Research notes by Cledy Eliana dos Santos

It has been a difficult task to define the number of patients in need of palliative care, the nec... more It has been a difficult task to define the number of patients in need of palliative care, the necessary resources and the specific criteria to structure and adapt palliative care services in Brazil. Until now the quantification of palliative care needs in our country has been estimated in an isolated way and based on international experiences. However, there are doubts about the applicability of these parameters considering the population and territorial dimensions, as well as the regional diversities. The analysis of the population morbidity and mortality profiles is necessary to the establishment of possible parameters to be employed for the assistance in palliative care, such as hospital admissions for the treatment of clinical intercurrences of cancer patients. Aims: To develop estimates of the current situation, the coverage and the need for palliative care services. Identify the number of hospitals that admitted potential patients with palliative care needs and the number of hospital beds used for the hospitalizations. Methods: Retrospective and observation analysis of the hospital admission registers of cancer patients were performed to verify the number of cancer patients in need of palliative care and the number of clinic hospital beds used yearly to admit these patients. Data on hospital admission of cancer patients, like average length of stay and hospital mortality were used. Results: Between 2008 and 2016, were registered in the Hospital Information System of SUS (SIH-SUS) 1,7 million hospitalizations for treatment of clinical intercurrence of cancer patient. These admissions were identified on 3,374 different health units around the country. An average of 91% of all hospitalizations for treatment of clinical intercurrence of cancer patient were registered in 380 hospitals Conclusions: To improve the quality of life, relieve physical suffering, cater for the psychological, spiritual and social needs of people with severe and advanced diseases, as well as to provide support to families and caregivers, it is indispensable to consider the existing models of health care. The inclusion or expansion of palliative attention meets the size, nature and severity of the needs of cancer patients.
Papers by Cledy Eliana dos Santos

O Mundo da Saúde
O fortalecimento em Cuidados Paliativos (CP) na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) aumenta a qualidad... more O fortalecimento em Cuidados Paliativos (CP) na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) aumenta a qualidade do atendimento no fim de vida e possibilita redução de complicações por longas internações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar dados sobre a mortalidade ocorrida em portadores de doenças crônicas avançadas não transmissíveis vinculados à Unidade Básica de Saúde Vila Floresta do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (USVF-GHC) e verificar quantos destes seriam elegíveis aos CP. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter transversal, descritiva e de abordagem quantitativa e retrospectiva. Os dados são provenientes de registros eletrônicos em saúde, do relatório de monitoramento gerencial, dos prontuários na USVF-GHC e da vigilância epidemiológica de Porto Alegre. Utilizou-se a escala Palliative Care Screening Tool (PCST) para critério de elegibilidade à CP. De um total de 155 pessoas que faleceram e moravam no território de atuação da USVF-GHC no ano de 2019, 55,2%(n=86) eram do sexo feminino, 54,2%(n=84) eram idosos com mais de 80 anos, 23,9%(n=37) tinham o tempo entre diagnóstico e óbito com mais de 5 anos, em 69,7%(n=108) dos casos o local de falecimento foi o hospital, 66,5%(n=103) não tinham prontuário, para 34,8%(n=54) foram as neoplasias as principais causas de óbito e 42,6%(n=66) foram considerados elegíveis aos CP segundo a PCST. Conclui-se que o perfil de pessoas com diagnóstico há mais de cinco anos da doença que resultou no óbito poderia ser observado com maior atenção pelas equipes da APS no que diz respeito aos CP, aumentando as buscas ativas e estabelecendo comunicação efetiva com os hospitais na transferência de cuidados.
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2014
Anais Do Congresso Sul Brasileiro De Medicina De Familia E Comunidade, Apr 1, 2014
Anais Do Congresso Sul Brasileiro De Medicina De Familia E Comunidade, Apr 1, 2014
Research notes by Cledy Eliana dos Santos
Papers by Cledy Eliana dos Santos