A powerful data-driven App Builder with an intuitive Table Builder, a highly customizable Form Builder and interactive Chart support. Apps can operate on both the back-end and front-end, with simple authorization management based on WordPress user and role principles. The App Builder supports 35 languages to localize your apps.
App Builder
Unlock the simplicity of building powerful apps with our App Wizard. Customize effortlessly with our suite of Builders, Managers, and Wizards for complete control.
- Build dynamic, data-driven apps for both front-end and back-end
- Run apps in 35 languages to reach a global audience
- Create fully customizable data tables for precise data display with the Table Builder
- Design grid-based forms for streamlined data management with the Form Builder
- Add multi-level master-detail relationships effortlessly with the Relationship Wizard
- Edit data instantly with inline editing
- Create lookups in a snap with the Lookup Wizard
- Implement real-time, updatable computed fields with the Computed Field Wizard
- Enable real-time aggregations for up-to-the-minute insights
- Customize apps seamlessly with theme support with the Theme Builder
- Powerful filtering options on global and column levels
- Integrate charts for robust data analysis
- Add custom JavaScript hooks for advanced customization
- Manage roles and permissions with WordPress-based user authorization
- Access the WordPress media library for enhanced functionality
- Export to PDF, CSV, JSON, XML, SQL, and Excel
- Real-time build and run capabilities
- Optimized for large tables
- Connect to local and remote databases through a visual interface
- Execute SQL queries directly from the WordPress dashboard
- Enjoy a fully responsive design for any device
Data Explorer
Take control of your data with our intuitive, GUI-driven Data Explorer that lets you seamlessly manage both local and remote databases right from your WordPress dashboard.
- Effortlessly manage data across local and remote databases
- Global search and replace across multiple databases and tables
- Easily import SQL and CSV files, with ZIP support for handling large datasets
- Export data in various formats, including SQL, CSV, JSON, and XML—even for large tables
- Perform essential table actions like rename, copy, truncate, drop, optimize, and alter
- Unlock advanced table and column options, such as geolocation, inline editing, and enhanced search
- Transform data management from complex to effortless with a tool designed for both flexibility and precision
SQL Query Builder
Run SQL queries directly within WordPress.
- Execute multiple SQL queries with tabbed workflows for seamless multitasking
- Save and reuse queries for data tables and charts
- Built-in safeguards to protect WordPress tables and data integrity
- Ready to optimize? Explore the intuitive Visual Query Builder for easy query creation, even without SQL expertise
Premium Data Services
Effortlessly connect, sync, and manage remote databases and data files.
- Seamlessly compatible with all plugin features
- Premium Remote Connection Wizard for fast, no-fuss setup
- Remote Databases: Connect to SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, and MS Access (file-based)
- Remote Data Files: Sync with CSV, JSON, and XML files for dynamic updates (e.g., Google Sheets sync)
Plugin Settings
Detailed settings for managing the user interface and behavior.
- Tailor your experience with a wide range of detailed settings to control both the user interface and functionality of the plugin
Legacy Tools
Soon replaced by the App Builder.
- Available until at least summer 2025
- Use to maintain old solutions
- Use App Builder for new projects
Dashboards and Widgets
Customizable widgets for dashboards (back-end), webpages (front-end), and external websites. (functionality will be moved to App Builder)
- Centralized data management
- Share data widgets anywhere
- Give specific users and user groups access to locked dashboards
- Support for user-created dashboards
- Cost-effective Business Intelligence solution
Geolocation search
Create searchable geolocation maps from database tables. (functionality will be moved to App Builder)
- Google Maps integration – Seamlessly incorporate Google Maps for geolocation features
- Customizable settings – Tailor map settings for each database table to fit your needs
- DataTables integration – Combine with DataTables for enhanced functionality
- Adjustable radius search map – Enable users to perform searches within a customizable radius
Useful Links
(1) Upload the WP Data Access plugin to your WordPress site
(2) Activate the plugin
(3) Navigate to the WP Data Access menu
And you’re all set!
