promotion. |
[Wednesday, December 21st, 2005
@ 3:16am] |
[Tuesday, September 6th, 2005
@ 12:59am] |
I really loved this community when it was active. But I've promoted and promoted and it's not going to go back up it seems. If it ever does, someone please tell me. As for now, I'm leaving. Sorry everyone. I'll miss you. Add me to your Friends and leave a comment on my LJ, if you want to. ♥
Please Guys, Please Join. |
[Wednesday, August 24th, 2005
@ 11:45am] |
( Please Join My Community!!!Collapse )
We've worked very hard on getting the community back up and running after it went dead a few months ago. New Application and brand new memebers. There will be themes and treasure hunts once we get more members. So if you like what you see, please join.
Merci. ♥ Nicole
[Wednesday, August 10th, 2005
@ 10:49pm] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
Alrighty folks, I have 9 days and counting until I'm free of working both jobs & moving back to Boston! It really couldn't come soon enough. My car bit the dust a few days back...which really sucks...cuz now I don't have one. Which means I can't see my girlfriend...cuz she doesn't have one. This is, of course, quite the predicament. And biking 20 miles one way...well...with the way the heat has been lately...its really not an option. Nevermind the fact we both work too much. So after writing all this I'll finally cut to the chase and just say; I miss her. A lot. She really is wonderful.
Any people running a slow connection; beware the cut. Contains lots of pictures, once again all from Hawaii. And sorry about the cropping...I haven't bothered yet. And once again...if you like what you see, more are located conviently for your viewing enjoyment at
( I miss paradiseCollapse )
Attention!!! |
[Monday, August 8th, 2005
@ 8:58am] |
Hey Guys,
I'm going away for a few days. I was just letting you know so you don't think I just stopped being active. I should be back to making posts in my communities by August 12th. Hope you're all having a wonderful summer.
Love, Nicole
[Thursday, August 4th, 2005
@ 11:29pm] |
IDEA! Okay this might totally be a horrible idea, but....
...what about a sleep_in group on myspace?
We could expand our awesomeness that way.
A picture post... OH YES. |
[Thursday, August 4th, 2005
@ 10:54pm] |
[ |
mood |
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energetic |
] |
People have been doing random picture posts, and i love it. Every single picture whoring one of them. SO, i'm a mod, why shouldnt I do one every so often eh? Yep, this would be my summer.
Alright I admit it... theres a storm going on and my satellite is biting the big one. But hey, we all must have our excuses right?
( like a wonderfully redundant paragraphCollapse )
ps - i miss gabriel's posts in here. GABRIEL WHERE ARE YOU?! Michael, are you still in brazil? (it was brazil wasnt it?)
pps - sami and i are hitting up warped tour tomorrow in st. pete. if anyone else from florida is going... well, COME SAY HI DAMN YOU.
ppps - i have a myspace. its . yep. add me. and send me a message saying ur from sleep__in. okay, no more post scripts now, im done.