4-2 0.4-2.5 9.7-20.2 Grin... more Energy Density (GJ/m3) 2-3 9.6-12.2 12.4-17.3 18.4-23.8 Ash (% by wt) 0.4-2 0.4-2.5 9.7-20.2 Grindability Poor Poor Good Good Different tests have shown significantly improved water resistance and additionally that torrefied biomass, once compressed into pellets or briquettes, is of non-hazardous character in transportation. A number of full scale tests in co-firing in European power plants have confirmed the expected positive combustion results. Consequently, transportation and storage of torrefied pellets is much cheaper than wood pellets. In some cases there are also advantages in conversion to energy (i.e. better grindability in coal mills than wood pellets). Table 0-1-Properties of transportable biomass and competing fuel. 13 A variety of torrefaction technologies have been developed. Same input material does lead to almost similar product independent of the torrefaction technology implemented. Significant initiatives are engaged in technologies commercialization, with several demonstration plants in operation and first commercial sized units nearing hot commissioning. The power sector could well be the leader in torrefied biomass's use, with industry behind. Torrefied biomass is proven for power-plant applications and may become in the coming years a central resource for co-firing of biomass with coal. Industrial-sector usage may indeed not compete with use in the power sector with regard to volumes of torrefied biomass used. Demand from industry could, however, drive development of torrefied-biomass production and markets in general. Another way of succeeding in this sector may be through gasification of torrefied biomass. Market participants will also develop a clearer understanding of the products once the ISO committee issues a TS (technical specification) under ISO 17225-8, which has been published in Q4 2016. For the European market, a Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) built within the International Biomass Torrefaction Council achieved the clear result that no REACH registration should be necessary. It seems all fundamentals for market success of torrefied biomass are today really provided and ready for market uptake. Outlook During the last years, the pellet market has been developed continuously worldwide and for the time being this trend is ongoing. Increasing demands are expected for both-industrial application in large scale power plants and small scale application in residential heating systems. More than one third of the overall consumed pellet amount of 26 Mt in 2015 has been intercontinentally traded, mainly from the Americas to Europe and Asia. The taken efforts for improving product qualities (torrefaction) and market information (contracts/indices) provide new opportunities for wood pellet application and trade, but their market uptake is not yet visible. The development of pellet prices still divers between the countries. Additional effort should be taken to increase market maturity. Further market development also depends on the regulatory frame conditions, especially the international effort to mitigate climate change and the sustainability requirements for the feedstock. Dynamics in frameworks can be observed in many countries and will be key for the further establishment of wood pellet industry and trade.
This work is underlain by broad-based expectations that policy interventions such as EU 2020 goal... more This work is underlain by broad-based expectations that policy interventions such as EU 2020 goals for renewable energy will continue to drive increased international trade in biomass for energy. This work focuses on where and how large volumes of biomass for bioenergy may be brought to the market in the short to medium term and sought insights in the following areas: • the manner in which demand for biofuels can be driven by political goals; • the realism of expectations that biofuels can achieve political goals; • the nature of production/consumption structures and potential in different regions; • competence and resource needs for international bioenergy trade; • the nature of synergies and competition with incumbent industries. The work first examines immaturity and diversity in the bioenergy industry, and then presents and dissects policy cases to examine policy-making strengths and weaknesses. Management literature for emerging industrial sectors and policy literature are then...
Martin Junginger, Andre Faaij, Peter-Paul Schouwenberg, Chris Arthers, Douglas Bradley, Gustavo B... more Martin Junginger, Andre Faaij, Peter-Paul Schouwenberg, Chris Arthers, Douglas Bradley, Gustavo Best, Jussi Heinimo, Bo Hektor, Patrick Horstink, Angela Grassi, Kees Kwant, Oyvind Leistad, Erik Ling, Malgorzata Peksa, Tapio Ranta, Frank Rosillo-Calle, Yves Ryckmans, Martijn Wagener, Arnaldo Walter, Jeremy Woods.