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Zoznam zmien
- Released 2025-02-24
- Added: Key icon to primary key fields
- Improved: Layout hook settings
- Fixed: Allow hiding mandatory fields that have a default value
- Fixed (with limitations): Media library window shows behind modal form window
- Fixed: Changing grid settings requires reload
- Fixed: Table footer not visible in full-screen mode
- Released 2025-02-17
- Updated: Documentation links
- Fixed: Charts showing Chart Builder icon for non-admin users
- Fixed: Row export to SQL not working from Data Explorer
- Fixed: Builder icon visibility fails with multiple shortcodes on same page
- Fixed: Start app in fullscreen mode
- Released 2025-02-06
- Added: Element ID’s to improve end-to-end testing
- Added: Autocompletion to column filter
- Improved: Add metadata server side to improve app load time on public pages
- Improved: Skip LOV rest api call with client-side processing
- Improved: State management large table support
- Improved: State management server/client-side processing
- Fixed: Invalid row count after insert and delete with server-side processing
- Fixed: Invalid row count update with search panes and server-side processing
- Fixed: Invalid row count on search with client side processing
- Fixed: Multi-select column filter and search panes not working with client-side processing
- Fixed: Search panes for lookups not working with client-side processing
- Released 2025-01-27
- Added: Chart configuration to Table Settings
- Added: Chart integration with data table
- Added: Link to online roadmap
- Improved: On open form jump, to form top
- Improved: Hints on copy and export app
- Removed: Hooks, Charts and Theme from Data Explorer menu
- Fixed: Predefined search builder criteria not working
- Fixed: Column Filters shown twice when HEADER selected
- Fixed: Cannot use multiple URL parameters in where clause
- Fixed: Popup height incorrect in Firefox
- Fixed: Column filter update performs server request with client-side processing
- Fixed: Column filter update not seeing empty string with server-side processing
- Fixed: Column sorting performs server request with client-side processing
- Fixed: Pagination update performs server request with client-side processing
- Fixed: Inline-editing in Data Explorer returns Error 400
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2025-01-16
- Added: Allow user to interactively change table column order
- Added: Show | hide table header and footer
- Added: Sticky header and footer
- Added: Limit input size textarea
- Added: Redirect user after registration completed
- Added: Labels and hints to attachment/upload fields
- Added: Open form in modal window
- Added: Aggregation calculation hint text
- Added: Install function wpda_get_wp_user_id() from Data Explorer – Manage Databases
- Fixed: Alignment of several types of input fields
- Fixed: Client-Side processing not working in Data Explorer
- Fixed: Date fields not localized in PDF export
- Fixed: Import detail apps not working with MySQL V8
- Fixed: Undefined rest api action causes Data Explorer crash
- Fixed: Empty theme settings panel shown for relationships
- Fixed: External CSS overwrites fieldset and legend styles
- Fixed: Missing super-admin capabilities
- Fixed: Blocked aria-hidden on an element because its descendant retained focus
- Released 2025-01-02
- Fixed: PDF export not working with inline editing enabled columns
- Released 2024-12-31
- Added: Client-Side processing
- Added: Export all rows (client-side processing)
- Added: Duration input element for storing durations up to 99 hours in the MySQL time format
- Added: Hide powered by label in PDF footer
- Fixed: Math function requires two values
- Fixed: Computed field output in PDF
- Released 2024-12-28
- Fixed: Lookups blank in PDF
- Fixed: Handle local storage exceptions
- Released 2024-12-24
- Added: New onAppOpen and onAppClose hooks
- Added: Requery table programmatically
- Improved: PDF export and user interface
- Fixed: Expanded rows not closed on page change
- Fixed: Aggregation decimals
- Fixed: NO_TABLE_OPTIONS is deprecated in MySQL V8
- Released 2024-12-18
- Added: Enable|disable embedded HTML in text columns
- Added: Customizable height for multi line text fields
- Added: Default user adjustable column filter value
- Fixed: Cannot save legacy tool status with free version
- Fixed: Lovs not unescaping HTML characters
- Fixed: Lookups not unescaping HTML characters
- Fixed: Input font sizing not working
- Fixed: When adding a new row, dropdown fields that set to be non-editable or hidden still appear visible and editable
- Fixed: Date localization UK not working correctly
