Tento plugin nebol testovaný s najnovšími 3 hlavnými vydaniami WordPress. Už nemusí byť udržiavaný alebo podporovaný a môže mať problémy s kompatibilitou pri použití s novšími verziami WordPress.



The MetricRiv plugin provides a simple page that gives you a quick overview of the stats for your WordPress site and the overall stats of your WooCommerce store if you have WooCommerce installed.

This plugin allows for the creation of a connection key that can be used on MetricRiv.com to pull in metrics and make calculations on the stats for your site and store. MetricRiv also provides additional options like the ability to pull data from specific date ranges or combine the data with other 3rd party stats.

Be careful to keep the MetricRiv keys private. Anyone with access to the keys will be able to see private and sensitive stats about your site.


  1. Upload metricriv to the /wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Login to the WordPress admin panel and go to the the plugins page. On the plugins page, activate the MetricRiv plugin.
  3. Navigate to the MetricRiv > Metrics page to see the overall stats for the site.
  4. To connect the site to MetricRiv.com, go to the MetricRiv > Keys page and press the „Add New“ button.
  5. Copy the key and use it when setting up a WordPress connection on MetricRiv.com.


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Prispievatelia a vývojári

“MetricRiv” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


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  • Updates from review


  • Updates from review


  • Initial release