The aim of this paper is to present a synthesis of the main developments and drivers of internati... more The aim of this paper is to present a synthesis of the main developments and drivers of international bioenergy trade in IEA bioenergy task 40 member countries. The use of biomass for energy varies in these countries between a few percent of the national energy supply up to significant shares (e.g. 15-25% in Finland, Sweden and Brazil). In many European countries such as Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK and, imported biomass forms already a significant part of the total biomass use (between 21-43%). International bioenergy trade is growing rapidly, far beyond what was deemed possible only a few years ago. For example, wood pellets are currently exported by Canada, Finland and (to a small extent) Brazil and Norway, and imported by Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the UK. In the Netherlands and Belgium, pellet imports nowadays contribute to a major share to total renewable electricity production. Major drivers for international demand are the large resource po...
Collateral impacts of LULUCF projects, especially those concerning social and environmental aspec... more Collateral impacts of LULUCF projects, especially those concerning social and environmental aspects, have been recognised as important by the Marrakech Accords. The same applies to the necessity of assessing and, if possible, of quantifying the magnitude of these impacts. This article aims to define, clarify and structure the relevant social, economic and environmental issues to be addressed and to give examples of indicators that ought to be included in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring, and ex post evaluation of LULUCF projects. This is being done by providing a conceptual framework for the assessment of the sustainability of such projects that can be used as a checklist when dealing with concrete projects, and that in principle is applicable to both Annex I and non-Annex I countries. Finally, a set of recommendations is provided to further develop and promote the proposed framework.
Focusing on the development of the whole bioenergy market rather than isolated projects, this pap... more Focusing on the development of the whole bioenergy market rather than isolated projects, this paper contributes to the identification of barriers and drivers behind bioenergy technology implementation. It presents a framework for the assessment of the potentials for bioenergy market growth to be used by decision makers in administration and industry. The conclusions are based on case studies of operating bioenergy markets in Austria, US and Sweden. Six important factors for bioenergy market growth have been identified: (1) Integration with other business, e.g. for biomass procurement, (2) Scale effects of bioenergy market, (3) Competition on bioenergy market, (4) Competition with other business, (5) National policy, (6) Local policy and local opinion. Different applications of the framework are discussed.
A global bioeconomy requires adequate logistical infrastructure to support trade of biomass feeds... more A global bioeconomy requires adequate logistical infrastructure to support trade of biomass feedstock and intermediates. An integration of biomass trade streams with existing supply chain infrastructure, originally constructed for other goods, presents an opportunity to efficiently enable such growth. This chapter examines to what extent existing logistical infrastructure can be used and/or shared with biomass trade streams via specific case studies. It identifies how biomass trade is already or could be integrated into existing supply chains handling infrastructure, and for what kind of biomass specifications a dedicated infrastructure is needed. It finds that the existing solids handling infrastructure is well suited to integrate biomass intermediates such as conventional or torrefied pellets. Liquids with a higher energy density than solids, for example, pyrolysis oil, could potentially realize many opportunities to leverage infrastructure designed for the petroleum industry, and...
The wood pellet use in the heating and electricity sector has recorded a steady growth in the las... more The wood pellet use in the heating and electricity sector has recorded a steady growth in the last years. IEA bioenergy task 40 carried out an update of the situation on the national pellet markets in the most relevant pellet producing countries and the global development as well. Various country specific data is collected and compiled for more than 30 countries, containing updated information about regulatory framework, production, consumption, price trends, quality standards and trade aspects. The analysis confirmed the positive development in terms of production and consumption of wood pellets in almost all countries. In 2015, more than26Mt of wood pellets have been produced and consumed worldwide. Technologies and markets become more mature. Increased international pellet trade needs to be supported by adequate frame condition not only for commerce, but also with regard to sustainability issues.
Energy programmes and projects include a wide range of various aspects and factors, i.a. technolo... more Energy programmes and projects include a wide range of various aspects and factors, i.a. technology, economy, security of supply, and basic elements for development and well-being. Thus, energy relates not only to techniques, but to a great extent to socio-economics. In the neo-classic economic models the socio-economic effects are expressed in terms of new jobs, and additional income formation. However, when regarding socio-economics from managerial points of view, socio-economics driving forces and obstacles are important in the management of planning, implementation, and operational phases, as well as for ex post evaluation of project and programmes. These driving forces and obstacles are based on the subjective perceived values of a project or a programme in the minds of individuals and organisations. In this paper three types of application areas of management models are identified and described. The application areas are distinguished by the leading roles of the various actors...
