Plugin Tag: ad manager
Ad Inserter – Ad Manager in AdSense Oglasi
(2.350 total ratings)Upravljajte Google AdSense,, Amazon pasice, ads.txt, rotacija oglasov, lepljivi gradniki, AMP oglasi, DFP, sledenje, AdSense koda v glavi in nogi
Ads.txt Manager
(13 total ratings)Create, manage, and validate your ads.txt and app-ads.txt from within WordPress, like any other content asset.
Advanced Ads – upravljanje oglasov in AdSense
(1.428 total ratings)Edino popolno orodje za vse vrste oglasov. Povečaj svoj prihodek z AdSense, Amazonom ali katerim koli povezanim omrežjem. Zagotovi si natančno ciljanje in najboljšo podporo!
Ads by WPQuads – Adsense Ads, Banner Ads, Popup Ads
(1.083 total ratings)Ads & AdSense Plugin with features like, DFP, Ads.txt, Web Stories Ads, Click Fraud, Revenue Sharing, Ad Blocker & High Performance.
FlatPM – Ad Manager, AdSense and Custom Code
(9 total ratings)Flat PM is an ad management plugin. You might be thinking, "why do I need it?". It's simple: this is the best plugin for organizing ads …
Ads.txt Manager
(2 total ratings)Ads.txt Manager is a plugin to help WordPress sites easily take advantage of the Ads.txt Manager service.
Universal Google Adsense and Ads manager
(5 total ratings)Universal Google AdSense and Ads Manager is a flexible easy to use Google Adsense, custom ads & script manager WordPress plugin.
WP AdCenter – Ad Manager & Adsense Ads
(9 total ratings)Manage AdSense, Amazon Ads,, banner ads, sticky widgets, AMP ads, DFP, tracking, header and footer code, location-specific ads, random ads & …
Ad Refresh Control
(1 total ratings)Enable Active View refresh for Google Ad Manager ads without needing to modify any code.
Setupad WP Ads
(1 total ratings)Simple and powerful ad insertion tool for WordPress users with a wide range of features to insert, manage, and optimize your ad inventory.
AdRedux – Insert Ads & Analytics Codes
(3 total ratings)Plugin to insert codes (eg: Google Analytics, Google Tags) and advertisements (eg: Google Adsense). Easily connect Google Analytics & Google Tags …
CM Ad Changer – A simple tool to control and optimize your site's banners
(15 total ratings)Manage banner ad campaigns with the WordPress ad management plugin. Display ads via shortcodes or widgets and control how banners rotate.
AD Publisher – Automatically insert post ads
(2 total ratings)Automatically publishing ad code and increasing THE ad UNIT AdSense CTR
RedPic ADS Manager Lite
(1 total ratings)JS/HTML ads block manager. Allows you to create and insert blocks of code anywhere on the blog.
AdSpeed Ad Server
(0 total ratings)This plugin displays ads from your AdSpeed account on the sidebar or within a post. Ads are served, managed and tracked for impressions and clicks by …
(2 total ratings)Manage your site placements from dashboard. Show placement units by filters: device type, referrer, url, tags and more.
Mondiad Advertising
(0 total ratings)Place and manage advertising on your site. Take full control of the monetization of your website and maximize your revenue with our service.