- Fixed: Selection checkboxes visibility not toggled when fullscreen toggled
- Fixed: Plain text hyperlink not processed correctly
- Fixed: App type search not working when text search is empty
- Fixed: Form not showing if default where contains error
- Fixed: Give a proper console error when table lookup fails
- Fixed: 1:1 relationship issues
- Fixed: Search & replace gives no results for remote databases
- Fixed: Invalid hyperlink format throws error and shows blank screen
- Fixed: Change order direction handling
- Changed: Builder menu structure to accommodate more menu items
- Changed: Math library to reduce bundle size
- Optimized: Client bundle
- Optimized: Store handling
- Optimized: Lazy load language files
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2024-11-28
- Added: Table component reference to table hooks
- Added: Parameter pp-page to jump to specific page on page load
- Added: Allow inline editing with row update disabled
- Added: Save button to table header for inline updates
- Added: Hide auto-increment columns during insert if visibility = off
- Fixed: Missing form column code causes fatal error
- Fixed: WPDAVAR and WDPATMP no longer working in SQL Query Builder
- Fixed: Insert fails when primary key contains and auto_increment and additional columns
- Fixed: Global search not working in free version
- Fixed: Less than character not unescaped
- Fixed: Lookup wizard update does not update related tables and columns
- Changed: Freemius SDK integration
- Optimized: Bundles and store
- Released 2024-11-15
- Fixed: Apply + OK buttons not working after closing Form Builder
- Fixed: Null value validation not triggered on update
- Fixed: All legacy tools removed from toolbar
- Released 2024-11-15
- Added: Enable | Disable legacy tools from tool guide page
- Added: Allow server side default values on insert
- Moved: Dashboards and Charts menu items to legacy tools section
- Fixed: Tool guide header too wide on small devices
- Fixed: Hidden elements using dashboard space
- Fixed: Trailing comma causing error with PHP7
- Fixed: Selector returns different results when called with same arguments
- Fixed: Join Builder and Relation Builder button access
- Released 2024-11-07
- Added: Charts to App Builder
- Added: Rename database feature
- Added: Allow computed fields in forms as own element (instead of inside an input element)
- Added: Tip to improve performance on first table load
- Improved: Usability builder column icons
- Fixed: Pagination issue, next button not clickable on second page
- Fixed: Fields with inline editing enabled reflect first row value when second row is filtered
- Fixed: Column header to wide when inline search in header is enabled
- Fixed: Default full screen not defined
- Fixed: Row count issue with large table support
- Fixed: Missing mandatory column does not show error on insert
- Fixed: Passing incorrect form mode
- Fixed: Disable inline editing for parent ID column
- Fixed: Populating M2M list returns unknown column in field list
- Fixed: Insert M2M form using auto increment column
- Fixed: Lookup relation tables returning bad request
- Fixed: Mandatory columns not in forms prevent saving data
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2024-10-16
- Added: Registration form
- Added: Save view selection in App Builder
- Added: Cascading app deletion
- Added: Allow user to show | hide table columns
- Optimized: Hook editor updates to prevent unnecessary re-renders
- Changed: Bulk action column selection showing labels instead of column names
- Fixed: Join and relation table settings not saved correctly
- Fixed: Class names for styles not applied to lookup fields
- Fixed: XML export not processing null values correctly
- Fixed: App copy missing multi-level relationships
- Fixed: App export missing multi-level relationships
- Fixed: App export missing WordPress table prefix
- Fixed: App copy Data App missing detail apps
- Fixed: App export Data App missing detail apps
- Fixed: Responsiveness of data tables also set to scroll for views
- Fixed: Column filter layout when field layout is filled
- Fixed: Default detail panel overflow on mobile devices
- Fixed: Media button labels in Form Builder DELETE and SELECT not translated
- Fixed: Disable column render hook for computed fields
- Fixed: Border radius first line App Builder and Data Explorer incorrect
- Fixed: Color button labels in header
- Fixed: Border radius incorrect App Builder and Data Explorer
- Fixed: Null pointer exception on toLowerCase
- Fixed: Handle references to deleted apps
- Fixed: Cannot open table builder for data explorer
- Fixed: Show more button relation table
- Fixed: Cleanup relation table references on cancel
- Fixed: Column filter processing join and relation table columns