ABSTRACT Abbreviated summary in English The work first examines a number of challenges faced by t... more ABSTRACT Abbreviated summary in English The work first examines a number of challenges faced by the bioenergy sector related to its immaturity and technical diversity. It then presents and dissects policy cases to examine policy-making strengths and weaknesses. Management literature for emerging industrial sectors and policy literature are then used to support analysis of challenges faced by the industry. These include: diversity in geographical conditions, socio-economic conditions, and significant differences between energy carriers and their supply chains. Arguments are then developed that a significant contribution to progress can be made by enhancing: collective action; ‘standardisation’ of ‘bioenergy offerings’; building the profession and professionalism; by improved interplay with other industries and stakeholders, and by improved input to policy-making processes. The report then presents quantifications for biomass resources potentially available in the near to medium term. These include residue flows from agriculture and forestry, and new dedicated agriculture-derived feedstock supply systems. The work documents evidence that there is significant scope for expansion of dedicated energy crops around the globe. If higher productivity is combined with dietary changes toward less land-demanding food, then agricultural area available for biomass-for-energy could increase to some 1000 Mha. Kort sammanfattning på Svenska Projektet undersöker först svårigheter som bioenergisektorn p. g. a. branschens omognad och tekniska mångfald står inför, och presenterar sedan fallstudier som belyser styrmedlens styrkor och svagheter. Den management litteratur som är relevant för nya industriella sektorer samt litteratur om miljöinriktade styrmedel används sedan för att stödja analys av sektorns utmaningar. Dessa omfattar: mångfald i geografiska, socioekonomiska förhållanden och tekniska skillnader bland energibärare och försörjningskedjor. I diskussionen utvecklas sedan argumentet att sektorn själv kan gör ett väsentligt bidrag till framsteg. Detta kan uppnås genom att förbättra sektorns kollektiva samarbete, "standardisering" av "bioenergi utbudet", bygga sektorns professionella anseende, förbättrade samspel med andra branscher och intressenter samt genom beredning av bättre underlag för politiska processer, styrmedel och stöd. I rapporten presenteras sedan kvantifieringar av den potentiella biomassaresurs som kan levereras på medellång sikt. Denna omfattar rester från jord-och skogsbruk, och produktion från nya dedikerade jordbruks försörjningssystem. Analysen visar att det finns stort utrymme för expansion av energigrödor runt om i världen. Om högre produktivitet kombineras med kostförändringar mot mindre markkrävande livsmedel, så kan tillgänglig jordbruksmark för bioenergiproduktion öka till ca 1000 Mha.
Cascade use or "cascading" of woody biomass is increasingly being discussed as a key pr... more Cascade use or "cascading" of woody biomass is increasingly being discussed as a key principle upon which to base efficient utilization of wood, especially in the European Union (EU). Cascading does not have one universal definition, although a common theme is that "material use of wood should be prioritized over energy use of wood", which forms the basis for our analysis herein. This working paper aims to inform the debate on cascading through an analysis of the terminology around cascading, and a review of how the concept is framed and implemented in policies of the EU and selected member states. We also discuss potential implications on international bioenergy markets from implementation of the cascading principle. In recent years, the cascading concept has been emphasized in EU Bioeconomy Strategy, the EU Circular Economy Package and the EU Forest Strategy. As of September 2015, the cascading principle is also part of EU legislation as part of the so-called &...
possible only a few years ago, and may in the future in some Task 40 countries surpass domestic b... more possible only a few years ago, and may in the future in some Task 40 countries surpass domestic biomass use, especially for specific applications (e.g. transport fuels).
The development of sustainable biomass supply chains for international biomass trade are a prereq... more The development of sustainable biomass supply chains for international biomass trade are a prerequisite to foster the growth of bioenergy applications worldwide. Setting up these supply chains is offering a broad array of interesting investment opportunities that could offer stable, long term and high returns. However, investment in the bioenergy supply chains is perceived by the finance sector to be risky and uncertain and therefore many projects do not materialize. At present, insufficient financing is an obvious obstacle for the development of efficient supply chains. In the chapter attempts are made to analyse and elucidate the causes for that perception in the finance sector and to suggest remedies. This chapter also highlights the different areas of investment that exist, the most important stakeholders along the investment process, the challenges that exist along certain bioenergy value chains and the need for far sighted and sound policy making to support and secure long term sustainable business models.
