Plugin Toggle


For those times when you’re too lazy to visit the Plugins screen to toggle a plugin on or off.

It’s also helpful when troubleshooting:

This simple plugin is awesome, especially when it comes to diagnosing problems. One of the tenants of troubleshooting WordPress is to disable every plugin and re-enable them one by one in a process of elimination.

Generally, this is accomplished by having the plugin management page in one browser tab with the front end of the website in another. When a plugin is deactivated, switch browser tabs and refresh to see if the problem disappears. Depending on the speed of your site and the number of plugins installed, this can be a cumbersome experience.

Jeff Chandler, WP Tavern

Additional Resources


  • Toolbar dropdown listing plugins to toggle.


Install Plugin Toggle like any other plugin. Check out the codex if you have any questions.


17. júna 2023
I found this looking for a way to toggle Query Monitor to only use when debugging speed issues, since Query Monitor is a best of a plugin, an you don’t want it running all the time, since it does cause significant Admin slowdown while using. Same of many other Admin or infrequent use plugins. You want them installed, ready for occasional use, but not in day to day operations. Other’s useful to know and toggle: Code Profiler, Black Bar, Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall, Wider Admin Menu (sometimes overlaps some plugins not recognising this tweak), User Switching, Index WP MySWL for Speed, and many other occasional use plugins. Thank you for your service. Another great example of how Wordpress’s vast community hive-mind experiences and solves. 👍 PS: Be even more amazing if you could make it work with the other very helpful „Plugin Groups“.
22. júla 2022
Systématiquement installé sur tout site que j’utilise
24. marca 2019
Thank you for the amazing plugin, it is a great tool for developers! I’m really glad I found this plugin, it saves a lot of time, I usually go to the admin plugins page to activate or deactivate plugins, I do that all the time while developing but this plugin is a big helper. Thank you!
21. augusta 2017
This is very handy for toggling plugins on and off for diagnosis, or for solutions that require temporarily re configuring your plugin set. Good for trialing several plugins in the same genre, by setting them up, then switching them in or out of the setup. Nice big multi-column list of all the plugins, reduces the amount of scrolling to see them all. This is good, and getting better. Thank you
6. mája 2017
I was in a situation where one plugin, when active, interfered with the back end update function of another plugin. My problem was it was easy to forget that I had deactivated the first plugin while working in the second plugin. Now I can quickly view the status of and reactivate any deactivated plugin.
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Zoznam zmien

1.3.1 – December 27, 2016

  • Listed plugins vertically in columns to make scanning easier and decrease disruption when adding or removing plugins.
  • Attempt to detect scenarios where the admin screen being viewed is unavailable after deactivating a plugin and redirect to the Manage Plugins screen instead.

1.3.0 – December 1, 2016


  • Internationalize the plugin to add support for language packs.
  • Only load JavaScript and CSS files on the frontend when the toolbar is enabled.


  • Increase the opacity of inactive plugins and bold active plugins to improve legibility.


  • Set up the plugin on init instead of plugins_loaded to prevent issues with calling current_user_can() too early.


  • Check for changes to the plugins directory or list of active plugins to determine if the cached plugins list should be refreshed.


  • Display an error on the plugins screen if there’s an issue during (de)activation.


  • URL encode redirect URLs to prevent query string conflicts.


  • Prevent a fatal error on activation due to stomping a variable passed by reference.


  • Refactored the codebase to improve performance and legibility.


  • Initial release.