Tento plugin nebol testovaný s najnovšími 3 hlavnými vydaniami WordPress. Už nemusí byť udržiavaný alebo podporovaný a môže mať problémy s kompatibilitou pri použití s novšími verziami WordPress.

Publishing Checklist


Publishing Checklist is a developer tool for adding pre-flight editorial checklists to WordPress posts. Each time a user saves a post, Publishing Checklist validates that post type’s list of tasks to make sure the content is ready for release. Tasks are validated with callbacks you supply when registering tasks.


  • Checklist summaries will be displayed within a column on the Manage post screen.

  • Checklists will also be displayed within the Publish metabox on the Edit screen.


It’s a plugin! Install it like any other.

Once you’ve done so, you’ll need to register the checklist items and callbacks for your site. Here’s a simple example that checks for a featured image.


add_action( ‚publishing_checklist_init‘, function() {
$args = array(
‚label‘ => esc_html__( ‚Featured Image‘, ‚demo_publishing_checklist‘ ),
‚callback‘ => function ( $post_id ) {
return has_post_thumbnail( $post_id );
‚explanation‘ => esc_html__( ‚A featured image is required.‘, ‚demo_publishing_checklist‘ ),
‚post_type‘ => array( ‚post‘ ),
Publishing_Checklist()->register_task( ‚demo-featured-image‘, $args );

Časté otázky

Where will the checklist appear?

On Manage and Edit post screens.

Does the plugin come with any default checklists?

Not yet.


3. septembra 2016 1 reply
The idea is great and probably the best implementation in the editor I have seen. However, it does not do the job. Creators, please keep supporting this plugin 🙂
Prečítať 2 recenzie

Prispievatelia a vývojári

“Publishing Checklist” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


Zoznam zmien

0.1.0 (June 26, 2015)