
Stop the stray pencils from destroying your hard work!
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Rescue kittens lost in the depths of the dungeon
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Launch your Cat to the heavens above! For the '20 Second Game Jam'
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Escape Facility 201; A Mini Monochrome Metroidvania Made in Godot
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Animated Idle for the Slimy bro
4 different, Open and closed chests.
5 different speech bubble Emotes
It's two sprites free to use in any of your projects.
Two sprites of a garden pot
Free to use in any of your games!
Royalty free Sprite work
Think Tavern with a Tap, instead of a sealed barrel. Free to use in your games.
Royalty free art to use in your games
An .png you can use in your game dev.
Use this art in your games!
You can use this asset in your games
I was struggling on my last sprite, so I made a cup.
Two more Trees for your Sprite needs
Two small 16x sprites free to use in your games!
Use this asset in your games. CC license
A series of daily assets.
Use this art in your games, or suggest what else you'd like to see!
Free to use under CC license. Suggest other Assets!
Use this art in your games!
Creative Commons Asset for you games. It's a .png
It might be more of a small tree, CC BY for your games.
Need a free sprite? Feel free to comment!
A cracked skull, Use this in your games!
Use this in your Game! or edit it.
a .png for your sprite needs
It's a .png ready for your games
Im building a collection of free to use Assets for games
Use this asset in your games!
Use this Sprite in your games!
A running series of daily free asset uploads.
Free 2d PixelArt Spirte (16x32)

Supported by SkaldingDelight

Games I Finished

Assets Made by SkaldingDelight