- Fixed: App crashes when filter is changed on detail table
- Fixed: Special characters added to column label end are moved to the front in detail view
- Fixed: Searchbox highlight replicating selected values
- Fixed: Last column disappears when it is invisible and a computed field is added
- Removed: Refresh icon from table table when inline editing is enabled
- Removed: Copy/export data apps (copy only real containers)
- Removed: Redundant free code from premium version (does not affect free version)
- Updated: Opt-in icons
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2024-09-17
- Added: Manage relationships from Table Builder and Form Builder
- Added: Selectable density state to App Builder and Data Explorer
- Added: Force aggregations to use column localization settings
- Added: Start apps in full screen mode
- Fixed: Reapply theme settings to app after switching
- Fixed: App Builder record lists subtract 1 day from date fields
- Fixed: Fatal error when disabling full lookup on startup
- Fixed: Column border missing in table and form builder
- Fixed: Lookup value substitution not working correctly when lookup return just one value
- Fixed: Computed field duplicated when applied multiple times on creation
- Fixed: Menu item not focusable
- Fixed: Row selection checkbox shown above row action icons when scrolling
- Fixed: Hidden columns shown when responsiveness is set to scrollbar
- Changed: Row selection column no longer pinned
- Changed: Show icon buttons on toolbar instead of buttons on small devices
- Changed: App Builder layout
- Updated: Freemius SDK= 5.5.13 =
- Released 2024-09-08
- Fixed: Events on computed fields lost
- Fixed: Textarea padding
- Fixed: Responsive column hiding
- Fixed: Padding right TH, TD
- Fixed: Table overflow issues
- Released 2024-09-05
- Fixed: Relation table not shown when using artificial primary key
- Fixed: Relation table join condition missing table names
- Fixed: Date not localized
- Fixed: Explicitly set background fixed columns
- Fixed: Removed migration message from Data Designer toolbar
- Fixed: Auto complete internal key mismatch
- Fixed: Image size in data table
- Added: Export to PDF icon to detail panel
- Added: Column selection in bulk actions exports
- Added: A number of hooks to customize data table layout and behaviour
- Changed: Detail panel layout
- Changed: App Builder layout
- Changed: Data Explorer layout
- Released 2024-08-22
- Fixed: Super admin cannot access sub site
- Fixed: Divi styling issues
- Fixed: Elementor styling issues
- Fixed: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‚toLocaleLowerCase‘)
- Fixed: Full screen data app not showing table correctly
- Fixed: Inline auto save columns not saving properly
- Fixed: Cannot use % character in where clause lookups
- Fixed: Pagination rows per page setting not updated
- Fixed: M:M relationships losing primary key values
- Added: View Data Apps structure in App Builder
- Added: Copy shortcode to App Builder actions
- Added: App actions menu to the App Builder
- Added: Pagination display options: top, bottom, or both
- Added: Support for thousand and decimal separators in numeric input fields
- Added: Enhanced language support for date, time, and numeric fields
- Added: CodeMirror integration for writing computed field implementations
- Added: JavaScript and HTML support to Code Mirror
- Added: Hint to old table and form builders to prevent confusion
- Added: Inline data viewing with a detail panel
- Added: WordPress and plugin table information to the Data Explorer
- Changed: Builder resizing behaviour
- Removed: View row id from data table
- Removed: App foreign key constraints
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2024-07-30
- Fixed: Localization not available for date columns
- Fixed: Increase specificity table style
- Fixed: Form Builder icon always visible for master-detail relationships
- Fixed: Highlighting not working if inline HTML is enabled
- Fixed: React findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode
- Fixed: Invalid data type on column filter
- Fixed: Cannot reorder details
- Fixed: Cannot add column filter for hidden columns
- Fixed: Relationship display type updates not detected
- Fixed: App Manager asking for confirmation after shortcode generation
- Fixed: Inline field settings not applied
- Fixed: Undefined table settings on multi level master-detail
- Fixed: App pages on back-end missing CSS styling
- Moved: Changelog to readme (making it available online)
- Added: New app type „app container“ to bundle apps into one main app
- Added: Apps to repository backup and restore
- Added: Tool replacement info.
- Added: Premium color gold to plugin menu icon.
