Supawiki migrator: the easy way to migrate data to Supawiki
The official Supawiki plugin allows you to export your WordPress data in a JSON format that can be imported by Supawiki.
Features overview
The Supawiki migrator plugin will export as much blog and publication data as it can into a clean set of exported files.
- Posts, pages, tags and authors are all automatically exported and recreated for Supawiki;
- Tags will be migrated, but not categories. If needed you can convert your categories to tags before exporting;
- Supawiki does not have built-in comments;
- No custom fields, meta, shortcodes, post types, taxonomies or binary files will be migrated. Just regular posts, pages, tags and images;
- Passwords are not migrated – after importing to Supawiki, each user may perform a password reset to gain access to their Supawiki account.
Docs & Support
You can find docs and more detailed information about Supawiki on supawiki.com.
Further Reading
For more information about Supawiki and for help about getting started with the platform, check out:
- Supawiki official homepage
- Supawiki support
- Use the Add New Plugin in the WordPress admin area
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Access the exporter functionality under
Tools -> Export to Supawiki
Časté otázky
How do I use this?
Install it, then go to Tools -> Export to Supawiki.
Pre tento plugin nie sú žiadne recenzie.
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“Supawiki” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
PrispievateliaPreložiť „Supawiki“ do vašho jazyka.
Máte záujem o vývoj?
Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.
Zoznam zmien
- Review
Fixed security issues appointed by the plugin reviewers.
- Initial implementation
Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2024 Supawiki – Released under the GNU General Public License.