Prasanta Gayen
Phone: 9832310391
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Papers by Prasanta Gayen
groups of teachers have been taken into consideration for this present study. Mahalanobis Distance is smeared to associate the dynamical nature of six dependent variables i.e. different dimensions of Organizational Climate like Employees’ Perception of Autonomy, Trust on Manager, Team Work, Reward and Recognition, Employees’ Perception towards Fairness and Employees’ Perception towards Organizational Support considered as a branch. The result revealed that there is no significant difference in dynamical nature of six dependent variables for different groups of independent variables.
KEY WORDS: Mahalanobis Distance, Organizational Climate, Employees’ Perception of Autonomy, Trust on Manager, Team Work, Reward and Recognition, Employees’ Perception towards Fairness and Employees’ Perception towards Organizational Support.
tenacity of the study is to mark a comparison among the different leadership styles like commanding leadership, democratic leadership, visionary leadership, affiliative leadership and coaching leadership taken
together as a unit applying Mahalanobis distance. It is a Descriptive survey type research. Data for the present study have been collected from 40 Head of the institutions of West Bengal, India using Stratified Random
sampling technique. Different leadership styles are compared taking gender and location of institution as independent variables applying Mahalanobis distance. The result exposed that there is no significant difference in dynamical nature of the dichotomous groups when five dependent variables i.e. commanding leadership, democratic leadership, visionary leadership, affiliative leadership and coaching leadership composed as a branch.
Keywords: Mahalanobis Distance, Leadership, Commanding Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Affiliative Leadership and Coaching Leadership.
as internet addiction disorder, pathological internet usage, internet reliance, problematic internet use, overuse and compulsive internet
use. And cognitive failure is outlined as the probable consequence of a general failure of the cognitive and control system. The present study has aimed to determine the relationship between cognitive failure and internet addiction of higher secondary students of the Purulia district of West Bengal. For the present study, the researchers have used descriptive survey-type research. The data for the present study has been collected from seventy-eight (78) class XI students from randomly selected two schools in the Purulia district of West Bengal, India, using a simple random sampling technique. The researchers have used appropriate descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation, correlation and inferential statistics like the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality test, ‘t-test and Mann-Whitney U test for data analysis. The result revealed a significant relationship between cognitive failure and internet addiction among higher secondary Purulia district of West Bengal students. However, no significant difference has been observed in cognitive failure and internet addiction regarding gender, location and stream.
groups of teachers have been taken into consideration for this present study. Mahalanobis Distance is smeared to associate the dynamical nature of six dependent variables i.e. different dimensions of Organizational Climate like Employees’ Perception of Autonomy, Trust on Manager, Team Work, Reward and Recognition, Employees’ Perception towards Fairness and Employees’ Perception towards Organizational Support considered as a branch. The result revealed that there is no significant difference in dynamical nature of six dependent variables for different groups of independent variables.
KEY WORDS: Mahalanobis Distance, Organizational Climate, Employees’ Perception of Autonomy, Trust on Manager, Team Work, Reward and Recognition, Employees’ Perception towards Fairness and Employees’ Perception towards Organizational Support.
tenacity of the study is to mark a comparison among the different leadership styles like commanding leadership, democratic leadership, visionary leadership, affiliative leadership and coaching leadership taken
together as a unit applying Mahalanobis distance. It is a Descriptive survey type research. Data for the present study have been collected from 40 Head of the institutions of West Bengal, India using Stratified Random
sampling technique. Different leadership styles are compared taking gender and location of institution as independent variables applying Mahalanobis distance. The result exposed that there is no significant difference in dynamical nature of the dichotomous groups when five dependent variables i.e. commanding leadership, democratic leadership, visionary leadership, affiliative leadership and coaching leadership composed as a branch.
Keywords: Mahalanobis Distance, Leadership, Commanding Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Affiliative Leadership and Coaching Leadership.
as internet addiction disorder, pathological internet usage, internet reliance, problematic internet use, overuse and compulsive internet
use. And cognitive failure is outlined as the probable consequence of a general failure of the cognitive and control system. The present study has aimed to determine the relationship between cognitive failure and internet addiction of higher secondary students of the Purulia district of West Bengal. For the present study, the researchers have used descriptive survey-type research. The data for the present study has been collected from seventy-eight (78) class XI students from randomly selected two schools in the Purulia district of West Bengal, India, using a simple random sampling technique. The researchers have used appropriate descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation, correlation and inferential statistics like the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality test, ‘t-test and Mann-Whitney U test for data analysis. The result revealed a significant relationship between cognitive failure and internet addiction among higher secondary Purulia district of West Bengal students. However, no significant difference has been observed in cognitive failure and internet addiction regarding gender, location and stream.