Tento plugin nebol testovaný s najnovšími 3 hlavnými vydaniami WordPress. Už nemusí byť udržiavaný alebo podporovaný a môže mať problémy s kompatibilitou pri použití s novšími verziami WordPress.

WP Mailgun SMTP


An SMTP service is must in order to resolve the deliverability issues, limitations, you face while sending emails through your WordPress website.

With an SMTP service, seamless email deliverability directly from your WordPress website becomes a reality.

Mailgun WP SMTP plugin connects Mailgun to your WordPress website and bypasses the default wp_mail() PHP function in WordPress and sends your email via Mailgun SMTP service.

Now the Mailgun SMTP service will take charge of your emails, and make sure your emails will be delivered at maximum.

SMTP interacts with the email server and validates your emails as per the server protocols. You might have several question peeking in your mind. Here are several good articles as reference and they may help you otherwise –
* **Cheap SMTP Servers
* **Best SMTP Relay Services

What is SMTP? Why it is required?

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in simple terms, is a proper infrastructure for sending emails.

SMTP helps deliver your emails in a more authentic manner to bring about a better delivery rate. Otherwise several numerous reasons may cause your emails to fall in your user’s ‚spam emails‘ folder, or remain undelivered.

Maximum of your clients use email service either of Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc. They have insanely enormous email transfers to manage, and they have strict rules to prevent spam emails from reaching their users.

With an SMTP service, you satisfy their protocol, and get your emails delivered right in your client’s inbox. It handles all of the heavy lifting to bring about a better of email delivery rate.

So you know the importance of using a dedicated SMTP service. Now, this Mailgun SMTP WP plugin lets you add more facility to your WordPress website, if you use Mailgun SMTP service. However, there are serveral smtp service providers also available.

Below are some more sources of information that you might need in this regard.

Plugin Features:

Simply Add Username and Password and start delivering emails through Mailgun.

You can also change the „from email“ address and „from name“.

Hostname: Hostname field will be automatically pre-filled.
Username: Add SMTP username that’s been provided by Mailgun for sending emails.
Password: Add SMTP password to connect with Mailgun.
Protocol: Protocol field will be automatically pre-filled.


  • Screenshot of Email and SMTP options.
  • Screenshot of test email option.


  1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress site.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Set the options like From Email, From Name, Return Path, Username and Password etc, inside the plugin options by going to Settings -> Mailgun SMTP
  4. Send a test email to check everything is working properly.
  5. Enjoy

Časté otázky

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress site.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Set the options like From Email, From Name, Return Path, Username and Password etc, inside the plugin options by going to Settings -> Mailgun SMTP
  4. Send a test email to check everything is working properly.
  5. Enjoy


12. februára 2018
3 points : Your password is stored in clear text Just sends an email for testing the smtp connection, but does not run a complete test as some other smtp integration plug-ins do Does not propose the mailgun API It is just to propose another email service, as competitor of mailgun.com
Prečítať 2 recenzie

Prispievatelia a vývojári

“WP Mailgun SMTP” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


Zoznam zmien


  • Initial Release


  • Added a new SMTP server link.


  • Tested with the new version of WordPress and also added a new message.= 1.0.3 =* Added the admin notice function.


  • Added the admin notice function.


  • Updated to latest version of WordPress.


  • Updated to latest version of WordPress.