ÐIn this paper a method is presented for comparison of the cost eectiveness of mitigation of net ... more ÐIn this paper a method is presented for comparison of the cost eectiveness of mitigation of net emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO 2), by measures carried out in dierent parts of the carbon cycle. The method is applied on forest production and wood fuels. Two roles are distinguished for forests in the carbon cycle: the role of biomass build-up, e.g. the process to ®x carbon into biomass from CO 2 in the atmosphere, and the role of a carbon store in wood and other biomass to be used as a sink or as a source for wood fuels. The two roles are interdependent and are related to the age of trees and other conditions of the forest stands, and can be in¯uenced by forestry activities. The costs of reducing CO 2 emissions by using wood fuels substituting fossil fuels are analysed and presented for a situation represented by the Swedish district heating system. It was found that the costs of replacing fossil fuels by biofuels generally are considerably lower than the corresponding level of the Swedish taxes on fossil fuels. In some cases wood fuels were found to be cheaper than fossil fuels irrespective of taxes. Comparisons between the costs of mitigation measures to reduce CO 2 net emissions by wood fuel combustion and those aiming at increased storage of carbon in the forests strongly indicate that combustion measures are more cost eective, especially in a long perspective.
Planning takes place at dierent levels in society and for many reasons. Some planning models focu... more Planning takes place at dierent levels in society and for many reasons. Some planning models focus on values, e.g. resource planning models, others on costs which is especially relevant in project planning, and still others, e.g. models for business management planning work with money as the basis for the planning. Thus, the three concepts value, costs and money are fundamentally dierent in spite of the fact that they are expressed in the same units ($, £, SEK, etc.) In this paper arguments are given that these concepts should be kept separate in planning models and, more generally, that dierent planning conditions call for dierent and often speci®c planning models. The particular characteristics of the ®eld of bioenergy make these points even more relevant when applied to bioenergy activities rather than to more general planning.
Energy Density (GJ/m3) 2-3 9.6-12.2 12.4-17.3 18.4-23.8 Ash (% by wt) 0.4-2 0.4-2.5 9.7-20.2 Grin... more Energy Density (GJ/m3) 2-3 9.6-12.2 12.4-17.3 18.4-23.8 Ash (% by wt) 0.4-2 0.4-2.5 9.7-20.2 Grindability Poor Poor Good Good Different tests have shown significantly improved water resistance and additionally that torrefied biomass, once compressed into pellets or briquettes, is of non-hazardous character in transportation. A number of full scale tests in co-firing in European power plants have confirmed the expected positive combustion results. Consequently, transportation and storage of torrefied pellets is much cheaper than wood pellets. In some cases there are also advantages in conversion to energy (i.e. better grindability in coal mills than wood pellets). Table 0-1-Properties of transportable biomass and competing fuel. 13 A variety of torrefaction technologies have been developed. Same input material does lead to almost similar product independent of the torrefaction technology implemented. Significant initiatives are engaged in technologies commercialization, with several demonstration plants in operation and first commercial sized units nearing hot commissioning. The power sector could well be the leader in torrefied biomass's use, with industry behind. Torrefied biomass is proven for power-plant applications and may become in the coming years a central resource for co-firing of biomass with coal. Industrial-sector usage may indeed not compete with use in the power sector with regard to volumes of torrefied biomass used. Demand from industry could, however, drive development of torrefied-biomass production and markets in general. Another way of succeeding in this sector may be through gasification of torrefied biomass. Market participants will also develop a clearer understanding of the products once the ISO committee issues a TS (technical specification) under ISO 17225-8, which has been published in Q4 2016. For the European market, a Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) built within the International Biomass Torrefaction Council achieved the clear result that no REACH registration should be necessary. It seems all fundamentals for market success of torrefied biomass are today really provided and ready for market uptake. Outlook During the last years, the pellet market has been developed continuously worldwide and for the time being this trend is ongoing. Increasing demands are expected for both-industrial application in large scale power plants and small scale application in residential heating systems. More than one third of the overall consumed pellet amount of 26 Mt in 2015 has been intercontinentally traded, mainly from the Americas to Europe and Asia. The taken efforts for improving product qualities (torrefaction) and market information (contracts/indices) provide new opportunities for wood pellet application and trade, but their market uptake is not yet visible. The development of pellet prices still divers between the countries. Additional effort should be taken to increase market maturity. Further market development also depends on the regulatory frame conditions, especially the international effort to mitigate climate change and the sustainability requirements for the feedstock. Dynamics in frameworks can be observed in many countries and will be key for the further establishment of wood pellet industry and trade.
