Papers by Dr.Tarakeshwar Senapati
Sustainable Water Resources Management

Ecotoxicological impacts of selenium: A critical review, 2023
Selenium is a toxic metalloid, which is an essential trace element for the
nutrition at certain c... more Selenium is a toxic metalloid, which is an essential trace element for the
nutrition at certain concentration. In the natural environment, Selenium occurs in different
oxidative states i.e., +6, +4, 0 and – 2, which influence its physical, biochemical and
toxicological properties. Selenium plays significant role in functioning of the immune
system, metabolic system and reproductive systems of biological organisms but chronic
exposure of Selenium at elevated concentration may cause different ecotoxicolocal
impacts in biological organisms such as fish, birds, mammals etc. The ecotoxicity of
Selenium is influenced by bioaccumulation, biotransformation, and cycling of Selenium in
food chains. Chronic exposure of Selenium at higher concentration in human may cause
selenosis with symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, muscle aches and hair and nail
damage or loss. Elevated level of Selenium occurs in environment mainly due to different
anthropogenic activities e.g., combustion of fossil fuel (primarily coal), irrigation of
seleniferous soil, mining of coal, uranium, gold, silver, phosphate, nickel etc., as well as
different industrial activity like electronics, glass, pigment, metallurgical . Elevated level
of selenium can also be found in higher geologic concentrations. In this article,
ecotoxicological impacts of selenium contamination in different biological organisms is
reviewed which will be helpful for environmental risk assessment of Selenium for the
scientific community.
Ecodiaster Imaginaries in India
Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2022
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2022

Sustainable Water Resources Management
The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is wreaking havoc on the planet, yet control of waste material... more The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is wreaking havoc on the planet, yet control of waste materials comforted the ecosystem during the lockdown restricting human activities. Damodar is the most important tributary of the lower Ganga River in West Bengal. It flows through an industrially developed, agriculturally flourished populated area. Different methods are applied to identify the changing pattern of water quality during the lockdown. BOD graph shows an increase in pollution levels in residential areas but a sharp decline in coliform levels in urban residential sites. The National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSFWQI) shows the same pattern of water quality throughout the course. Irrigation suitability of water is examined using sodium percentage (%Na), sodium absorption ratio (SAR), potential salinity (PS), magnesium absorption ratio (MAR), and Kelly's ratio (KR). Mujhermana (received maximum pollutants from industries and residential areas) station shows a decrease in ions concentration and subsequent improvement in agriculture water quality during the COVID-19 period. According to Kelly's ratio, the water at this sample site is unfit for agricultural use; however, the water quality improved and became acceptable for cultivation during the lockdown period. Cluster analysis is used to understand the similar pollution concentration of eleven sampling stations in different periods. Mujhermana site makes a separate cluster due to its high pollution load compared to other sampling sites before the COVID-19. But during the lockdown period, this site was clustered with the most petite contaminated sites.

Journal of Crop and Weed, 2009
Glyphosate is the isopropyl amine salt of N(Phosphonomethyl)-glycine, a broad-spectrum nonselecti... more Glyphosate is the isopropyl amine salt of N(Phosphonomethyl)-glycine, a broad-spectrum nonselective herbicide, which has been extensively used to control annual and perennial weeds in agricultural, forest and aquatic systems. The ultrastructural changes in different regions of alimentary canal and gill were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopic study on a non-target aquatic teleostea fish, Channa punctatus. Fishes were exposed to herbicide at a dose of 4 mgl generally used by farmers to control weeds in water bodies for a period of 45 days in laboratory condition with a control. Severe damage, shrinkage and degeneration of pentagonal cellular contour of stratified epithelial cells (SEC) were observed in gill. Shrinkage of SEC resulting in degeneration of microridges was observed in buccopharynx. Slight necrosed and distorted SEC was observed in oesophagus. Severe mucus secretion was observed in stomach. Erosion on the apical surface of mucosal folds and columnar epithelial cells...
Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2022

International Journal of Civil, Environmental and Agricultural Engineering
Surface water represents one of the most utilized sources for water distribution systems globally... more Surface water represents one of the most utilized sources for water distribution systems globally, despite the fact that rapid urbanization and industrialization has reduced its cleanliness. As a result, the end-user's health is seriously impacted by the dirty water. Nevertheless, it is clear that many developing nations, including India, pay little regard to or care about this crucial issue. The Vidhyadhari River has become a receiver of high organic and bacteriological load of entire Kolkata City through Basanti canal. As a result, the purpose of this investigation is to evaluate how rapid urbanization and industrialization has changed the water quality of Vidhyadhari River using Canadian Water Quality Index (WQI). We have used seasonal water quality data collected at two monitoring stations (Haroa bridge and Malancha) from 2011 to 2020 to study the water quality of Vidhyadhari River. Results of the study indicated that the annual WQI value of Haroa brigde ranged between 21.62...
Agriculture Waste Management and Bioresource, Dec 9, 2022
Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2022
Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2022
Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2022
Encyclopedia of Green Materials, 2022

International Journal on Environmental Sciences, 2013
Studies on the physicochemical characteristics of the diesel fed loco-shed pond adjacent to Bardd... more Studies on the physicochemical characteristics of the diesel fed loco-shed pond adjacent to Barddhaman (Burdwan) Railway Station of the Burdwan town were carried out in different seasons, i.e., winter, pre-summer, and summer during the year of 2009 - 2010. Sampling was done from the pre-determined four points (P1N, P2N, P3S and P4S) to evaluate the impact of oil pollution on the physicochemical status of the water body. Various physicochemical parameters were analyzed, including water temperature, water pH, water conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, chloride, total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness, BOD, COD, total iron, reactive silica, ammonia, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, nitratenitrogen, sulfate, TDS, TSS and, oil and grease content of the water. Oil and grease content is very high in the summer season. The main inlet point of discarded diesel in this pond is P3S, where oil concentration is very high up to 6000 mg.L−1.
Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences.

