? ?

slash the huddle

College Football -> even the announcers ship it

Journal created:
on 31 December 2009 (#24540793)
on 3 September 2012
College Football -> even the announcers ship it
Posting Access:
All Members
College Football hotties! Graphics, fic, picspams, and news!
by wutendeskind


1. Keep all posts on topic.
Topics include college football, college football teams/players, and the romantic/sexual relationship between the players, coaches, or other involved parties. Off topic posts can be deleted at modly discretion.

2. Play nice with the other kids.
This is not the place to talk smack about other teams or conferences with the intent to just piss people off. However, debates in the spirit of fun and competition are acceptable.

3. Images larger than 500x500 pixels need to be put under a cut or linked to somewhere else.
We all love pics of hot guys, but don't break the layout to show off some hot bods.

4. Any stories longer than 100 words should be behind a cut. Label any fiction clearly with pairings and ratings. Any other warnings are up to the author.

5. When in doubt PM a mod and we'll get back to you.

Thanks for reading and abiding by the rules. Additional rules may be added when and if they are deemed necessary.

I'm sure that we'd all like for this place to be an active little community, so don't be shy about posting as long as it's on topic! : )

by girl4edwards04

Layout by eriea. Header by wutendeskind. Gratuitous homosexuality and man touching by Colt McCoy, Jordan Shipley, Sam Bradford, and Tim Tebow and his band of Merry Gators.
acc, announcers ship it, athletes, bcs, big 10, big 12, big east, boy touching, c-usa, college, college boys are hot, college football, colt mccoy, defense, fight songs, florida, football, football bowl series, football is gay, football pants are hot, football players, football slash, football uniforms, gay athletes, gay sports players, gaying up sports, gratuitous homosexuality, jordan shipley, mac, man hugs aren't gay, mccoy and shipley roommates, mccoy/bradford, mccoy/shipley, meyer is a nuzzler, mountain west, ncaa football, offense, pac 10, post game celebration, quarterback/wide receiver, real person slash, riley cooper, roommates, rps, sam bradford, scoring, scoring ina biblical sense, sec, shipping unsuspecting ncaa athletes, slash, slash fiction, spanking, sport slash, sports, sports rps, sports slash, tebow/cooper, tebow/meyer, texas, their gay is showing, tim tebow, tim tebow cures cancer, urban meyer, wac