This work is underlain by broad-based expectations that policy interventions such as EU 2020 goal... more This work is underlain by broad-based expectations that policy interventions such as EU 2020 goals for renewable energy will continue to drive increased international trade in biomass for energy. This work focuses on where and how large volumes of biomass for bioenergy may be brought to the market in the short to medium term and sought insights in the following areas: • the manner in which demand for biofuels can be driven by political goals; • the realism of expectations that biofuels can achieve political goals; • the nature of production/consumption structures and potential in different regions; • competence and resource needs for international bioenergy trade; • the nature of synergies and competition with incumbent industries. The work first examines immaturity and diversity in the bioenergy industry, and then presents and dissects policy cases to examine policy-making strengths and weaknesses. Management literature for emerging industrial sectors and policy literature are then...
Martin Junginger, Andre Faaij, Peter-Paul Schouwenberg, Chris Arthers, Douglas Bradley, Gustavo B... more Martin Junginger, Andre Faaij, Peter-Paul Schouwenberg, Chris Arthers, Douglas Bradley, Gustavo Best, Jussi Heinimo, Bo Hektor, Patrick Horstink, Angela Grassi, Kees Kwant, Oyvind Leistad, Erik Ling, Malgorzata Peksa, Tapio Ranta, Frank Rosillo-Calle, Yves Ryckmans, Martijn Wagener, Arnaldo Walter, Jeremy Woods.
The aim of this paper is to present a synthesis of the main developments and drivers of internati... more The aim of this paper is to present a synthesis of the main developments and drivers of international bioenergy trade in IEA bioenergy task 40 member countries. The use of biomass for energy varies in these countries between a few percent of the national energy supply up to significant shares (e.g. 15-25% in Finland, Sweden and Brazil). In many European countries such as Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK and, imported biomass forms already a significant part of the total biomass use (between 21-43%). International bioenergy trade is growing rapidly, far beyond what was deemed possible only a few years ago. For example, wood pellets are currently exported by Canada, Finland and (to a small extent) Brazil and Norway, and imported by Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the UK. In the Netherlands and Belgium, pellet imports nowadays contribute to a major share to total renewable electricity production. Major drivers for international demand are the large resource po...
Collateral impacts of LULUCF projects, especially those concerning social and environmental aspec... more Collateral impacts of LULUCF projects, especially those concerning social and environmental aspects, have been recognised as important by the Marrakech Accords. The same applies to the necessity of assessing and, if possible, of quantifying the magnitude of these impacts. This article aims to define, clarify and structure the relevant social, economic and environmental issues to be addressed and to give examples of indicators that ought to be included in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring, and ex post evaluation of LULUCF projects. This is being done by providing a conceptual framework for the assessment of the sustainability of such projects that can be used as a checklist when dealing with concrete projects, and that in principle is applicable to both Annex I and non-Annex I countries. Finally, a set of recommendations is provided to further develop and promote the proposed framework.
Focusing on the development of the whole bioenergy market rather than isolated projects, this pap... more Focusing on the development of the whole bioenergy market rather than isolated projects, this paper contributes to the identification of barriers and drivers behind bioenergy technology implementation. It presents a framework for the assessment of the potentials for bioenergy market growth to be used by decision makers in administration and industry. The conclusions are based on case studies of operating bioenergy markets in Austria, US and Sweden. Six important factors for bioenergy market growth have been identified: (1) Integration with other business, e.g. for biomass procurement, (2) Scale effects of bioenergy market, (3) Competition on bioenergy market, (4) Competition with other business, (5) National policy, (6) Local policy and local opinion. Different applications of the framework are discussed.
A global bioeconomy requires adequate logistical infrastructure to support trade of biomass feeds... more A global bioeconomy requires adequate logistical infrastructure to support trade of biomass feedstock and intermediates. An integration of biomass trade streams with existing supply chain infrastructure, originally constructed for other goods, presents an opportunity to efficiently enable such growth. This chapter examines to what extent existing logistical infrastructure can be used and/or shared with biomass trade streams via specific case studies. It identifies how biomass trade is already or could be integrated into existing supply chains handling infrastructure, and for what kind of biomass specifications a dedicated infrastructure is needed. It finds that the existing solids handling infrastructure is well suited to integrate biomass intermediates such as conventional or torrefied pellets. Liquids with a higher energy density than solids, for example, pyrolysis oil, could potentially realize many opportunities to leverage infrastructure designed for the petroleum industry, and...