Groundwater is an important source for drinking water and its quality is a critical issue around ... more Groundwater is an important source for drinking water and its quality is a critical issue around the world. Groundwater quality is affected by different natural as well as anthropogenic processes. As no significant work appears to have been done in hydrogeochemistry of ground water in different villages of Sanganer Tehsil, Jaipur, Rajasthan, prompted us to undertake a systematic study of the area. The study on hydrochemical facies indicated that cations were dominated by sodium-potassium type; anions were dominated by carbonate-bicarbonate and chloride type ones. Most of the groundwater samples were found to be saline in nature with high SAR value. These indicators point out to sodium hazard in the soil, when used for irrigation purpose. However, general hydrochemical parameters indicated that most of the samples were within the maximum permissible limits for drinking water. Correlation matrix showed relationships of varied types between different hydrochemical parameters. Parameter...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Mar 30, 2022

Almix 20WP, a sulfonylurea herbicide is frequently used to control weeds in the agricultural fiel... more Almix 20WP, a sulfonylurea herbicide is frequently used to control weeds in the agricultural fields. Almix 20WP herbicide is the combination of 10% metsulfuronmethyl and 10% chlorimuronethyl. Indiscriminate use of herbicide may cause harmful effects on non-target aquatic organisms e.g., fish in the adjacent aquatic bodies. Histopatological, histochemical and enzymological alterations in the stomach and intestine of non-target teleost Anabas testudineus (Cuvier) were studied after chronic exposure of Almix 20WP herbicide in the laboratory condition. Fishes were treated with Almix 20WP herbicide at a sublethal dose 66 mg/l for 45 days. Histopathological alterations included distortion of columnar epithelial cells (CEC), damage of gastric glands in the stomach. In intestine, histopathological changes included distortion of columnar epithelial cells (CEC) and secretion of mucus. Acid and neutral mucin content slightly reduced in stomach as confirmed by PAS-AB test in the histochemical study. Acid mucin content was reduced but neutral mucin content was present in a good amount. Digestive enzymes (amylase, protease, and lipase) activities were significantly reduced (p<0.05) after under the laboratory condition after exposure of Almix 20 WP herbicide.
Papers by Dr.Tarakeshwar Senapati
nutrition at certain concentration. In the natural environment, Selenium occurs in different
oxidative states i.e., +6, +4, 0 and – 2, which influence its physical, biochemical and
toxicological properties. Selenium plays significant role in functioning of the immune
system, metabolic system and reproductive systems of biological organisms but chronic
exposure of Selenium at elevated concentration may cause different ecotoxicolocal
impacts in biological organisms such as fish, birds, mammals etc. The ecotoxicity of
Selenium is influenced by bioaccumulation, biotransformation, and cycling of Selenium in
food chains. Chronic exposure of Selenium at higher concentration in human may cause
selenosis with symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, muscle aches and hair and nail
damage or loss. Elevated level of Selenium occurs in environment mainly due to different
anthropogenic activities e.g., combustion of fossil fuel (primarily coal), irrigation of
seleniferous soil, mining of coal, uranium, gold, silver, phosphate, nickel etc., as well as
different industrial activity like electronics, glass, pigment, metallurgical . Elevated level
of selenium can also be found in higher geologic concentrations. In this article,
ecotoxicological impacts of selenium contamination in different biological organisms is
reviewed which will be helpful for environmental risk assessment of Selenium for the
scientific community.
nutrition at certain concentration. In the natural environment, Selenium occurs in different
oxidative states i.e., +6, +4, 0 and – 2, which influence its physical, biochemical and
toxicological properties. Selenium plays significant role in functioning of the immune
system, metabolic system and reproductive systems of biological organisms but chronic
exposure of Selenium at elevated concentration may cause different ecotoxicolocal
impacts in biological organisms such as fish, birds, mammals etc. The ecotoxicity of
Selenium is influenced by bioaccumulation, biotransformation, and cycling of Selenium in
food chains. Chronic exposure of Selenium at higher concentration in human may cause
selenosis with symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, muscle aches and hair and nail
damage or loss. Elevated level of Selenium occurs in environment mainly due to different
anthropogenic activities e.g., combustion of fossil fuel (primarily coal), irrigation of
seleniferous soil, mining of coal, uranium, gold, silver, phosphate, nickel etc., as well as
different industrial activity like electronics, glass, pigment, metallurgical . Elevated level
of selenium can also be found in higher geologic concentrations. In this article,
ecotoxicological impacts of selenium contamination in different biological organisms is
reviewed which will be helpful for environmental risk assessment of Selenium for the
scientific community.