- Added: Tool guide page also containing FAQs
- Added: Let import container wait until all databases are loaded
- Added: Added lookup placeholders to computed fields
- Added: Custom shortcode parameter support
- Added: Make computed field label in Form editable from columns list
- Added: Container ID to increase CSS specificity
- Added: Classname pp-fullscreen to body element when entering full screen mode
- Released 2024-07-16
- Fixed: Adding a search pane to a column with lookup requires a full table reload
- Fixed: Page scrolls down when keys f, s, t, v pressed in search boxes
- Fixed: Autocomplete not correctly showing for lookup columns with field layout set to filled or standard
- Fixed: Null value in LOV returns an empty list item
- Fixed: Filter mode ‚between inclusive‘ for datetime not working correctly (same results as inclusive)
- Improved: Language files loaded moved to JSON format and loaded at runtime to improve performance
- Improved: Many textual improvements (hints, examples, labels)
- Improved: Uniformized layout and style of all field types and modes
- Improved: Computed field calculations and display
- Added: Several CSS classes for custom styling
- Added: Customize column filters width
- Added: Customize column filters ordering
- Added: Customize default page size
- Added: Customize available page sizes
- Added: Search panes
- Added: Cascading searches for lookups and lovs
- Added: Custom color picker to theme settings
- Added: HTML and JS support to computed fields
- Added: URL parameter support
- Added: Shortcode parameter support
- Added: Ability to disable full screen mode
- Added: Workaround for app preview not loading styles in Divi Visual Builder (showing no preview message instead)
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2024-07-02
- Fixed: Lookup search
- Fixed: User can hide column filter by clicking on filter icon even when hiding is disabled
- Fixed: Filter match highlight
- Added: Shortcode parameter to disable builders on front-end
- Added: Show column filters in table column header
- Added: Lookups missing to export
- Added: Computed fields to export
- Added: Filter match highlight to lookup columns
- Added: Column alignment to PDF export
- Added: PDF orientation and style selection
- Added: Full app localization (containing 35 languages)
- Added: Export apps
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2024-06-20
- Post fix: Copy app not copying details
- Post fix: New record added twice for m:m relationship
- Fixed: Force user to select at least one column on app creation or update
- Fixed: Force user to select at least one column on lookup creation or update
- Fixed: Force user to select at least one column on relationship creation or update
- Fixed: Plugin does not register lookup changes
- Fixed: Empty detail blocks visible on master insert
- Fixed: Wrong (local) date in data table (converted to UTC)
- Fixed: Row selection toggled on inline editing fields
- Fixed: Builder buttons on detail form visible to non admins
- Fixed: Media Library window appears behind the form when triggered
- Changed: Export table or app name instead of app id
- Added: Copy app link and icon
- Added: Bulk actions for views
- Added: M:m relation to App Builder
- Added: Kill token property to chart widget
- Released 2024-05-28
- Fixed: Lookup values not shown in exports
- Fixed: Export to pdf adds an empty column
- Fixed: Details not shown to non admin users
- Fixed: View action for tables without primary key and views
- Fixed: Table cell colors incorrect with multiple apps on one page
- Fixed: WordPress media library usage not working on insert
- Fixed: Rename view not working
- Fixed: Drop view not working
- Fixed: Link tooltips in Data Explorer not completely visible
- Fixed: Media type update not working
- Fixed: Server side updates not synced on client
- Fixed: Sending non-updatable fields to server
- Fixed: Column filters empty and not empty not working with lookups
- Fixed: Column positioning not working with full screen master-detail
- Fixed: Reduce margin bottom of error panel in Data Explorer
- Added: Alter table action to new Data Explorer
- Added: Change PDS refresh interval to new Data Explorer
- Added: Manage databases to Data Explorer
- Added: Premium Data Services access to new Data Explorer
- Added: Change font size of input fields, labels and hints
- Added: Monitor updates in App Manager
- Added: Refresh columns button to App Manager
- Added: Adjustable elevation to app containers
- Added: Use WordPress date and time format in tables
- Added: Sync root app theme with detail app theme in real time
- Added: SQL and ZIP file import to Data Explorer
- Added: Bulk actions to Data Explorer
- Added: Elevation to Papers, Cards and App Bars
- Added: Persistent search criteria in Data Explorer and App Builder
- Released 2024-05-15
- Improved: Column filter support
- Improved: Several builder hints
- Improved: App responsiveness
- Fixed: Cannot use view in lookups
- Fixed: Master-detail key issue
- Fixed: Database column default constraints not used
- Fixed: Lookups not used in global search
- Fixed: Multi select drop down list not working
- Fixed: Position apps list when opening App Builder
- Fixed: Error on column filter change
- Fixed: Cannot open computed field accordion
- Fixed: Column filter between not working
- Fixed: JSON parse error in Data Explorer
- Released 2024-05-08
- Added: Inherited font family from page
- Added: Show more|less button
- Added: Column default value
- Added: Master-detail display type
- Added: Inline HTML support to table cells
- Added: Examples to setting blocks
- Improved: Relationship configuration
- Improved: Lookup configuration
- Fixed: Date/time localization not working
- Fixed: Prefill parent data in child component
- Fixed: Lookup not respecting required constraint
- Released 2024-04-19
- Added: 1:1 and 1:n relationships to App Builder
- Fixed: Added client version number to prevent caching old client files
- Fixed: Geomap not working with block-based themes (Ian)
- Updated: Freemius SDK
- Released 2024-04-18
- Added: Pre-release new App Builder
- Fixed: URL parameter % usage
- Released 2024-01-25
- Added: Pre-release new Data Explorer
- Added: REST API drop-down multi-select inline search
- Added: REST API drop-down inline search
- Changed: REST API inline search and estimated row count
- Updated: Freemius SDK
< 5.4.0
- See changelog.txt in plugin folder