
This plugin sends SMS messages to the administrator’s or client’s phone about events on the site, including order tracking in the WooCommerce plugin, Contact Form 7 plugin, and more through the „SMS-fly“ service


SMS notifications about events on the site.

  • Notification about the publication of a new post.
  • Notification about post updates.
  • Notification when a user logs in to the site.
  • Notification about the installation of a new plugin.
  • Notification about plugin updates.
  • Notification about the installation of a new theme.
  • Notification about theme updates.

SMS notifications about orders in the WooCommerce plugin.
* Notification about a new order to the administrator’s phone.
* Notification about a new order to the client’s phone.
* Notification about the change of order status to the administrator’s phone.
* Notification about the change of order status to the client’s phone.

Notifications about events for Contact Form 7.


  1. Upload the „smsfly“ folder to the „/wp-content/plugins/“ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.


Pre tento plugin nie sú žiadne recenzie.

Prispievatelia a vývojári

“SMS-Fly” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


„SMS-Fly“ bol preložený do 2 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.

Preložiť „SMS-Fly“ do vašho jazyka.

Máte záujem o vývoj?

Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.

Zoznam zmien

* Added Polish language
* Integrated Polish site for Polish customers
* Added the ability to send messages via Viber to all integrations
* Created SMS logs page

* Added some translations

* Added interaction through new API
* Added multilingual support
* Fixed bugs and updated for the latest versions of WordPress