The wood pellet use in the heating and electricity sector has recorded a steady growth in the las... more The wood pellet use in the heating and electricity sector has recorded a steady growth in the last years. IEA bioenergy task 40 carried out an update of the situation on the national pellet markets in the most relevant pellet producing countries and the global development as well. Various country specific data is collected and compiled for more than 30 countries, containing updated information about regulatory framework, production, consumption, price trends, quality standards and trade aspects. The analysis confirmed the positive development in terms of production and consumption of wood pellets in almost all countries. In 2015, more than26Mt of wood pellets have been produced and consumed worldwide. Technologies and markets become more mature. Increased international pellet trade needs to be supported by adequate frame condition not only for commerce, but also with regard to sustainability issues.
Energy programmes and projects include a wide range of various aspects and factors, i.a. technolo... more Energy programmes and projects include a wide range of various aspects and factors, i.a. technology, economy, security of supply, and basic elements for development and well-being. Thus, energy relates not only to techniques, but to a great extent to socio-economics. In the neo-classic economic models the socio-economic effects are expressed in terms of new jobs, and additional income formation. However, when regarding socio-economics from managerial points of view, socio-economics driving forces and obstacles are important in the management of planning, implementation, and operational phases, as well as for ex post evaluation of project and programmes. These driving forces and obstacles are based on the subjective perceived values of a project or a programme in the minds of individuals and organisations. In this paper three types of application areas of management models are identified and described. The application areas are distinguished by the leading roles of the various actors...
ABSTRACT Abbreviated summary in English The work first examines a number of challenges faced by t... more ABSTRACT Abbreviated summary in English The work first examines a number of challenges faced by the bioenergy sector related to its immaturity and technical diversity. It then presents and dissects policy cases to examine policy-making strengths and weaknesses. Management literature for emerging industrial sectors and policy literature are then used to support analysis of challenges faced by the industry. These include: diversity in geographical conditions, socio-economic conditions, and significant differences between energy carriers and their supply chains. Arguments are then developed that a significant contribution to progress can be made by enhancing: collective action; ‘standardisation’ of ‘bioenergy offerings’; building the profession and professionalism; by improved interplay with other industries and stakeholders, and by improved input to policy-making processes. The report then presents quantifications for biomass resources potentially available in the near to medium term. These include residue flows from agriculture and forestry, and new dedicated agriculture-derived feedstock supply systems. The work documents evidence that there is significant scope for expansion of dedicated energy crops around the globe. If higher productivity is combined with dietary changes toward less land-demanding food, then agricultural area available for biomass-for-energy could increase to some 1000 Mha. Kort sammanfattning på Svenska Projektet undersöker först svårigheter som bioenergisektorn p. g. a. branschens omognad och tekniska mångfald står inför, och presenterar sedan fallstudier som belyser styrmedlens styrkor och svagheter. Den management litteratur som är relevant för nya industriella sektorer samt litteratur om miljöinriktade styrmedel används sedan för att stödja analys av sektorns utmaningar. Dessa omfattar: mångfald i geografiska, socioekonomiska förhållanden och tekniska skillnader bland energibärare och försörjningskedjor. I diskussionen utvecklas sedan argumentet att sektorn själv kan gör ett väsentligt bidrag till framsteg. Detta kan uppnås genom att förbättra sektorns kollektiva samarbete, "standardisering" av "bioenergi utbudet", bygga sektorns professionella anseende, förbättrade samspel med andra branscher och intressenter samt genom beredning av bättre underlag för politiska processer, styrmedel och stöd. I rapporten presenteras sedan kvantifieringar av den potentiella biomassaresurs som kan levereras på medellång sikt. Denna omfattar rester från jord-och skogsbruk, och produktion från nya dedikerade jordbruks försörjningssystem. Analysen visar att det finns stort utrymme för expansion av energigrödor runt om i världen. Om högre produktivitet kombineras med kostförändringar mot mindre markkrävande livsmedel, så kan tillgänglig jordbruksmark för bioenergiproduktion öka till ca 1000 Mha.
Papers by Bo Hektor